2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Wouldn't a businessman running on cutting spending be more likely to steal votes away from the GOP than the current Dems?

Likely not since the GOP are now the party of Trump, where traditional Republican policies are usurped by cult of personality Trump worship. Plus Schultz's policies are more likely to be centrist Dem than GOP centric. The fact that Trump is salivating and Dems are fuming should tell you all you need to know.
The crowd fretting about Schultz is the same one who still goes ‘Perot lost H.W.Bush the election’.

Let him run, the people on the states he campaign in will appreciate the money he spends there, wealth distribution.
Likely not since the GOP are now the party of Trump, where traditional Republican policies are usurped by cult of personality Trump worship. Plus Schultz's policies are more likely to be centrist Dem than GOP centric. The fact that Trump is salivating and Dems are fuming should tell you all you need to know.

"centrist Dem"

We have enough of them in the primaries Democrats can vote for if they want. But in the GE, I don't see a pure Centrist need that will make anyone vote for him.
He is not unique or inspiring like Bernie to pull away votes.

The only ones that may come his way are actual Republicans who want no part of Trump.
Then again, Trump likely wont make it to 2020. So the choice will be between a Trump apologist v a Corker/Flake type.

Shultz may well fall between the crack.
Likely not since the GOP are now the party of Trump, where traditional Republican policies are usurped by cult of personality Trump worship. Plus Schultz's policies are more likely to be centrist Dem than GOP centric. The fact that Trump is salivating and Dems are fuming should tell you all you need to know.

Nate Silver doesn't seem so convinced.

That last Tweet is significant.
Slashing Entitlement programs? :eek::eek:

No wonder he wants out of the Trending Progressive Democratic party.
Think he only attracts Conservatives/Libertarians who want nothing to do with Trump's racist policies. Example 'The Wall'
You all have far more faith than I do in the “moderate Republican voter.” I think they’re going to double down in 2020. Dems have to win this on their own.
not supporting bds is enough to earn him a feck off from me

That is a seriously high bar for any politician. He even supports individual rights for participating in BDS instead of advocating imprisonment like the other loons do. Just don't expect others to be at your level E) boue.
That is a seriously high bar for any politician. He even supports individual rights for participating in BDS instead of advocating imprisonment like the other loons do. Just don't expect others to be at your level E) boue.

its okay to be annoyed when politicians do bad things. we dont owe them anything. they owe us.
because he doesnt support bds.
If I recall correctly-I think he said before he doesn’t support BDS not because he’s opposed to it morally in anyway, he just doesn’t see it as effective. I don’t know if that moves the needle in any way for you. Will try to find the quote

You will not find any candidate that supports every view you have.
It is therefore important to find a candidate who supports the needs of the vast majority.
In the same manner it is important not to enable the lesser of two evils.
The result is still evil.

so what? i didnt say i wouldnt vote for him. hes still wrong
feck off bernie

,,,welcome to the resistance
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