2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

The problem is, if lets say two athletes are the same level in swimming, one is 10% stronger in cycling and the other 10% stronger in running the running guy always finishes ahead, zero chance for the cycling one to make that difference in the cycling because the draft is so huge while its (almost) irrelevant in running.
So because the swimming margins are very slim due to the nature of the sport everything then gets back together in the cycling and then simply gets decided in the running.

That makes sense. So would a potential solution be to shuffle the order so that cycling is first?
Also another potentially stupid question - why are there 'packs' i.e. the chasing pack on the bikes came in then a good 10 minutes after the leading pack? Surely as soon as you are consigned to the chasing pack then that is it and you don't have a chance at winning so why would they even bother finishing (besides personal pride etc.)?

You train all your life to compete at the highest level, you are at the Olympics and quit the second you are behind? The honor and legacy of even just competing, let alone finishing in the Olympics is massive.
That makes sense. So would a potential solution be to shuffle the order so that cycling is first?
What? No :lol:

Apart from the fact that it's not that feasible because you'd have to change wetsuit twice instead of just shedding it once, the order simply is what it is. Drafting is not allowed in a lot of races so it's not an issue most of the times.
What? No :lol:

Apart from the fact that it's not that feasible because you'd have to change wetsuit twice instead of just shedding it once, the order simply is what it is. Drafting is not allowed in a lot of races so it's not an issue most of the times.

This is literally the first or second time I am watching the triathlon so please forgive stupid questions!
This is literally the first or second time I am watching the triathlon so please forgive stupid questions!
No worries! It's kind of a bummer in the Olympics but rarely an issue otherwise, time differences can be huge during cycling in 70.3 or full distance.
Bit of a repeat of the women's race here, we supposedly had "by far the best runner" in the lead in the run.

There's a lot of running to go here, but it would be weird for Yee to have let him go that far ahead if he had something left in the tank. Hopefully Wilde has gone too hard too early.
That makes sense. So would a potential solution be to shuffle the order so that cycling is first?
Disallow drafting is the easiest solution which they do for longer distances e.g. Ironman. Admittedly it would be quite tricky on a course like that because you have so many athletes in close proximity after the swimming anyway. Would need a really wide road course.
Another way would be to make the cycling course super hilly/mainly uphill. That way you can get more easily separation as a cyclist. But obviously also not easily doable in terms of finding the correct location etc.
Last option would be a staggered start as suggested in here already and taking each individuals time like a time trial. But that obviously makes for very meh viewing experience.
Yee just blew up after 1km, don't know why he went in so hard as he has an excellent finish in him (actually beat Wilde to silver in Tokyo after Blummenfelt placed his attack). Will be interesting to see his final running time, because he's certainly able to run in the low 29' after a race like this.
Yee just blew up after 1km, don't know why he went in so hard as he has an excellent finish in him (actually beat Wilde to silver in Tokyo after Blummenfelt placed his attack). Will be interesting to see his final running time, because he's certainly able to run in the low 29' after a race like this.

Think he will get caught by the two French athletes here.
Yee just blew up after 1km, don't know why he went in so hard as he has an excellent finish in him (actually beat Wilde to silver in Tokyo after Blummenfelt placed his attack). Will be interesting to see his final running time, because he's certainly able to run in the low 29' after a race like this.
Okay yeah, he still has that finish. Wow
Has to be said that the camera coverage of that was absolutely terrible.
Shit, I had the triathlon on with the sound down while I was working and thought Yee was miles behind the Kiwi, but just looked now and he’s won! At least watching it on Eurosport means I can rewind it and see what the hell happened
Would love to see the final 1km and 2km splits there. Did Wilde completely blow up or did Yee manage to pick it up?
A sprint finish. That's just wild. What an extraordinary finish. Congrats to Yee, but wow.
Shit, I had the triathlon on with the sound down while I was working and thought Yee was miles behind the Kiwi, but just looked now and he’s won! At least watching it on Eurosport means I can rewind it and see what the hell happened
Not with the shoddy camera work!
Not with the shoddy camera work!
Yeah, the commentators said he was still 12 seconds behind, and then the next time they mentioned him he was virtually on top of Wilde. The camera operators seemed to be more interested in the French guy in third.
incredible finish to the triathlon! Shame the camera man didn't realise it was happening!