Redcafes Most Rested
But on what basis do you make this distinction? You could argue in a similar way about the opposite. For example, why have term limits for the House? If someone keeps his seat for 40 years, then he has "experience, wisdom, and intuition", and apparently he is well liked by his voters. I guess you think that avoiding a power hungry incumbent who stays in power for 40 years is more important for the health of our democracy than the wishes of the voters.
On the other hand, all systems have imperfections, it is just a matter of counterbalancing the positives and the negatives. An age limit of 72 for politicians is not agism. It is just a realization that the possibility of having a failing but power hungry old politician with connections is much higher than having a "wise old person who is irreplaceable".
(There is no universal agreement on term limits, either. California has a limit of 2 four-year terms a lifetime for governors, Illinois does not have any limit I think. )
How is it not? You are quite literally preventing someone, who may be completely competent, from running for office based purely on their age and not on their qualifications or capabilities. Age does not necessarily denote time spent in government, nor wisdom. President cheetoh first held office in his 70's and has the wisdom of a lobotimized lab rat.
As for term limits, they are not discriminatory as they are equally applied to anyone, regardless of age/gender/religion/etc.