2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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hmm, polling contradicts my gut sense here. (RCP averages)
NC average is +1 (5 polls, 4 wins). definitely deserves resources.
AZ -5 (all trump). close to a write-off.
Ohio 2 polls from last sept/oct, +6 and -1. needs more recent data, but interesting.
Iowa -6 (all trump). write off, especially in conjunction with low dem turnout.
Florida +0.3 (3 polls - tie, +6, -5 - a real range!).

I just can't imagine Bernie winning Florida, even in 2016.

AZ might be a tall order since its pretty moderate on the Dem side. They ran a progressive against the Republican in 18 and he got beaten pretty easily. Also, Sinema is pretty moderate, as is Mark Kelly who is running against McSally. FL is also a loss. OH, IA, and NC are definitely in play.
these people have lost their minds

especially the warren people on twitter have been crying about it for a few days (ever since polls put him ahead of her there). mass has a big delegate total!
Ah! But you see, if there's ever a dangerous demagogue who wins enough states, the electoral college will act as a safeguard and protect the country.
Are you telling me that the US is guilty of saying one thing and doing another?
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Trust Pete to campaign against his own economic self interest. That chart suggests he's practically in the muck with the rest of us yet he's cheerleading for corporate interests. Still holding out on that dream with all the other suckers.
Sanders will win WI for certain. MI, PA all will go for him.
Ohio will be the tough one. But he will campaign there.

Its actually not certain he would win WI. Trump was beating him by 7 in a recent poll there and he was leading Trump by 2 in another, so a win would be anything but certain.
Its actually not certain he would win WI. Trump was beating him by 7 in a recent poll there and he was leading Trump by 2 in another, so a win would be anything but certain.

Until 2016 WI was one of those states that always declared early for the Democratic candidate.
Obviously Trump has brought out non voters.
Sanders will do the same.

Health Care is a huge issue.
The most pertinent exchange from the last debate I remembered was when Sanders hit back at Bloomberg for the laws that had being passed. That he had bought politicians from both sides.
Why we have such income inequality. Therefore such poverty in this country.
Latest from MSM seems to be subtly pushing the narrative that Republicans are coming out to vote for Bernie.
Not really. Mainstream SC Democrats are a fairly centrist bunch.

I believe its not so much being centrist.
A lot of the black community have been conditioned to accept their lot in life. Every 4 years these people come for their vote. Nothing changes. But they know that the Republicans will be worse.
But this cycle we are seeing young people across all racial divides participating.
They are voting their needs.
That is a big plus for everyone.
Trump flipped a good number of Obama voters, so it wouldn't be a big surprise if Sanders flips some of them back.

It used to be Ohio Ohio Ohio.
The Dems then focused on the 3 Western States. NV/NM/CO to make up for OH. But VA becoming blue was a bonus.
To win the GE winning the Rust belt States is the key now.
But you cannot flip OH for example without policies. Saying Trump is bad which Biden is doing just plays into Trump's hands.
Trump flipped a good number of Obama voters, so it wouldn't be a big surprise if Sanders flips some of them back.
What as that got to do with them suggesting Republicans are coming out to vote for Bernie ,because they feel he is the easiest candidate for Trump.
what have people like Clyburn done for them?

I don't know. Ask someone who voted for him, and I'm sure they'll have a reason. You might not think it's a good reason, but that doesn't mean they have been "conditioned" to accept their situation. If Biden wins SC, which he's very likely to do, I'd like to see you suggest to the voters of South Carolina that they're just complacent stooges, which is essentially what you're saying.
I don't know. Ask someone who voted for him, and I'm sure they'll have a reason. You might not think it's a good reason, but that doesn't mean they have been "conditioned" to accept their situation. If Biden wins SC, which he's very likely to do, I'd like to see you suggest to the voters of South Carolina that they're just complacent stooges, which is essentially what you're saying.

What I am saying is Clyburn endorsed someone who advocated cutting Social Security and was for imprisonment of black people.
That is a fact.

Do those people need Health Care, Education as an alternative to prison?
Of course they do.

They are voting against their own interests.
Doesn't mean it's not shitty, just means it was designed to be shitty.

Calling it shitty is a disservice. Just like any apparatus of power, it serves a duality in terms of its purpose and what it actually intends to do. And in this case, the EC does exactly that under the guise of a fair electoral process.
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