2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I can already imagine the accusations of racism and/or misogyny against Sanders if he dares to really criticize her during the campaign/debates. If she was white, she'd have no chance of winning the nomination.
I can already imagine the accusations of racism and/or misogyny against Sanders if he dares to really criticize her during the campaign/debates. If she was white, she'd have no chance of winning the nomination.

Sanders would slaughter her in a head to head
Not sure how a D.A comes to the conclusion that it's the protesters that are supposed to make her padlocks redundant.

I think it's amazing that she's taking the context totally out of this demand of schools > prisons - the fact that the US has more prisoners per-capita than (almost?) than any other country.
The approach she's pushing as something new in that speech has been the status quo for decades.
She still has the prosecutor's squinty stare and a too measured, cautious way of speaking.

Also, its clear she is going to use her middle class tax cut as the corner stone of why she is "for the people". Unfortunately that is the exactly opposite of what the bottom 80% really needs to start regaining the wealth lost. Its the campaign equivalent of bribery and the hallmark of the Republican-lite platform - hey we are just a little nicer to the middle class and support a slighter higher tax cut on the rich but otherwise we love robber baron policy.

She also can't escape from her tough on crime default rhetoric. No real mention of universal healthcare or overturning Citizens United. And she went into vagueries about climate change. She is staking out the corporate centrist middle. Hard to see Biden taking votes away from her there as she still sounds better than he does on the campaign trail.
I think it's amazing that she's taking the context totally out of this demand of schools > prisons - the fact that the US has more prisoners per-capita than (almost?) than any other country.
The approach she's pushing as something new in that speech has been the status quo for decades.
Yeah, a bit baffling. I need to inform myself more / watch the entire speech to really form an opinion, but the fact that she's running as west coast democrat is a bit surprising.
She’s relying on the black vote and she won’t get it - social media will see to that
The mere fact that he mentions the 70% as income tax and not marginal tax shows he is up to no good as someone like him knows the difference. He is up to no good as he is fear mongering with false information to mislead ordinary people into the proposed marginal tax would hit ordinary people. America really is sick and the disease is spreading from the top socio-economic group. This country is shrouded in deceit and lies. The misleading of people is well organized by the likes of the Mercers, Koch brothers and others like them that only cares about their self interests regardless of the consequences to America as a result.
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Sure Bernie isn't as progressive on every flank as folk would like, but this is America, someone who's supremely progressive in all facets isn't electable. Centre-left Bernie is far and away more progressive than anyone in the last 30 years, you should bite your hand off. He's the only one who might actually change things in a semi-radical way.
The quivering voice and random cackling are a bit creepy
Her position is something I completely disagree with but I don't think sadly her viewpoint is unpopular. More of the concern for me comes from as you said the quivering voice etc. She clearly got a weird kick out it.

If I recall correctly-I think he said before he doesn’t support BDS not because he’s opposed to it morally in anyway, he just doesn’t see it as effective. I don’t know if that moves the needle in any way for you. Will try to find the quote
Yeah I'm not sure being Anti BDS is a non left view point anyway. Chomsky & Finkelstein who are both far more to the left than Bernie have more than valid criticisms of the BDS movement. Finkelstein sees it a useless cult.

In the end Bernie position reguardless of your views of BDS is the correct position.
Her position is something I completely disagree with but I don't think sadly her viewpoint is unpopular. More of the concern for me comes from as you said the quivering voice etc. She clearly got a weird kick out it.

Yeah I'm not sure being Anti BDS is a non left view point anyway. Chomsky & Finkelstein who are both far more to the left than Bernie have more than valid criticisms of the BDS movement. Finkelstein sees it a useless cult.

In the end Bernie position reguardless of your views of BDS is the correct position.
I think it depends. In Germany for example there is a split between many on the left over their position on BDS: some are very pro-Palestinian while others (I believe these are the “anti-deutsch,” happy to be corrected on all of this) view BDS as anti-Semitic. I’ve had people tell me Haaretz is anti Semitic for criticising Netanyahu’s ethnic state policies. Which I found ironic.

I certainly don’t think Bernie is the “enemy” (that’s how politics is these days) on this issue. He comes across as one of the few politicians of his profile to recognise that Palestinians are also human beings. He also feels comfortable to criticise Netanyahu, again rare-I believe it’s because anyone else would worry they’d get labelled anti Semitic.
If you had the choice between getting shot in the face or punched in the arm, would you choose getting punched in the arm or would you ask for a belly rub instead, knowing you’ll probably get shot in the face but at least next time they will know you want a belly rub.
I’m confused. Who is the belly rub?

Is the choice a binary one between Harris and Trump already?
Locking up single mothers for truancy isnt progressive. Arguing for the death penalty isnt progressive. Opposing transgender rights isnt progressive. Fighting against releasing low level offenders because it would reduce the amount of inmates who can be paid $1 per day isnt progressive.

Kamala Harris is not a progressive. Shes a cop and has spent her career ruining countless lives to advance her own political ambitions.
Who the fcuk would?

Anyone holding up Trump as the worst of America, that then holds up Harris as a saviour.... wow.

The Democratic Party is a joke.

Anyone that gets behind a game plan of “Just beat the Republicans” deserves another 4 years of Trump.

What in God’s name is the point of trying to win a popularity contest if it comes at the detriment of trying to actually improve society?
If it possibly came down to her or Trump, then I’m voting her her. I aso like that she supposedly doesn’t take corporate PAC donations and is adamant about Medicare for All, at least verbally. Even though I wish she would stay as far away from the presidency as possible, there are at least some positive factors. Though the more I learn about her, the less I like her.
If you had the choice between getting shot in the face or punched in the arm, would you choose getting punched in the arm or would you ask for a belly rub instead, knowing you’ll probably get shot in the face but at least next time they will know you want a belly rub.

I don't think thats a good analogy. A lot of people have suffered directly under democratic Presidents' pet policies(3 strikes, mandatory mins, welfare stripping) or policies that came from both parties (like what caused 4 million homes to get foreclosed).

Its more like a choice between losing a hand or getting shot in a kneecap.
Medicare for All seems the easiest thing to lie about supporting, given the trouble it would have passing through congress.
Moved the off topic posts to the General CE chat thread. Please keep this relatively on topic going forward.
Locking up single mothers for truancy isnt progressive. Arguing for the death penalty isnt progressive. Opposing transgender rights isnt progressive. Fighting against releasing low level offenders because it would reduce the amount of inmates who can be paid $1 per day isnt progressive.

Kamala Harris is not a progressive. Shes a cop and has spent her career ruining countless lives to advance her own political ambitions.
Dems are trying to go for someone different to beat Trump when really they should be looking for someone genuine (imo). GOP would struggle then.
I certainly don’t think Bernie is the “enemy” (that’s how politics is these days) on this issue. He comes across as one of the few politicians of his profile to recognise that Palestinians are also human beings. He also feels comfortable to criticise Netanyahu, again rare-I believe it’s because anyone else would

Agree. Viewing this issue as a right under the first addmenment is political sound. But more importantly if his opinion on BDS and Israil in general were more because of a worry about being seen as "too left" or something to that effect that would be a problem but it's clear these are actually Bernie views on the topic.
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