2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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See previous answers. He really isn't. Absolutely no way near at all.

Obviously there are fringe nut jobs on both extremes ranging from communists to fascists, but in terms of viable candidates Sanders is easily viewed as being hard left. If you can name a more prominent leftist American politician from either of the major political parties then I’m willing to listen.
Obviously there are fringe nut jobs on both extremes ranging from communists to fascists, but in terms of viable candidates Sanders is easily viewed as being hard left. If you can name a more prominent leftist American politician from either of the major political parties then I’m willing to listen.

If the operative word is 'now'...well of course Bernie is hard left. Bernie has not moved. Its just that the corporatists and racists parties have moved right.

FDR, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Nixon....compare them to Bushes and Clintons....and now the Orang Utan.

the Clintons were further right than Johnson and Nixon.

Nixon would have given us something close to Universal Health care if Ted Kennedy had taken his offer.
The current Republicans in Congress are racists...except most wont admit it....The Wall? what is that about? The caravans?

They shamelessly seek the racists voters
If the operative word is 'now'...well of course Bernie is hard left. Bernie has not moved. Its just that the corporatists and racists parties have moved right.

FDR, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Nixon....compare them to Bushes and Clintons....and now the Orang Utan.

the Clintons were further right than Johnson and Nixon.

Nixon would have given us something close to Universal Health care if Ted Kennedy had taken his offer.
The current Republicans in Congress are racists...except most wont admit it....The Wall? what is that about? The caravans?

They shamelessly seek the racists voters

Good points. The country has definitely shifted politically since some of those you listed were in office.
Good points. The country has definitely shifted politically since some of those you listed were in office.

People have moved steadily to the left...meaning they have become more educated/globalized. Its politicians seeking to gain/remain in power who have appealed to the baser instincts of people.
Religion...not the scripture and the teachings of Jesus. but culture. Abortion/Anti LGBT.
racism . Both parties. The Dems telling blacks/Hispanics to vote for them against the Republicans...but in effect doing little or nothing for them.
Would Johnson/Nixon have brought the country NAFTA...thereby destroying the lives of the Rust belt States? Clinton a Democrat did it with the Republicans cheering him on.

If someone like Bernie or Bernie himself does not come to power, the nation will resemble a racist/ feudal society soon, if it not already is.

Most of these politicians deserve to be lined up against a wall.....
If the operative word is 'now'...well of course Bernie is hard left. Bernie has not moved. Its just that the corporatists and racists parties have moved right.

FDR, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Nixon....compare them to Bushes and Clintons....and now the Orang Utan.

the Clintons were further right than Johnson and Nixon.

Nixon would have given us something close to Universal Health care if Ted Kennedy had taken his offer.
The current Republicans in Congress are racists...except most wont admit it....The Wall? what is that about? The caravans?

They shamelessly seek the racists voters

And those weren't even the real progressives but rather just centre-left.

Real progressives were legendary orator William Jennings Bryan, Senator Huey Long the Kingfish, Gov. Hiram Johnson of California, Robert LaFollete of Wisconsin, etc.
See previous answers. He really isn't. Absolutely no way near at all.
Bernie is a registered independent and won’t align with the Neo-Libs. He wants universal healthcare and upper education and a high minimum wage. Advocates for destroying the oil industry.

In what America do you live in where that isn’t veering strongly left...?
And those weren't even the real progressives but rather just centre-left.

Real progressives were legendary orator William Jennings Bryan, Senator Huey Long the Kingfish, Gov. Hiram Johnson of California, Robert LaFollete of Wisconsin, etc.

I was referring to presidents.

Importantly,before Reagan though we had presidents who actually wanted to do good for the majority of Americans. From him though we had presidents pretty much only interested in gaining power and looking after those who had money to get them elected.
Don't know if people have thought about this. High cost of Education and why it is to the benefit of the Republicans and the Corporate Democrats to keep their bases uneducated.
Education gets people who question the BS that is spouted by the politicians.

Think about those poor sods cursing McCain with Trump for his vote. Do you think they knew he stopped the repeal of protection of Pre-Conditions?

Someone mentioned RFK.
Why do you think they had him killed?
I was referring to presidents.

Importantly,before Reagan though we had presidents who actually wanted to do good for the majority of Americans. From him though we had presidents pretty much only interested in gaining power and looking after those who had money to get them elected.
Don't know if people have thought about this. High cost of Education and why it is to the benefit of the Republicans and the Corporate Democrats to keep their bases uneducated.
Education gets people who question the BS that is spouted by the politicians.

Think about those poor sods cursing McCain with Trump for his vote. Do you think they knew he stopped the repeal of protection of Pre-Conditions?

Someone mentioned RFK.
Why do you think they had him killed?

Eh, I dunno if I'd put it quite like that. The Presidents before Reagan may have largely been to the left before the Overton Window shifted but even Dems in the 60s like JFK and LBJ were power-hungry and opportunistic to a certain extent, responsible for war crimes in their own right and more than willing to sacrifice certain principles, in all likelihood embracing certain progressive ideals because of public pressure to do so as opposed to due to their own moral convictions.
Eh, I dunno if I'd put it quite like that. The Presidents before Reagan may have largely been to the left before the Overton Window shifted but even Dems in the 60s like JFK and LBJ were power-hungry and opportunistic to a certain extent, responsible for war crimes in their own right and more than willing to sacrifice certain principles, in all likelihood embracing certain progressive ideals because of public pressure to do so as opposed to due to their own moral convictions.

JFK's father bought the presidency for him. But he changed once he was in power. His refusal to swallow Dulles poison pill (Bay of Pigs). His decision to reverse the Vietnam involvement.
His support of Civil Rights and his handling of the Missile Crisis did not endear him to the then Establishment. We know about Johnson and Vietnam. But Medicare and the Civil Rights Act were huge achievements.
Not saying they were saints mind.

But overall they get a pass.
And those weren't even the real progressives but rather just centre-left.

Real progressives were legendary orator William Jennings Bryan, Senator Huey Long the Kingfish, Gov. Hiram Johnson of California, Robert LaFollete of Wisconsin, etc.
From what I’ve read Huey Long is more in the veins of a populist radical similar to someone like Clodius of old, not a progressive in the sense of socialist/communist. Although tbf none of the others would qualify given the same criteria (except maybe LaFollete :drool:)
Bernie is a registered independent and won’t align with the Neo-Libs. He wants universal healthcare and upper education and a high minimum wage. Advocates for destroying the oil industry.

In what America do you live in where that isn’t veering strongly left...?

I don't live in the USA. But the USA is so completely different than most of the rest of the world as in UHC is more considered a basic human right rather than something on a left wing wish list.

A high minimum wage isn't really a left wing ideal either, and destroying the oil industry should be everyone's goal, not just a label to stick on a person's political beliefs.

I honestly don't think a large percentage of US citizens actually understand anything about left or right wing ideals, they have been so brainwashed and are entrenched in their beliefs that are reinforced daily by talk radio and cable news. They certainly don't seem to understand terms like Socialism or Communism, only to refer to them as bad words and systems that all fail and only used by dirty foreigners that are all inferior to the perfect system invented by the USA.
Eh, I dunno if I'd put it quite like that. The Presidents before Reagan may have largely been to the left before the Overton Window shifted but even Dems in the 60s like JFK and LBJ were power-hungry and opportunistic to a certain extent, responsible for war crimes in their own right and more than willing to sacrifice certain principles, in all likelihood embracing certain progressive ideals because of public pressure to do so as opposed to due to their own moral convictions.

That's simply not true. If you read about LBJ and his roots you'll see that he was completely for helping people. He allowed Vietnam to silence potential enemies who would not support his Great Society. That doesn't absolve him from the consequences, but it does reveal his motives.

JFK had public service drilled into him from childhood. But his father also gave him his appetites and which is what we remember him for.

You can't have a go at presidents for playing politics. Carter didn't do that and look where it got him.
Looks like it's Biden's at the moment if he wants it.
This doesn't really tally with the one that showed Hillary still being the 3rd most popular candidate on the Dem side? :confused:

She might potentially be third most popular if you just ask Dems who they want to run without considering favourability/unfavourability purely because she's a big name and much more well-known than most other contenders, but it's fairly obvious she's hated as an individual.
wasting her time.
Indeed... If she had run against Hillary in 2016 I wonder if she might have won the nomination (I'm not sure she would have done any better against trump though)
But it certainly feels like her time has passed (I feel the same with Boden and Sanders... Can genuinely see a beto or somebody else of the "Next generation" Coming through the process as the winner)

Bernie's tweets are suddenly doing better - routine 20ks, with some 30 and 40k and beyond that. And yet his poll numbers are static.
Basically, I dont trust twitter numbers. AOC gets 60k but most of the population doesn't even know she exists, and those who do are very divided on whether they like her.
Indeed... If she had run against Hillary in 2016 I wonder if she might have won the nomination (I'm not sure she would have done any better against trump though)
But it certainly feels like her time has passed (I feel the same with Boden and Sanders... Can genuinely see a beto or somebody else of the "Next generation" Coming through the process as the winner)

Sanders is the only one out there who speaks to what Working families need. That is why people listen when he speaks.
The polls are meaningless at this time.

Bernie's tweets are suddenly doing better - routine 20ks, with some 30 and 40k and beyond that. And yet his poll numbers are static.
Basically, I dont trust twitter numbers. AOC gets 60k but most of the population doesn't even know she exists, and those who do are very divided on whether they like her.

I noticed this also, but wouldn’t be so dismissive of his twitter presence. The content of his tweets are focusing on issues which the majority of his supporters on twitter identify with, student debt/loans, healthcare, poverty, workers rights etc.
In the previous months he was focused on foreign aid, war, drugs/big pharma (not surprising given the Saudi & Yemen issues) more frequently - great topics to cover, but it’s much harder to talk in detail about or get the message across on a platform like twitter. Those are topics which are best handled in speeches, or as part of a debate.
Plus he’s going directly after Trump much more often (given Trumps behaviour in the last 6 weeks or so, it’s an easy win for all opposing politicians), which is a popular tactic. I wouldn’t be surprised if his team have actively made sure that his engagement on twitter continues to be strong to ensure that communication with his base continues to be strong. It’s a positive step for him, but he must maintain it.

I think everybody has concluded that polls are meaningless at this stage, many of them seem to contradict each other.

Most of the population doesn’t need to know AOC yet, however if Fox continues to attempt to hound her, I’m sure they will sooner rather than later.
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