2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Harris and Gilibrand won’t get the nomination if she runs, someone will be happy. ;)
This may be completely anecdotal evidence but all white liberal women on my twitter feed don't want Bernie to run for the presidency. I think Bernie would face some pushback from Hillary's base of women voters who still wrongly partly blame him for 2016 loss.
This may be completely anecdotal evidence but all white liberal women on my twitter feed don't want Bernie to run for the presidency. I think Bernie would face some pushback from Hillary's base of women voters who still wrongly partly blame him for 2016 loss.

Plenty of people vote their identity instead of on the merits of various issues so it wouldn't surprise me if Sanders doesn't have the levels of support needed to push him to the front of the pack. He is going to have to go out and earn it again.
This may be completely anecdotal evidence but all white liberal women on my twitter feed don't want Bernie to run for the presidency. I think Bernie would face some pushback from Hillary's base of women voters who still wrongly partly blame him for 2016 loss.
Wrongly? If he dropped out as he should have once he didn’t have a path to the nomination...
Wrongly? If he dropped out as he should have once he didn’t have a path to the nomination...
Even when got the nomination she was way ahead of Trump, a candidate she pretty much most wanted to face. Bernie did not even make it ugly by refusing to bring up the email fiasco. Hillary lost due to her own baggage.
Even when got the nomination she was way ahead of Trump, a candidate she pretty much most wanted to face. Bernie did not even make it ugly by refusing to bring up the email fiasco. Hillary lost due to her own baggage.
There are a million reasons that contributed to her loss. A protracted primary that was only going one way was one of them. As was the whole Comey fiasco.
So the Bernie Bros are welcome to worship their guy but I’m not allowed to support Hillary (if she runs)?
Your constant banging on about HRC and how Bernie has to share blame for her loss is starting to look like trolling, tbh.
This may be completely anecdotal evidence but all white liberal women on my twitter feed don't want Bernie to run for the presidency. I think Bernie would face some pushback from Hillary's base of women voters who still wrongly partly blame him for 2016 loss.

That's nothing compared to how many people are sick of Clinton. Go check any Clinton thread and you find much of this


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Your constant banging on about HRC and how Bernie has to share blame for her loss is starting to look like trolling, tbh.
Constant? I have not mentioned it for a long long time.

More like the Bernie Bros going on and on about how everything is the fault of the DNC and Hillary, despite the fact she got million more votes in the primary.
Constant? I have not mentioned it for a long long time.

More like the Bernie Bros going on and on about how everything is the fault of the DNC and Hillary, despite the fact she got million more votes in the primary.
Oh yeah, definitely first time I hear this phrase from you.
It's a fact.

If Bernie could have won against Trump is pure speculation, despite his bros constantly going on and on about it.
You seriously can't fathom why your constant droning of this facht is getting on everyone's nerves here?

Thats my response every time I see your misguided one liners complaining about Bernie Bros.

2020 is a crucial window. There is a chance for a real progressive to push ideas that would be good for bottom 90% and thus the long term health of the world economy. If the Democrats nominate another corporate elitist shill the party is lost for another 10 years and maybe forever.
Wrongly? If he dropped out as he should have once he didn’t have a path to the nomination...
The mistake he made was dropping out and ceding to HC. She will not win. She’s just the same old, same old... people are thoroughly fed up with that. She lost the nomination against Obama for that reason and Obama got elected because the voters saw something different in him. Sadly that’s why Trump did so well.
SEN. CLINTON: Between my opponent and his camp and some in the media, there has been this urgency to end this. And, you know, historically that makes no sense. So I find it a bit of a mystery.

Offscreen Voice : You don't buy the party unity argument...

SEN. CLINTON: I don't.

Voice: ...for it?

SEN. CLINTON: Because, again, I've been around long enough -- you know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June...

Voice: June.

SEN. CLINTON: ...right? We all remember, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California

it rules that cal complains about bernie not dropping out when Hillary not only didnt drop out, she implied that Obama might be assassinated
So the Bernie Bros are welcome to worship their guy but I’m not allowed to support Hillary (if she runs)?

Sure, why not support the nomination of the woman who called a third of the country ‘deplorables’ and then went on to lose an election to the weakest candidate ever to run for national office. She sounds like exactly the person the Democrats need right now..
You seriously can't fathom why your constant droning of this facht is getting on everyone's nerves here?
Whilst the so called #Berniewouldhavewon is a fine view to hold simply because a lot of his fans like to believe in the unjustifiable than a fact?
Thats my response every time I see your misguided one liners complaining about Bernie Bros.

2020 is a crucial window. There is a chance for a real progressive to push ideas that would be good for bottom 90% and thus the long term health of the world economy. If the Democrats nominate another corporate elitist shill the party is lost for another 10 years and maybe forever.
Everyone has different reasons for supporting their favored candidate, whilst many like to say Hillary failed to earn their vote. Why can't it be argued that Bernie hasn't earnt mine? (well, my relatives who will vote whoever I ask them to)
The mistake he made was dropping out and ceding to HC. She will not win. She’s just the same old, same old... people are thoroughly fed up with that. She lost the nomination against Obama for that reason and Obama got elected because the voters saw something different in him. Sadly that’s why Trump did so well.
He had NO path to the nomination, what would you have him done? Run as an independent? or try to get the superdelegates to change the result of the primaries?
Sure, why not support the nomination of the woman who called a third of the country ‘deplorables’ and then went on to lose an election to the weakest candidate ever to run for national office. She sounds like exactly the person the Democrats need right now..
Says more about the candidate who lost to such a terrible candidate during the primaries...
Really? She's qualifying and expanding on her remark that he wrapped it up in June, to explain why she won't concede. What she's definitely not doing is implying that Obama is going to get assassinated if he doesn't drop out. That's insane.
Hillary was a lot closer to Obama in 08 than Bernie ever got to Hillary in 16.
Says more about the candidate who lost to such a terrible candidate during the primaries...

No Cal it doesn't. When someone starts a primary with no support, no money, no expectations (even his own) of winning and with a candidate with all of those things and the party establishment pretty much united behind her, its frankly amazing that he came as close as he did. Start them on level ground in 2015 and he'd have beaten her by a landslide.
What she's definitely not doing is implying that Obama is going to get assassinated if he doesn't drop out. That's insane.

Who are you responding to? No one said that and you're making quite a leap to assume that was the point of my post.

What I said was the she implied he might get assassinated, which is factually correct.
Please God, can we move from Hilary Clinton? She has no place in 2020 thread. Resurrect this bullshit if there are concrete evidences that she's running. This is divisive and the one thing I found in online argument is that noone ever says 'Alright lads, let's move on'. It skews the opinion on other candidates as well as a knock on effect.
Who are you responding to? No one said that and you're making quite a leap to assume that was the point of my post.

If you look at the top of my post you'll see that it actually says that I was responding ("replying") to berbatrick. Handy tip for the future.

What I said was the she implied he might get assassinated, which is factually correct.

What is this, Beetlejuice? You could try saying it the third time, but that still won't make it true.
If you look at the top of my post you'll see that it actually says that I was responding ("replying") to berbatrick. Handy tip for the future.

What is this, Beetlejuice? You could try saying it the third time, but that still won't make it true.

I know you're trying to be cute but you are missing the point. The whole exchange between berbatrick and you was about what you think I was saying. So when I tell you what I was saying, it does indeed make it true.
No Cal it doesn't. When someone starts a primary with no support, no money, no expectations (even his own) of winning and with a candidate with all of those things and the party establishment pretty much united behind her, its frankly amazing that he came as close as he did. Start them on level ground in 2015 and he'd have beaten her by a landslide.
Trump didn’t exactly start off on level ground with Jeb & co, did he?

Obama didn’t start on level ground in 2008.
Both started with vastly higher name recognition, not to mention money.
No point debating what could have been.

If she does run, we’ll see if he can beat her in a landslide like you claim.

Or does her base hold stronger than his bros like I think.
No point debating what could have been.

If she does run, we’ll see if he can beat her in a landslide like you claim.

Or does her base hold stronger than his bros like I think.

I would literally pay money to see that happen.
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