2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Please let Biden win. I do fear for America in the short term though if he does win it. Can't see the trumpees taking it well.
To be fair, Biden can easily win by 80 electoral votes if he wins PA and GE. Or lose, if he loses Michigan (in which case he will lose PA and possibly Georgia). He needs N Carolina in order to go close to 100, but that doesn’t seem to happen.

Yeah it is close to the 299-239 prediction I made, which as per the 538 followers on here was "bullshit".


Oh well, we can all be glad that the Orange man is not going to win.
So he did not really do anything did he ? Whether it's voters from the left or the right, both were out in force because of Trump. Biden had nothing to do with it.

In which case to assess Biden as a candidate you have to ask whether an alternative (Sanders, say) would have got more from the demographics where Biden was weak (the Cuban diaspora in Florida I guess and I'm not sure where else) than he shed in the areas where Biden performed (I'm guessing suburbs and blue collar workers? Not sure).
Be amazing if he does it don't get me wrong. I just think it will be red.
I can understand this, with the whole 600k lead but when you consider 1.4m left to count is 1) from mainly democratic areas and 2) mailed in votes, I think it's in the balance.

I wouldn't say Trump has PA in the bag at all at this stage. Whoever wins, it will end up tight.
The sad truth is though that even if Biden wins....the senate will remain red so they just block all legislation he tries to pass just like they did with Obama for 4 years. They stick by their own no matter what.
The sad truth is though that even if Biden wins....the senate will remain red so they just block all legislation he tries to pass just like they did with Obama for 4 years. They stick by their own no matter what.

Seems pretty pointless voting in a president if there’s another system that won’t let him actually do anything.
It looks like Biden's main concern should be losing Nevada and not winning Pennsylvania or Georgia.
People said the 2016 election show that America was divided, it seems 2020 is even more divided

We're no less divided on Brexit as they are on Red vs Blue.

Labour vs Tory is a different story because Labour have managed to make themselves unelectable at a time when the Tories were scoring own goal after own goal.
Yeah it is close to the 299-239 prediction I made, which as per the 538 followers on here was "bullshit".


Oh well, we can all be glad that the Orange man is not going to win.

Trump is winning MI. Lead is not coming down fast enough.

Biden now needs to win 2/3 out of WI, PA and GA.

I think Trump is the favorite for the first time tonight.
So my final take before a couple of hours of sleep.

Base case is Biden wins AZ and NV, and Trump wins NC and MI.

We are left with WI, GA and PA

whoever wins 2/3 of those states wins.

WI is likely Trump now, the other 2 are toss-ups.

We are all right sometimes and wrong sometimes.
270towin now saying it's 227-213 for Biden due to Maine. CNN still saying 224-213.
I've missed 1 hour. My sticks are up.whats the latest folks.

In Management meetings here
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.

well the second one is fine by me. If people are getting something for themselves from Trump then good for them. It’s dog eat dog out there!
There'll be no more executive orders. No more conservative judges stacking in courts....lots of advantages still!

Oh it will be better for sure but not the restart the country and the system badly needs. Republican senators are truly some of the worst politicians known to man.
Doesn't mean much but odds have shifted considerably towards biden since the start of the evening

Looks like Nevada could be the tipping point, especially if Trump wins PA. Biden is up about 7600 votes, any forecast on the remaining?
Not until tomorrow I think. They will take all votes by mail until Friday too. Think Biden should be OK as it's mailed votes left if I'm not mistaken.
Whoever wins, the other side will bitch, moan & cry conspiracy.

In other news, water is wet.

Biden looking very likely at this point. I can’t imagine Trump taking it well. Gonna be ugly.
@oates further update there's a rather attractive blonde lassie on CNN and they've now gone over to another rather attractive blonde lassie in PA. Will keep you posted if anything else is raised.
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