2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

Today i learned that breaking is in the olympics...
We've never had a sprinter in a final you bastards. She ran her third best time. And yep, she's only 21. 4th is where she was going to finish all things being as they should be.
Breaking standard looks to have gone up since this afternoon although watching without sound as prioritising the athletics

Looks like there's a lot of faffing, surely you'd try and do as many moves as possible?
BBC is such garbage, still going on like KJT has a realistic chance of gold.
To be fair she’s been through a lot of shit so there’s a lot of love for her, she’s the only scouser I would get behind and support.
Reeves should have this gold medal wrapped up. I'd be surprised if Toma gets within 10kg of her on CJ. Forgot I had a crush on Palacios...
We've never had a sprinter in a final you bastards. She ran her third best time. And yep, she's only 21. 4th is where she was going to finish all things being as they should be.
LA28… there’s a few youngsters out there for GB as well are who are here a cycle too early, they have got a taste for it at least.
Think not much more KJT could have done, the long jump was the one she needed more in and just didn’t have it
They were saying on RTE she’s never ran a time as fast as the top three which says it all really. Never likely to get a medal. @moses trying to con the lot of us. Some athlete though

Apparently the endurance needed to finish strong in a 400m takes years to build. Her natural speed will get her so far but she won’t have a strong finish for a while yet. But when she does…
Six second gap or thereabouts. So close in the end. Made Thiam work for it.

KJT ran well in this one, but lost the gold in the morning.
Thiam is something else. Fantastic athlete. Well done to KJT because that's a physically gruelling event to compete in. They're all tremendous, tbf.
For a few seconds there we were ahead of France in the medal table. Their football silver puts them level with us again.
How often do the heptathletes and decathletes even do these events in a year for all these "season best" markers to even be relevant?
Did NZ take it back?

E: Nope. What a clutch throw from the Ogunleye
German woman puts out a big last shot put throw to go into good medal position. New Zealand woman seems to have followed suit!
KJT deserves that medal, really happy for her. Will she want to go for another in 4 years at her age?
How often do the heptathletes and decathletes even do these events in a year for all these "season best" markers to even be relevant?

I think that it's part of the Diamond League but I could be wrong.
Thiam is too good and the better all round athlete. Six seconds is a big gap, but a 9m throw difference is massive.
Nice to hear both Ennis and Lewis shut down reflecting on "how many seconds or inches in XX event would those points difference be?" with both saying it doesn't matter, that it's an immense effort regardless.