2022 US Elections

Imagine if they held both and didn’t just have a Sinema / Manchin slither advantage in the Senate?

I would very much like to know what the excuse would be then.
If they hold all of their seats and add 2 of Ryan/Fetterman/Barnes then either shit gets done or another "moderate" who has been hiding behind the obstructionist duo will have to come forward to suddenly begin worshiping at the altar of the filibuster.
can take your point. i'd say desantis but then is he an improvement or not? it's either going to be him or cruz if trump doesn't run and cruz is a deeply unserious politician so desantis has that over him even if his sense of seriousness comes from being a psychopath. so sort of agree on the first but the last one really isn't a stretch. the whole rotating villain thing is a fact of washington. today's bastards are sinema and manchin. in four years or whenever there'll be replacement versions. always happens. and if it wasn't for the funding of conflict interest groups behind these people you'd ignore it but dc politicians basically spend their entire lives campaigning for their next election. raising money perpetually.

The problem for DeSantis is he wants those Trump voters so he can't be as explicit in criticizing Trump. Ted Cruz is deep in Trump's pocket and will never emerge.

I don't have any doubt that corporate money flows freely into DC but the notion that there is either a) an organized effort by corporate elitesl to restrain progressive policy b) a party level effort to make promises on the campaign trail that will later be sandbagged intentionally to keep the status quo or c) a concerted effort by donors to identify one or two weak members of congress that will be bribed into voting against legislation by their own party is a bit much, it reacehs the level of other conspiracy theories, especially a).
The problem for DeSantis is he wants those Trump voters so he can't be as explicit in criticizing Trump. Ted Cruz is deep in Trump's pocket and will never emerge.

I don't have any doubt that corporate money flows freely into DC but the notion that there is either a) an organized effort by corporate elitesl to restrain progressive policy b) a party level effort to make promises on the campaign trail that will later be sandbagged intentionally to keep the status quo or c) a concerted effort by donors to identify one or two weak members of congress that will be bribed into voting against legislation by their own party is a bit much, it reacehs the level of other conspiracy theories, especially a).

but, it is quite literally a. when progressive policy equals threat to corporate profit, why would corporations not do exactly that? that's the entire point of buying candidates through pac money and other contributions so they serve your interest when elected. as for b, it happens so often that intention and function are basically mirror images. on c. not one or two, but the entire congress. who doesn't take corporate money? name them on one hand from two chambers, probably.
If they hold all of their seats and add 2 of Ryan/Fetterman/Barnes then either shit gets done or another "moderate" who has been hiding behind the obstructionist duo will have to come forward to suddenly begin worshiping at the altar of the filibuster.
There’s a queue of them.

but, it is quite literally a. when progressive policy equals threat to corporate profit, why would corporations not do exactly that? that's the entire point of buying candidates through pac money and other contributions so they serve your interest when elected. as for b, it happens so often that intention and function are basically mirror images. on c. not one or two, but the entire congress. who doesn't take corporate money? name them on one hand from two chambers, probably.

Yes all that happens but not on the level that the theory suggests. Some corporations will push back against progressive policy if it impacts them but the idea that they have an organized cabal that drives government policy is a bit much.

Politicians lie on the campaign trail, we all know this. Taking them at their world is erroneous.

I'm not sugesting they don't take corporate money, just disagreeing with the notion of bribery. Maybe a bit pedantic but whatever.
Yes all that happens but not on the level that the theory suggests. Some corporations will push back against progressive policy if it impacts them but the idea that they have an organized cabal that drives government policy is a bit much.

Politicians lie on the campaign trail, we all know this. Taking them at their world is erroneous.

I'm not sugesting they don't take corporate money, just disagreeing with the notion of bribery. Maybe a bit pedantic but whatever.
not an organised cabal. i'm not suggesting they're all best friends who meet in a dark room and plot takeovers. it's an organised class effort. they all lobby and fund politicians, which is bribery when you consider that many laws are written by these lobbyists and only signed by the politicians, to pass laws that are in the interest of their wealth, as class, and oppose laws that are not in their interest. that is how the system works. it's legalized bribery. "i'll fund your campaign if you sign off on this piece of legislation we've come up with". what makes it nefarious is that the role of the lobbyist is typically hidden.

the entire political system is destroyed with politicans beholden to the interests not only of capital but of capital that benefits them personally.
not an organised cabal. i'm not suggesting they're all best friends who meet in a dark room and plot takeovers. it's an organised class effort. they all lobby and fund politicians, which is bribery when you consider that many laws are written by these lobbyists and only signed by the politicians, to pass laws that are in the interest of their wealth, as class, and oppose laws that are not in their interest. that is how the system works. it's legalized bribery. "i'll fund your campaign if you sign off on this piece of legislation we've come up with". what makes it nefarious is that the role of the lobbyist is typically hidden.

the entire political system is destroyed with politicans beholden to the interests not only of capital but of capital that benefits them personally.

Not saying you are suggesting these things but those a, b and c options were the impression that my search of the theory left on me.

It's always been that way. The claim is that each person has representation but modern democracy always been almost exclusively for the extremely wealthy who use that wealth, power and influence to have the system cater to their interests. It's a great swindle with a bit of trickle down to the masses.
@WI_Red How will Barnes fare v. Johnson in the WI Senate race?

I think he should win. Johnson, I believe, is the only statewide GOP politician left in WI. The whole elected state government is Dem and the most recently elected state supreme court justices are Dem. The concern is that since the state is so heavily gerrymandered the GOP has an almost veto proof legislative control (insanity) so they may pull shenanigan's on the election.
Beto has mastered the viral moment. Sadly, it never translates into political capital at the polls.

It's really a shame he lives in Texas. If he lived like 15 miles away, he'd be governor or senator for NM already. I suspect the race will be fairly close, but, unless there's a huge upswing in non-voters coming out for Beto because of Roe, he's not going to win.
It's really a shame he lives in Texas. If he lived like 15 miles away, he'd be governor or senator for NM already. I suspect the race will be fairly close, but, unless there's a huge upswing in non-voters coming out for Beto because of Roe, he's not going to win.

Texas will go blue eventually. There are too many large metropolitan areas for it to stay red indefinitely imo.
Yeah - a nice tight edit and a succinct, surprising and ironic ending. Well put together.
Becca Balint - remember the name - is set to be elected to the house and become Vermont's first female member of congress. Beyond that, I suspect she will ascend to the senate in a few years and become Bernie's heir as leader of the progressive movement.
For the umpteenth time, Trump picked Wray.

I hate these people.
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Yep. Wasted so much of my 5th grade summer playing Contra, although since I played with a buddy it was Select, Start
I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of Contra. When I was in kindergarten, we had Pong on our Atari.

e - after a quick search, I remember playing this in Chuck E. Cheese. Great game.