2022 US Elections

I'm quite right leaning , though I've been rather politically apathetic for a decent time now.

Still the hatred I have for her father is enough to bring me joy.
Noted :smirk:
I'm quite right leaning , though I've been rather politically apathetic for a decent time now.

Still the hatred I have for her father is enough to bring me joy.
They both are a conservative's conservative. They embody true conservatism.

Why would a 'quite right leaning' person dislike the family? I am assuming the second Iraq war?

What are your thoughts on Trumpism?
Perfect opportunity for the repubs to say low energy dems can only beat games with cheat codes.
Know I posted this before, but want to show again who will be the sole congress person from Wyoming...

They both are a conservative's conservative. They embody true conservatism.

Why would a 'quite right leaning' person dislike the family? I am assuming the second Iraq war?

What are your thoughts on Trumpism?
Yeah you got it right, iraq.

Conservative could mean a lot of things and they certainly embody the post cold war sentiment that took over the American right, but I'm not particularly fond of that, to me it represented the utter rot that took over the party, it reduced the whole sentiment to a bankrupted ideal of just cutting taxes , getting American industry in the name of free markets, paying lip service to social conservatives without acting on it and waging destructive wars for the sake of winning elections, it's what largely led me to be politically apathetic now, they took the psot cold war opportunity and squander it.

In regards to Trumpism I don't know what to say, does it even encompasses a solid ideological standing?

If you mean the populist rationale used by them then I consider it to be just phase American politics is going through for different reasons if you mean the man himself im not particularly engaged with his cult of personality but did enjoy his frivolous nature and generally how America functioned under his government .

If anything i would be happy it's led to the goalkeeper shedding it's war mongering core but I'm not sure if that's gonna last, American right does love a good war.
Yeah you got it right, iraq.

Conservative could mean a lot of things and they certainly embody the post cold war sentiment that took over the American right, but I'm not particularly fond of that, to me it represented the utter rot that took over the party, it reduced the whole sentiment to a bankrupted ideal of just cutting taxes , getting American industry in the name of free markets, paying lip service to social conservatives without acting on it and waging destructive wars for the sake of winning elections, it's what largely led me to be politically apathetic now, they took the psot cold war opportunity and squander it.

In regards to Trumpism I don't know what to say, does it even encompasses a solid ideological standing?

If you mean the populist rationale used by them then I consider it to be just phase American politics is going through for different reasons if you mean the man himself im not particularly engaged with his cult of personality but did enjoy his frivolous nature and generally how America functioned under his government .

If anything i would be happy it's led to the goalkeeper shedding it's war mongering core but I'm not sure if that's gonna last, American right does love a good war.
So, war aside, you would be a Cheney backer, Dad & daughter?

She actually voted with Trump durinh his term more than other firebrand reps in the House.
So, war aside, you would be a Cheney backer, Dad & daughter?

She actually voted with Trump durinh his term more than other firebrand reps in the House.
Reluctantly i suppose yeah.

But that's just like asking ms Lincoln about the show.
I mean, why would you start any answer about something you do/have with "well, legitimately..."

How big does the margin have to be for Dems to keep the House, note for gerrymandering?

I'd guess it needs to be about Dem +8 or so.

Also, the above poll is probably not as accurate as others since they're polling registered voters instead of likely voters. I expect the Rs to pick up anywhere between 20-30 seats - unless of course the Dems improve the polling numbers between now and Nov.
I'd guess it needs to be about Dem +8 or so.

Also, the above poll is probably not as accurate as others since they're polling registered voters instead of likely voters. I expect the Rs to pick up anywhere between 20-30 seats - unless of course the Dems improve the polling numbers between now and Nov.
Nice. I will say I was surprised by all of the progressive political ads I saw on TV when I was in Madison last month.

If the Dems were to somehow miraculously retain the House, they may wind up with a couple of pick ups in the Senate, which would render Manchin and Sinema pointless and possibly allow Biden to launch a few more bills in the lead up to 2024.
If the Dems were to somehow miraculously retain the House, they may wind up with a couple of pick ups in the Senate, which would render Manchin and Sinema pointless and possibly allow Biden to launch a few more bills in the lead up to 2024.
Whilst that is in the window of possibilities its surely far more likely that they loose one or both of the house / senate and Biden ends up a lame duck as the dems will no doubt fracture even more if they cant get legislation passed and the question of who runs in 2024 comes to the fore. throw on top of that one or two obstructive republican majority house / senate and I would guess a matter of time before they try to impeach Biden for something
With how polarized American politics have become, it basically means that the political sharing of power between two different legislative chambers and the executive is no longer a functional system of government. It's honestly crazy that unless you control all three of them you're not going to get much done. After 2022 Biden is still going to be the President who got 7 million more votes than his opponent, and they'll probably even control the senate, but that still means the effective end of the Biden presidency as a productive government. It's untenable, but it's also basically impossible to change.
Whilst that is in the window of possibilities its surely far more likely that they loose one or both of the house / senate and Biden ends up a lame duck as the dems will no doubt fracture even more if they cant get legislation passed and the question of who runs in 2024 comes to the fore. throw on top of that one or two obstructive republican majority house / senate and I would guess a matter of time before they try to impeach Biden for something

Unless something catastrophic happens, the Senate majority for the Dems will definitely be expanded simply because most Republican candidates and incumbents are shite. Watched some of the recent polls:
  • AZ Senate: Mark Kelly (D) 50%-42% Blake Masters (R) (Fox)
  • WI Senate: Mandela Barnes (D) 51%-44% Ron Johnson (R) (Marquette)
  • PA Senate: John Fetterman (D) 51%-33% Mehmet Oz (R) (Public Opinion Strategies)
Florida is still too close to call although one of the A-rated polls put Demings in front of Rubio for the first time just a few days ago. One thing I've learned since 2000 is to never trust anything in Florida until the full result comes out.

The only place that leaves me puzzled is Georgia. I don't get is how Herschel Walker edged his way closer to Warnock and that we have no new poll in Georgia since August 7, especially with the recent bill being passed and signed in Washington. I'm also looking at the gubernatorial race in Georgia too and it's depressing to see Stacey Abrams not punching much higher. Can anyone tell me what is going on over there?
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Unless something catastrophic happens, the Senate majority for the Dems will definitely be expanded simply because most Republican candidates and incumbents are shite. Watched some of the recent polls:
  • AZ Senate: Mark Kelly (D) 50%-42% Blake Masters (R) (Fox)
  • WI Senate: Mandela Barnes (D) 51%-44% Ron Johnson (R) (Marquette)
  • PA Senate: John Fetterman (D) 51%-33% Mehmet Oz (R) (Public Opinion Strategies)
Florida is still too close to call although one of the A-rated polls put Demings in front of Rubio for the first time just a few days ago. One thing I've learned since 2000 is to never trust anything in Florida until the full result comes out.

The only place that leaves me puzzled is Georgia. I don't get is how Herschel Walker edged his way closer to Warnock and that we have no new poll in Georgia since August 7, especially with the recent bill being passed and signed in Washington. I'm also looking at the gubernatorial race in Georgia too and it's depressing to see Stacey Abrams not punching much higher. Can anyone tell me what is going on over there?
Race & Stacey being too ‘uppity.’