2022 US Elections

Hopefully, a lot of those are people like myself. The last time I was polled, maybe 6-7 months ago, I said I was an independent (registered non-partisan) and said I didn't approve of Biden and I'm voting Dem across the board tomorrow and Karen Bass > fake Dem billionaire Caruso.
Hopefully, a lot of those are people like myself. The last time I was polled, maybe 6-7 months ago, I said I was an independent (registered non-partisan) and said I didn't approve of Biden and I'm voting Dem across the board tomorrow and Karen Bass > fake Dem billionaire Caruso.
How were you polled, cell or landline?
Nor have I.

Nor have I ever received a polling call. I'm sad.

I've had this number over 15 years now and I've used it on so many things from online purchases to large retailers to political donations like Bernie that I'm sure I'm in tons of databases. Plus, I have T-mobile and their database was hacked a few years back so there's that too
First of all how dare you.


Think I'll be following this guy during the elections, as an interesting setup
Early returns in Virginia, especially the 2nd & 7th districts, are touted to be bellwethers for the rest of the returns.

Should be an interesting upcoming month.
The Rs are flooding the zone in the RCP and 538 averages as well. Hope the Dems pull off a surprise result.
Raw numbers may sound appealing to Rs but may amount to nothing if they are not concentrated in the right places. This is how the new Conservative Party of Quebec ended up with feck all in the last provincial election.
Meh she was raised a conservative Christian so the kool sid is still in her veins.

Also isnt that illegal in some states? Taking pictures in the booth?
Here in NC there were signs all over the place warning about cell phone use. Not sure if crime, but definitely not allowed.