2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He's giving @Red Dreams ideas for some new material.
Biden's strategy is basically one huge gamble today. He's hoping a 15% - 20% or even high win. He can then turn this into a fundraising moment and is also gambling that the mainstream narrative is that a decisive win makes him "the only credible moderate in the field". He's then hoping a crushing win closes ST poll gaps without having to spend money.

The whole focus now is not stopping Bernie getting to a plurality of delegates, it's all about taking the nomination away from him at the convention via Super Delegates on the second round. It's undeniable at this point.

NBC News Exit Poll: Black voters want a return to Obama era, whites want to go more liberal
Two out of three black voters in today’s South Carolina Democratic presidential primary want the next president to return to Barack Obama’s policies, early results from the NBC News Exit Poll show. The other black voters are split nearly evenly between wanting a more liberal or a more conservative path as compared to Obama’s policies.

could be a huge win for Biden tonight.
All these endorsements for Biden...desperate. The guy has to be reminded what president he was veep to . Worse than Trump really (in mental capacity ).
538: Biden’s margin among black voters in South Carolina was 60-17 over Sanders, according to exit polls. Sanders will get bad press over this. CNN is back on Biden train, talk of Bloomberg dropping out and consolidating behind Biden after ........ 1 primary win.
Big win for Biden. If Bloomberg does badly on ST, then this will shape into a Bernie Vs Biden race after Tuesday.
So the highest ranking dem from SC endorses Biden and therefore doesn’t want MC4A for South Carolinians. If I was a SC dem I’d be pissed off at him.
538: Biden’s margin among black voters in South Carolina was 60-17 over Sanders, according to exit polls. Sanders will get bad press over this. CNN is back on Biden train, talk of Bloomberg dropping out and consolidating behind Biden after ........ 1 primary win.
So fickle our media is.
538: Biden’s margin among black voters in South Carolina was 60-17 over Sanders, according to exit polls. Sanders will get bad press over this. CNN is back on Biden train, talk of Bloomberg dropping out and consolidating behind Biden after ........ 1 primary win.

That's one way of looking at it, but another is that this could put Biden ahead in both votes and delegates.
No one except Biden seems to get more than 15% of the votes, essentially giving all the pledged delegates to Biden. If this happens, then Biden enters the super Tuesday as the candidate with the most pledged delegates.

Sanders will get 20-ish. Though Biden might still have more delegates (and votes) before Super Tuesday (but probably not after it).
No one except Biden seems to get more than 15% of the votes, essentially giving all the pledged delegates to Biden. If this happens, then Biden enters the super Tuesday as the candidate with the most pledged delegates.

sanders is likely to get 18-20-ish%.
No one except Biden seems to get more than 15% of the votes, essentially giving all the pledged delegates to Biden. If this happens, then Biden enters the super Tuesday as the candidate with the most pledged delegates (around double of those of Bernie's).
538 seems to be behind in the reporting. NPR and others are showing Biden around 49 (~7000 votes) and Bernie around 19 but still only 1% reporting.
edit: 3% reporting, 51/18 Biden/Bernie
ABC News: “Based on our analysis of exit poll and the vote, ABC News projects that Sanders will be second in the South Carolina primary.
such a difference in opinion, view of the world and how they vote and what they vote for between younger vs older voters

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