2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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when the republicans gain the power required to change the constitution the democrats will say "oh, well, that's that guys we should vote with them for the sake of unity" because they're fake friends

Your willingness to ‘fight’ seems to basically amount to handing the Republicans everything they’ve ever wanted because the Democrats kind of suck too. Well done, I’m sure your amazing strategy will bring great things..
Your willingness to ‘fight’ seems to basically amount to handing the Republicans everything they’ve ever wanted because the Democrats kind of suck too. Well done, I’m sure your amazing strategy will bring great things..
which part of being ideologically opposed to the DNC is so difficult for you guys? We don't think they kind of suck. We want them to lose all their power. We want to take the party for ourselves and that doesn't work while people like joe biden are there and in charge
And in the process of telling them to feck off, you allow the worst option to win. Excellent choice there.

Except the ‘oh god kill me now’ door just leads straight into the ‘big rape & thing you hate most’ corridor anyway.

For fecks sake it’s not like this is complicated stuff. Choosing between the lesser of two evils is what we do most of our adult lives. This idea that it’s more morally admirable to just not make a choice at all is horseshit.

It's morally admirable not to vote for a rapist. It really is that simple.
And you are taking it more seriously by advocating people vote for candidates who will get the likes of Trump re-elected and accelerating climate change at a FAR greater rate. Got it. :lol:
I wouldn't advocate voting 3rd party. More that people try to both organise(Unions, activist groups, etc)and start thinking of genuine alternatives(The sad reality was even Sanders plan while very good still would have to be more radical to really take on climate change).

Where as the Republicans just want to strip away basically all environmental protections, push industry at all costs and don’t give a single feck about anything climate related.

These are not the same bloody things!
Soz but I'm just going to post this again

Often overlooked, the Obama era stimulus package of 2009 included big investments in climate-friendly research and infrastructure. But Biden is also tethered to Obama's "all-of-the-above" philosophy, which left ample room for the fracking boom that bolstered one fossil fuel, natural gas, over another, coal, and put the U.S. on track to become the world's leading oil producer.

The odd environmental protection policy here and there won't mean anything in the grand scheme of the climate breakdown we are likely facing. Again you are just arguing about bringing lots of cups of water in order to fight a forrest fire, yes it's better than nothing but it will not solve anything.

You guys keep talking as if we don’t know the Democrats are shit. Yes we know they’re shit. But when one is demonstrably less shit then the other, and you must have one or the other, then you don’t need to be a Mensa member to see what your logical choice has to be.
When it comes to climate change the democratic party isn't demonstrably less shit than the republicans and actually my whole point is demonstrably less shit when it comes to climate change isn't anywhere near good enough, the outcome will still be mass climate breakdown.

Otherwise you’re just virtue signaling while watching the world burn.
I mean you did try to put a positive spin on using a cup of water as a way of putting a forrest fire out.
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which part of being ideologically opposed to the DNC is so difficult for you guys? We don't think they kind of suck. We want them to lose all their power. We want to take the party for ourselves and that doesn't work while people like joe biden are there and in charge

I think a fundamental problem is that there is no such thing as "we", since progressives, lefties, socialists, and other random straphangers, each view this issue slightly differently. The further left you go, the less viable Dem voters there were in the first place.
i'm going to vote for trump so many times bro, i'm going to move to america and do a whole bunch of voter fraud for orange daddy

centrists really are the worst, they can't imagine someone having an ideology that doesn't fit their narrow "x or y that's all you get bucko" world, and that's going to get us all killed in the end as the oceans die and our dirt becomes barren

which part of being ideologically opposed to the DNC is so difficult for you guys? We don't think they kind of suck. We want them to lose all their power. We want to take the party for ourselves and that doesn't work while people like joe biden are there and in charge

...... You lot are the real universally adored legend
That’s what people said last time, how’s that working out for us?

At the end of the day its democracy. You have the primaries to change the party and twice now that hasn’t happened. So tell me, how do you change the party? How do you get rid of the establishment Dems without condemning America to decades of Republican misrule? Because that’s just going to lead to a complete lockdown of the courts and possibly even constitutional amendments. Only a few years ago the GOP were terrifyingly close to having enough states to form a constitutional convention, and if that ever happens then it’s game over for real.

This feels like you actually hate progressives more than republicans.
because people like you are cowards who keep giving the dems votes without demanding anything in return, don't be a coward, demand more

the last election proved beyond doubt that the democratic party is wortheless

idk bro, no rape > any amount of rape

This is getting tiring, but rape allegation is not the same as rape.

Someone is not a rapist cause he has a rape allegation.
by not voting for joe biden, letting him lose and forcing the party to appeal to people like me
Guys like you are a minority on that party though. How many times Bernie has to lose for that to be believed?

So no, the majority won’t move towards the minority cause the minority loves to bitch and won’t vote anyone except their Messiah.

feck me, I had this belief that Bernie bros are as bad as Trump fans, but now I think they are worse. Extremists, the lot of them.
Which parts? Couldn't find any.

Literally all of it. When you make the argument about saving courts while choosing to ignore how feckless dems have been and will continue to be in stopping republicans. Or when you say nonsense like "at the end of the day we live in democracy blah blah blah" while we all know the dnc did everything to stop progressives from getting elected. They literally paraded a racist, pos republican in Bloomberg to try and stop Bernie. Ignoring all of this to claim a moral high ground in wanting to vote for Biden is a fecking joke. Just say you hate progressives and move on. I can't be bothered to quote the rest of his posts but all of them read the same way.
This feels like you actually hate progressives more than republicans.

The only small problem with that being that I am a fecking progressive. I was supporting (as much as a foreigner can) Bernie since he very first announced he was running back in 2015, and I’m probably posted more anti-Hillary arguments in various places than anyone on this fecking forum.

I understand the frustration, and I understand the desire to burn down the DNC and the Democratic establishment. Hell I sympathize with it, and if there was a way to currently achieve it I’d be right there with Silva and the rest. But the time for that is the primaries and the years between elections. If you try that shit in the General you just end up empowering Republicans and ending up with horrible shit that makes everything else you want to do a million times harder. Do you know how many radical federal judgeships Trump has appointed? Those don’t just go away again after he leaves.
Guys like you are a minority on that party though. How many times Bernie has to lose for that to be believed?

So no, the majority won’t move towards the minority cause the minority loves to bitch and won’t vote anyone except their Messiah.

feck me, I had this belief that Bernie bros are as bad as Trump fans, but now I think they are worse. Extremists, the lot of them.
Cut off their nose to spite their face, and screw over everyone else in the process.

Grand plan, that.
The only small problem with that being that I am a fecking progressive. I was supporting (as much as a foreigner can) Bernie since he very first announced he was running back in 2015, and I’m probably posted more anti-Hillary arguments in various places than anyone on this fecking forum.

I understand the frustration, and I understand the desire to burn down the DNC and the Democratic establishment. Hell I sympathize with it, and if there was a way to currently achieve it I’d be right there with Silva and the rest. But the time for that is the primaries and the years between elections. If you try that shit in the General you just end up empowering Republicans and ending up with horrible shit that makes everything else you want to do a million times harder. Do you know how many radical federal judgeships Trump has appointed? Those don’t just go away again after he leaves.

It is such an easy concept to understand.

The truth is, (some) Bernie fans don’t give a shit for the causes they say they are fighting. They just want to have the morale high ground and win their Twitter wars, by calling everyone shit and a rapist. They don’t give a flying feck about environment, inequality etc. As long as they can demonize everyone else while moaning about how they are victims in all this mess, they are perfectly happy.
The only small problem with that being that I am a fecking progressive. I was supporting (as much as a foreigner can) Bernie since he very first announced he was running back in 2015, and I’m probably posted more anti-Hillary arguments in various places than anyone on this fecking forum.

I understand the frustration, and I understand the desire to burn down the DNC and the Democratic establishment. Hell I sympathize with it, and if there was a way to currently achieve it I’d be right there with Silva and the rest. But the time for that is the primaries and the years between elections. If you try that shit in the General you just end up empowering Republicans and ending up with horrible shit that makes everything else you want to do a million times harder. Do you know how many radical federal judgeships Trump has appointed? Those don’t just go away again after he leaves.
didn't you vote lib dem because labour had policies and allegations around the leadership you were appalled by?
didn't you vote lib dem because labour had policies and allegations around the leadership you were appalled by?

Nope, said I was tempted but voted Labour in the end. I’m massively pro-Remain and Corbyn very obviously wasn’t, but as soon as Swinson came in and backed Revoke, and then the little Tory shit it was done for me.
Literally all of it. When you make the argument about saving courts while choosing to ignore how feckless dems have been and will continue to be in stopping republicans. Or when you say nonsense like "at the end of the day we live in democracy blah blah blah" while we all know the dnc did everything to stop progressives from getting elected. They literally paraded a racist, pos republican in Bloomberg to try and stop Bernie. Ignoring all of this to claim a moral high ground in wanting to vote for Biden is a fecking joke. Just say you hate progressives and move on.
I just read that he opposes what US Republicans are up to, and then criticizes an opposition strategy he deems wrong. Funny how things differ sometimes.
I have come across the same argument countless times from centrists. So it is pretty easy to see through it.
So your assertion is that he prioritizes getting rid of Trump because he secretly hates progressives more than Trump?
The only small problem with that being that I am a fecking progressive. I was supporting (as much as a foreigner can) Bernie since he very first announced he was running back in 2015, and I’m probably posted more anti-Hillary arguments in various places than anyone on this fecking forum.

I understand the frustration, and I understand the desire to burn down the DNC and the Democratic establishment. Hell I sympathize with it, and if there was a way to currently achieve it I’d be right there with Silva and the rest. But the time for that is the primaries and the years between elections. If you try that shit in the General you just end up empowering Republicans and ending up with horrible shit that makes everything else you want to do a million times harder. Do you know how many radical federal judgeships Trump has appointed? Those don’t just go away again after he leaves.

You do realize this is nonsense and a useless rhetoric, right? Biden knows exactly how to win over Bernie supporters. The fact that he is choosing not to embrace any of his platforms is a testament to how piss poor of a candidate he is. Not to mention the limitations of our so-called "democracy" and its torchbearers such as democrats and the dnc. The guy cannot endorse m4a in the midst of an epidemic.
You do realize this is nonsense and a useless rhetoric, right? Biden knows exactly how to win over Bernie supporters. The fact that he is choosing not to embrace any of his platforms is a testament to how piss poor of a candidate he is. Not to mention the limitations of our so-called "democracy" and its torchbearers such as democrats and the dnc. The guy cannot endorse m4a in the midst of an epidemic.

Why would he go out of his way to appeal to a small minority of people, most of whom aren't even Democrats to begin with, and who probably wouldn't bother leaving home on election day. He would be better off courting independents who left Obama for Trump in 2016.
Why would he go out of his way to appeal to a small minority of people, most of whom aren't even Democrats to begin with, and who probably wouldn't bother leaving home on election day. He would be better off courting independents who left Obama for Trump in 2016.

A small minority of people supports medicare for all?
A small minority of people supports medicare for all?

I'm not talking about a particular policy. The minority of people refers to people on the progressive fringes who aren't likely to vote for the non-Sanders nominee irrespective of who it is. Biden therefore has little incentive to spend much time or energy attempting to bring them into the fold, especially since there are more votes to be gained by way of centrist Obama voters who voted for Trump over Hillary in 2016.

Also, as for medicare for all - its a great policy but wouldn't be implementable, so anyone running on it would basically be attempting to win through a degree of deception, which would probably result in no changes from the current policy.
I'm not talking about a particular policy. The minority of people refers to people on the progressive fringes who aren't likely to vote for the non-Sanders nominee irrespective of who it is. Biden therefore has little incentive to spend any time attempting to bring them into the fold, especially since there are more votes to be gained by way of centrist Obama voters who voted for Trump over Hillary in 2016.

Also, as for medicare for all - its a great policy but wouldn't be implementable, so anyone running on it would basically be attempting to win through a degree of deception, which would probably result in no changes from the current policy.

If you fight for it, with conviction, even if ending up coming short, you are not deceiving anyone.

Going in like that, will for sure bring much better results policy wise, than going in already with a defeated agreement with the republicans to change nothing, but a little bitty ditty.

Over 60-70% of independents supports medicare for all. They are the votes Biden should go after, you said.
Why would he go out of his way to appeal to a small minority of people, most of whom aren't even Democrats to begin with, and who probably wouldn't bother leaving home on election day. He would be better off courting independents who left Obama for Trump in 2016.

Sounds good. They don't want our votes, they won't get them.
If you fight for it, with conviction, even if ending up coming short, you are not deceiving anyone.

Going in like that, will for sure bring much better results policy wise, than going in already with a defeated agreement with the republicans to change nothing, but a little bitty ditty.

Over 60-70% of independents supports medicare for all. They are the votes Biden should go after, you said.

Even more Democrats say they support it than independents yet they still voted for Biden not Bernie.
Even more Democrats say they support it than independents yet they still voted for Biden not Bernie.

yeah because they don't vote based on policy.

Bernie supporters and independents do. They are the only votes left in the air.

Fair enough the DNC and Biden might not need them to win, but if he loses, and then he comes out and blame the bernie bros and independents for their loss, gonna be comedy gold.
If you fight for it, with conviction, even if ending up coming short, you are not deceiving anyone.

Going in like that, will for sure bring much better results policy wise, than going in already with a defeated agreement with the republicans to change nothing, but a little bitty ditty.

Over 60-70% of independents supports medicare for all. They are the votes Biden should go after, you said.

The fighting bit should've happened during the primaries when the guy running on M4A was in need of progressive and young votes. You can't not turn up then expect the guy that beat you to adopt your favorite policies. It doesn't work that way.
The fighting bit should've happened during the primaries when the guy running on M4A was in need of progressive and young votes. You can't not turn up then expect the guy that beat you to adopt your favorite policies. It doesn't work that way.

For sure, but then don't expect those people votes.

Anyway, what I'm saying is: Biden is not running on policy, social issues, not because he can't get shit done, but because he and the DNC, are absolutely opposed to it. They would risk losing a second term to Trump, if it means the big corporations are not touched.
yeah because they don't vote based on policy.

Bernie supporters and independents do. They are the only votes left in the air.

Fair enough the DNC and Biden might not need them to win, but if he loses, and then he comes out and blame the bernie bros and independents for their loss, gonna be comedy gold.

I wouldnt link independent voters with Bernie supporters. Many of them wouldn't vote for Bernie.
For sure, but then don't expect those people votes.

Anyway, what I'm saying is: Biden is not running on policy, social issues, not because he can't get shit done, but because he and the DNC, are absolutely opposed to it. They would risk losing a second term to Trump, if it means the big corporations are not touched.

Some progressives voted for Hillary in 16 and likewise some will vote for Biden as well this year, irrespective of his policies since they dont want 4 more years of Trump. The more dogmatic factions of democratic socialists, and hardline Sanders followers wouldn't vote for Biden in any case. The party had its internal fight about whether to adopt a progressive platform through voting for Sanders, and progressives lost that fight, and will now have to figure out whether or not they want to remain relevant, or not participate and be left on the outside look in.
Bernie supporters and independents do. They are the only votes left in the air.

Independents aren’t some great policy driven group, half of them are just Republicans or Democrats who like to claim they’re not aligned with any party yet still vote pretty much 100% along party lines.
Independents aren’t some great policy driven group, half of them are just Republicans or Democrats who like to claim they’re not aligned with any party yet still vote pretty much 100% along party lines.

so independents aren’t actually independents but just a group of rabid Biden supporters?!
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