2022 US Elections

It should kill his political aspiration but he has that big R next to his name and those assclowns would vote a rotted cabbage into office just to own dems and libs.

The internet badly needs a HW random comment generator.
Gotta say that I didn't think I had any fecks to give to this person, but being someone who grew up in a household where my father physically, mentally, & sexually abused my mother until i got big enough to stop it, I can feel from where he is coming...

Gotta say that I didn't think I had any fecks to give to this person, but being someone who grew up in a household where my father physically, mentally, & sexually abused my mother until i got big enough to stop it, I can feel from where he is coming...

I hate that this is making me sympathetic towards that little shit, but he's being wronged here.

america has perfected the art of turning politics into one enormously stupid and stupifying soap opera. such fecking nonsense fills your airwaves during an election cycle. yes, it's intentional, too, in case anyone was wondering.
Classic libcafe seething at low hanging fruit

based on his baseball roster sized offspring depth chart it is safe to say Super MAGA(tm) Herschel Walker’s fruit hang very low and are very full.
Classic libcafe seething at low hanging fruit

Did you ever elaborate on which way the Republicans aren't far enough to the right for your taste, Jeff? Socially, economically, immigration, abortion?

It’s kind of hilarious if this guy ends up in the US Senate.