Physical wise any insurrection are easy to handle, nobody wins against the US military or even US police if they wanted to.
But trump sadly has taken everyone hostage, he's using his Maga troops to stir up chaos, if the LEO start taking strict measures and employ a shoot on the spot beyond certain lines what long term damage it does? Depicted across the world in every MSM US military firing on their own citizen. And those Maga Nutters aren't going to just back off, they'll back off but disgruntled and forever nagging on whoever president that wasn't Trump.
At this rate, the fight between 2 america, whoever wins Americans lose
And we don't know how widespread the ideology is, even in live Camera there's a DC police that's stupid enough to take selfie with the Protester, even the likes of Senator are openly supporting the insurrection. I have no doubt that there will be MAGA supporter on every level of the government, and what damage they could do, from simple insubordination to a full blown blocking crucial resources.