2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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How exactly did she cheat? The fact the DNC and most of the superdelegates prefer her?

She herself didn't cheat but its widely known that the system was set up to coronate an establishment candidate by way of publishing that 500 or so superdelegates were already on her side, which was then constantly repeated by the mainstream media when they listed the delegate count, and created a perceptual illusion among voters that Sanders didn't have a path to victory since Hillary already had the superdelegates in the bag.
That's not as easy as it sounds. It's hard to pin blame on a few individuals & meet criminality for reckless behavior that damaged the economy. It is mighty difficult for prosecutors to get convictions in those cases. As much as the public wants blood, unfortunately it's nigh on impossible.

They didn't try is the problem. There are a host of fraud and insider trading laws that were violated. But these things come down to political connections and legal firepower. Obama Admin wasn't willing to take on the alliance of the aftermarket mortgage lenders (Countrywide and dozens of smaller shops), investment bankers (former Lehman and Bear networks) and the three rating agencies (S+P, Moody's and Fitch). There were absolutely ways to prove the fraud and insider trading law violations in those three pillars. But the DNC people who are connected to Wall Street wouldn't take on the alliance. The only case they were unafraid to bring was against long time crook Angelo Mozilo and that cnut just paid off the SEC in the end to avoid criminal charges. But the case against him would have been much stronger had Obama Admin empowered an actual investigation from DoJ/SEC that would have been capable of taking all these fraudulent actors down.

The sad thing is at this level its not even about proof. We can be 100% able to prove something and still be up against an army of self-serving lawyers finding every single loophole and pulling every political connected to snuff out any criminal charges.
You're not daft enough to need that explaining.
I have remained quite quiet on this thread recently because of exactly what I posted in that quote. The fact some people get all touchy about it is not my fault.

She herself didn't cheat but its widely known that the system was set up to coronate an establishment candidate by way of publishing that 500 or so superdelegates were already on her side, which was then constantly repeated by the mainstream media when they listed the delegate count, and created a perceptual illusion among voters that Sanders didn't have a path to victory since Hillary already had the superdelegates in the bag.
We've been through this, that exact scenario happened in 2008 too, didn't stop Obama.

Also the fact that the Dems had superdelegates was in the rules and Sanders went into the primaries knowing exactly what to expect.
I have remained quite quiet on this thread recently because of exactly what I posted in that quote. The fact some people get all touchy about it is not my fault.

We've been through this, that exact scenario happened in 2008 too, didn't stop Obama.

Also the fact that the Dems had superdelegates was in the rules and Sanders went into the primaries knowing exactly what to expect.

It doesn't matter if its happened before. The point is it isn't fair to non-establishment type candidates because it creates the perception that they can't win. The voters should be able to choose their nominees irrespective of whether they are outsiders, insiders, or anything else and the fact that they have gotten rid of the old superdelegates system is an affirmation that the party recognizes this. Hillary therefore will always be viewed as having benefitted from an advantage against Sanders because she controlled the power structure of the party, which in turn attempted to coronate her by suffocating any progressive challengers.
It doesn't matter if its happened before. The point is it isn't fair to non-establishment type candidates because it creates the perception that they can't win. The voters should be able to choose their nominees irrespective of whether they are outsiders, insiders, or anything else and the fact that they have gotten rid of the old superdelegates system is an affirmation that the party recognizes this. Hillary therefore will always be viewed as having benefitted from an advantage against Sanders because she controlled the power structure of the party, which in turn attempted to coronate her by suffocating any progressive challengers.
That I agree with, but the point is that the rules were not changed in her favor or to disadvantage him.

It's like a team going out on away goals and bitching about it.
It's like a team going out on away goals and bitching about it.
Yeah but one of those things is a sport we watch at most twice a week and the other is healthcare, war, education, housing etc.. you know stuff that actually matters.
Yeah but one of those things is a sport we watch at most twice a week and the other is healthcare, war, education, housing etc.. you know stuff that actually matters.
So the blame lies with the rules of the DNC. That I agree 100%
@Ubik @InfiniteBoredom
2 articles I recently read makes me think Obama and the Dems intentionally blew it, not Lieberman blocking it - the Dems could have used reconciliation.

From another article:

DASCHLE: I don’t think it was taken off the table completely. It was taken off the table as a result of the understanding that people had with the hospital association, with the insurance (AHIP), and others. I mean I think that part of the whole effort was based on a premise. That premise was, you had to have the stakeholders in the room and at the table.

No poet could express with words the depth of pure hatred I throw toward any who accept such a repulsive and clearly false premise. Stakeholders (hereafter referred to as steakholders for their addiction to eating steak while telling others to eat cake)? Where were the representatives of those families who faced medical bankruptcies just so those steakholders could maximize profits? Where are the representatives of people's families with members killed by a privatized system of steakholders with dysfunctional incentives? Where are the representatives of the people who cannot afford the wealthy's PPO care nor even the middle class HMO care? Where are the representatives of the veterans screwed over by an overly political VA with steakholders that try to take advantage of the less fortunate skewering the myth that the VA is somehow representative of universal healthcare therefore we shouldn't have it? Where are the representatives of the people who can only achieve employment in stat juking disrespectful 19-hour a week maximum positions due to a system that privatizes the profits and socializes the risks so many private employers can screw over hourly employees?

Anyone in that room who accepted that premise is a true enemy of the people and deserves to have all their teeth shattered with moldy hammers while the shame Septon is played on repeat at ear shattering decibels.
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So the blame lies with the rules of the DNC. That I agree 100%
Which Clinton had complete control over. But really the problem isn't Clinton as her walk into the woods seem to improve nothing, the problem is the democratic party itself as it's just not in any structural way a political party.
Pretty sure Clinton wasn't making the rules when they brought in superdelegates in the 80s.
I personally don't think any of us are "Bernie Bros" and tbh, I find the insinuation pretty offensive tbh. Yes I like Bernie but I don't think he's perfect, not do I have a picture of him on my wall.

I think he's definitely the most honest politician I have heard speak and agree with a fair fe.lf his policies, but I ain't no Bro ffs.
I personally don't think any of us are "Bernie Bros" and tbh, I find the insinuation pretty offensive tbh. Yes I like Bernie but I don't think he's perfect, not do I have a picture of him on my wall.

I think he's definitely the most honest politician I have heard speak and agree with a fair fe.lf his policies, but I ain't no Bro ffs.

Sorry we are way past denial.
Now it is time to ironically reclaim the word.
*Kills self*

Although the aide in question is Mark Penn, who I'd not expect to be clued up by any means.

Its probably a leap to suggest she's definitely running, but its obvious that Clinton is considering another run.
'Clinton 2020: "I'll force you to like me"'
We should bring back Gore and John Kerry too. Re-do bonanza.

Tbf though, from Clinton’s perspective, it’s hard to look at Biden leading the pack with Sanders in the teens and not fancy herself another shot.
We should bring back Gore and John Kerry too. Re-do bonanza.

Tbf though, from Clinton’s perspective, it’s hard to look at Biden leading the pack with Sanders in the teens and not fancy herself another shot.

It's the turn of the old white guy with a B in his name, just not the good one.

Obama's endorsement or not, Biden will muck it up, either in the primaries, or general should he gets there.

He's a terrible campaigner, and 'schooling' Paul Ryan in a debate no one cared about doesn't change that fact.
We should bring back Gore and John Kerry too. Re-do bonanza.

Tbf though, from Clinton’s perspective, it’s hard to look at Biden leading the pack with Sanders in the teens and not fancy herself another shot.

this is true but pragmatically speaking, she got the chance in 2016 and it's time to go with the other wing. I have no idea if Single payer will ever be implemented but at least give it a shot.
Obama's endorsement or not, Biden will muck it up, either in the primaries, or general should he gets there.

He's a terrible campaigner, and 'schooling' Paul Ryan in a debate no one cared about doesn't change that fact.

Please don't give me hope ok. I'm making peace with the certainty of a doomed left.
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