2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

Paulino slowed down the last 20 meters out of pity for the slowpokes in the semifinal
When they do the pole vault and start screaming in mid air after they make it over the bar I like to imagine it's because they just looked down and got scared.
Amber Anning looked decent there. Maybe an outside chance for a bronze. Would have a better chance if the drug cheat wasn’t there
Kaczmarek first in her semifinal for 400m women, Poland’a last hope for athletic medal, it would be crazy if we don’t win a single one
How does the bar weight selection happen in these weight lifting events? Seems the lifters are constantly changing their lift choice based on what the competitors are doing and/or just to mess with the competitors.
How does the bar weight selection happen in these weight lifting events? Seems the lifters are constantly changing their lift choice based on what the competitors are doing and/or just to mess with the competitors.

They have formular that they give to judges, they can change to a higher weight but can't change to a lower weight than the one currently loaded.
Team GB are going to go down as “almost men/women” this games. Seems like we’ve been pipped to 2nd or 3rd place in so many events at the smallest of margins.
I’m starting to think that the Lottery funding system is breeding too much complacency into a lot of our top athletes. They seem to be too comfortable to settle for a medal, because that’s what the system values, rather than busting a lung to be the best, which is what the Americans always seem to do.
I’m starting to think that the Lottery funding system is breeding too much complacency into a lot of our top athletes. They seem to be too comfortable to settle for a medal, because that’s what the system values, rather than busting a lung to be the best, which is what the Americans always seem to do.
Also, and this is a segue, we really don't fund basketball properly, especially as millions play it on a grassroots level.
Yep looking at the replay I'm not sure he saw him, wonder if he had the legs still to have held him off if he'd known, looked like he was tiring?
He looked like he was coasting a little bit to me. Definitely tiring but not running at his absolute max. Hall’s speed was remarkable so he might not have held him off, but he didn’t really try.
I’m starting to think that the Lottery funding system is breeding too much complacency into a lot of our top athletes. They seem to be too comfortable to settle for a medal, because that’s what the system values, rather than busting a lung to be the best, which is what the Americans always seem to do.
Maybe, but the money available in the US and the college system means the UK is massively outspent.
Why are the American athletes so much better on the track than ours? Is it due to better facilities and coaching etc? We seem to have a handful of medal chances, they seem to have very strong chances in most of the track events

Obviously population is way bigger like with China
I’m starting to think that the Lottery funding system is breeding too much complacency into a lot of our top athletes. They seem to be too comfortable to settle for a medal, because that’s what the system values, rather than busting a lung to be the best, which is what the Americans always seem to do.
The Americans also have less gold medals than either silver or bronze.
They have formular that they give to judges, they can change to a higher weight but can't change to a lower weight than the one currently loaded.
Cool! Makes for an intriguing tactical side battle to go with the power stuff
No. France are the defending champions.
Correct. I should’ve said WORLD champions, but I understand that my post was confusing.

And so this was a meeting between the W champions and the O champions. Ended in a knockout.
Team GB are going to go down as “almost men/women” this games. Seems like we’ve been pipped to 2nd or 3rd place in so many events at the smallest of margins.
Yeah, I was thinking it was just bad luck, but it just keeps happening. Most of them just seem to lack the drive and singlemindedness of someone like Keely Hodgkindon. Things obviously aren’t as bad as they were in Atlanta 1996, but the GB sports bodies need to look into this. My feeing is that too many of our athletes are coddled.
It's almost like it in schools though isn't it it's all about "taking part that counts" rather than encouraging healthy competition