2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The irony is Bernie bros/fans can't see the populism in their own candidate.

Better than Trump and many others no doubt, but tripe like "only Bernie has earned the right to be President" is hysterically outlandish.
The irony is Bernie bros/fans can't see the populism in their own candidate.

Better than Trump and many others no doubt, but tripe like "only Bernie has earned the right to be President" is hysterically outlandish.

Like those Hillary supporters still butthurt and thinking Trump should be impeached and removed from office and then Hillary made President. Those same voters who believe she lost because of Bernie voters and the same ones who have openly stated they will vote for anyone but Sanders?

The Dems really need to get their shit together.
Like those Hillary supporters still butthurt and thinking Trump should be impeached and removed from office and then Hillary made President. Those same voters who believe she lost because of Bernie voters and the same ones who have openly stated they will vote for anyone but Sanders?

The Dems really need to get their shit together.

If a Hillary bro/fan came in this thread spouting ignorant shit like "earned the right to be president" he/she would be rightfully called out as well. No person alive has earned the right to be president (which is not the same as winning a nomination and then a GE).
To run for president you need to have served, sacrificed.
Minimum requirement.

After the last 40 odd years with Presidents who have only given lip service but toed the corporate line, we need candidates who have been consistent about fighting for the working family.
Too complex a concept obviously for some .

Those who support Sanders support what he stands for. They are not his followers. If they had been, they would have listened to him and voted for Hillary.

Yes. there is no one else out there who has made the sacrifices he has and been consistently for working families.
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Another reason Bernie won't get through the primary: he doesn't have either the backroom political skill or (obviously) the network and clout of the Clintons.

HRC met Warren and made sure she wasn't running. Bernie met Warren and ...
Sanders and Warren Meet and Agree: They Both Are Probably Running

He could begin by showing her the MA poll, where she is doing horribly in her home state (4th IIRC), and in general is the weakest big name vs Trump in general polling.

On the other hand, there are armies of ex-HRC and Obama staffers who are grooming good centrists like Beto and Harris; you can bet they *will* make sure that at least part of the field is cleared.
Brown was always going to be just a VP candidate to win Ohio, and Biden was going to poll high early due to sentiment and perceived electability.

I think what you need to look for here at this infantile stage is if observers see enough numbers for Beto to make a serious push.
It's Biden's to lose. People will want stability and normalcy after this shitshow and the dems will love the Obama connection. Biden appeals to the centre more than any other dem candidate and that's what wins elections.
Beto for president is just absurd. Only blinded Dems will vote and he'll fail. Worse than Hillary.
It is absurd, I’ll grant you. But so were the past few elections of Presidents to their first term.

All this election boils down to is a couple, maybe a few states. Maybe only one. You have to take that into consideration.
Beto for president is just absurd. Only blinded Dems will vote and he'll fail. Worse than Hillary.

He will outraise everyone (expect maybe Sanders) and probably win in the end if he runs the gautlet through the Dem field. His primary opposition would be two very old guys.
It's Biden's to lose. People will want stability and normalcy after this shitshow and the dems will love the Obama connection. Biden appeals to the centre more than any other dem candidate and that's what wins elections.
All these poll numbers are too early for 2020. At a similar time before last cycle, Bernie was a nobody too and Jeb seemed to be the front-runner in the GOP field.
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