2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The amount of negative press Bloomberg is getting after the debate is absolutely delightful. I'm wondering if he would keep up some of the ad spending in the general election if another democrat wins the nomination, or if he is only in it for himself.

Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see how true his ‘I’ll support whoever wins!’ is after he just got humiliated on national TV.
It would definitely be a winning ticket but
Mass has a GOP governor, so I doubt the Dems would be interested in losing a Senate seat at a time when control of the Senate is within realistic grasp.
Both Sanders/Warren can resign early from the Senate to make sure a special election is held alongside the presidential election.
The two progressives won the day. Warren was at her best ,she was slapping them left and right . The look on Klobuchar's face when Warren attacked her was priceless. The hatred between Buttigieg and Klobuchar is real ,she resents this young upstart being on the stage and he knows it.Bernie was solid ,even throwing it back into the face of the MSNBC moderator about the poll numbers. Bloomberg surprised me , i thought he would have come there more prepared ,it was a disaster and his arrogant comment about going to his website ,but not needing your money will not go down well with some.
Warren clearly was auditioning for the VP spot with Bernie.
Brilliant attacks on mini mike like a knight with shiny amour riding a tricycle and slimy Pete.

My ranking was

1. Sanders
2. Warren
3. Biden

4. Buttigig
5. Klobuchar
6. Bloomberg

It was a toss up between 5 and 6 but Bloomberg came in with so much expectation and was destroyed.
Would America really elect someone that calls himself a socialist?
Our disaster of an election over here has me scared.
Sanders is viewed far more favourably as a person than Corbyn. Doesn't mean he'll win - but there are lots of people genuinely excited about him. I don't think you could say that about Corbyn.

Standard disclaimer: I'm neither British nor American so I could be talking out of my arse.

Pure Pornography. :devil::devil::lol:


Saw this in the replies.

Bernie: Rage level: 10. Directed at: Billionaires, injustice
Amy: Rage level: 8. Directed at: Staffers, Pete
Pete: Rage level 8. Directed at: Dogs

Biden; Rage level: 10. Directed at: His own supporters, truth, and Corn Pop.

Bloomberg: Smug level: 60,000,000,000 Directed at: the peasants
I’ve watched a few highlights of the debate and the more and more I watch of Mayo Pete, the more I cant stand him. He’s such a greasy little snivel with absolutely zero poise or authority in an argument. He instantly does this horrible lip curl showing his absolute contempt for the person that dares challenge him.

I have a problem with people demonizing wealth, like making money is a sin. Among the many attacks on Bloomberg, that is my least favorite. I can understand people attacking him for his policy choices as a mayor but attacking him for merely being wealthy is a bit of a pointless exercise. Its not like someone consciously chose not to produce a billion dollar trading data platform because they didn't feel like it.
I have a problem with people demonizing wealth, like making money is a sin. Among the many attacks on Bloomberg, that is my least favorite. I can understand people attacking him for his policy choices as a mayor but attacking him for merely being wealthy is a bit of a pointless exercise. Its not like someone consciously chose not to produce a billion dollar trading data platform because they didn't feel like it.

He was attacked for buying politicians to write laws favouring people like him at the expense of ordinary people who are suffering.
It would definitely be a winning ticket but
Mass has a GOP governor, so I doubt the Dems would be interested in losing a Senate seat at a time when control of the Senate is within realistic grasp.

That's a good point. Maybe someone from Texas then since that is actually in play.
I have a problem with people demonizing wealth, like making money is a sin. Among the many attacks on Bloomberg, that is my least favorite. I can understand people attacking him for his policy choices as a mayor but attacking him for merely being wealthy is a bit of a pointless exercise. Its not like someone consciously chose not to produce a billion dollar trading data platform because they didn't feel like it.

Nobody did that. You need to pay attention more.
Bernie says 'Native American' Warren raises ✋ "present"

THANK YOU!!! I though I was the only one that noticed.. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that she raised her hand and nodded as soon as he said it.. she has lied about it so long that it's a reflex at this point. :lol:
I have a problem with people demonizing wealth, like making money is a sin. Among the many attacks on Bloomberg, that is my least favorite. I can understand people attacking him for his policy choices as a mayor but attacking him for merely being wealthy is a bit of a pointless exercise. Its not like someone consciously chose not to produce a billion dollar trading data platform because they didn't feel like it.

The guy is worth $54,000,000,000. An individual having that much money is way beyond a sin, it’s a fecking crime against humanity. You could earn a million dollars a year every year of your life and you’d still have to live for over 770 lifetimes to be worth as much as Mike fecking Bloomberg.
he's running this campaign, the most expensive in history, an attempt to buy an entire party and half the electorate, from the interest and passive income he'd accumulate from his existing wealth as he's running the campaign.


i think the main takeaway is that everyone except bernie pretty much admitted that they don't have a path to even a plurality, let alone a majority, and they want to fight at the convention. internal polling must be really bad since i'm not that confident. i'm less worried than others about superdelegates overturning a delegate plurality, but the fact that warren went along with this is worrying, and another reason why i box her in with "everybody else" rather than "bernie and warren."
That's idiot Todd trying to stir shit up. Do you have a candidate saying it?

Well he's a moderator at the debate and there's different variations of the same thing with left leaning news sites calling it a weak response when Bloomberg responsed "I earned my wealth". Sanders comparing his wealth to the average wage increase of regular Americans is a bad argument as well considering Bloomberg is an outlier who was incredibly well educated as well as fortunate to build a product that is widely used by Wall Street. You can't compare the average to the outlier and demonize the outlier.
Well he's a moderator at the debate and there's different variations of the same thing with left leaning news sites calling it a weak response when Bloomberg responsed "I earned my wealth". Sanders comparing his wealth to the average wage increase of regular Americans is a bad argument as well considering Bloomberg is an outlier who was incredibly well educated as well as fortunate to build a product that is widely used by Wall Street. You can't compare the average to the outlier and demonize the outlier.

None of the candidates will ever say it because it would be political suicide.
The guy is worth $54,000,000,000. An individual having that much money is way beyond a sin, it’s a fecking crime against humanity. You could earn a million dollars a year every year of your life and you’d still have to live for over 770 lifetimes to be worth as much as Mike fecking Bloomberg.

Trying to buy the election is a cnutish thing to do and he shouldn't be anywhere near the White House, but demonizing wealth and success and calling it a sin is messed up. Successful people get rewarded, that's how society works.
Trying to buy the election is a cnutish thing to do and he shouldn't be anywhere near the White House, but demonizing wealth and success and calling it a sin is messed up. Successful people get rewarded, that's how society works.
Hahahaha no but common misconception. People who get rewarded are considered successful.
The guy is worth $54,000,000,000. An individual having that much money is way beyond a sin, it’s a fecking crime against humanity. You could earn a million dollars a year every year of your life and you’d still have to live for over 770 lifetimes to be worth as much as Mike fecking Bloomberg.
Here's a hypothetical for you: 20 years ago Bloomberg cashes out. He sells the business to a syndicate of investment firms, so now the final ownership is pulverized across hundreds of families of varying wealth. The business goes on to become the leading financial information platform in the world as it is, but no one is a billionaire due to just owning Bloomberg (the firm).

How is that world significantly better than one in which Bloomberg weren't trying to use his billions to buy himself into the election? (his true immorality imo, besides actions as mayor)
very very concering re wiconsin, which i always assumed would be the easiest of the 3

Here's a hypothetical for you: 20 years ago Bloomberg cashes out. He sells the business to a syndicate of investment firms, so now the final ownership is pulverized across hundreds of families of varying wealth. The business goes on to become the leading financial information platform in the world as it is, but no one is a billionaire due to just owning Bloomberg (the firm).

How is that world significantly better than one in which Bloomberg weren't trying to use his billions to buy himself into the election? (his true immorality imo, besides actions as mayor)

Well, more people employed, spending more of the money and putting it back into the economy.
Hahahaha no but common misconception. People who get rewarded are considered successful.

That's makes absolutely zero sense, but I'll bite. How do people get rewarded then without being successful? Is there a place I can go to and claim my billions so that I can become successful too?
Here's a hypothetical for you: 20 years ago Bloomberg cashes out. He sells the business to a syndicate of investment firms, so now the final ownership is pulverized across hundreds of families of varying wealth. The business goes on to become the leading financial information platform in the world as it is, but no one is a billionaire due to just owning Bloomberg (the firm).

How is that world significantly better than one in which Bloomberg weren't trying to use his billions to buy himself into the election? (his true immorality imo, besides actions as mayor)

the gini coefficient correlates with many bad things?
That's makes absolutely zero sense, but I'll bite. How do people get rewarded then without being successful? Is there a place I can go to and claim my billions so that I can become successful too?
No: the point is that we measure success on money. If you make a lot of money, no matter how, you are considered successful. Money is not the result of success but the measurement of it.

You can work very hard and very well without ever making a ton of money. And of course you don't actually make a ton of money by working hard - as much as we'd all like to believe that - you do that by exploiting the work of other people. And by getting lucky.
No: the point is that we measure success on money. If you make a lot of money, no matter how, you are considered successful. Money is not the result of success but the measurement of it.

You can work very hard and very well without ever making a ton of money. And of course you don't actually make a ton of money by working hard - as much as we'd all like to believe that - you do that by exploiting the work of other people. And by getting lucky.

Don't want to get into a philosophical debate here but how much is "ton" of money? Unless you win the lottery or inherit money, the money you will make is going to a have a direct correlation with the responsibilities and difficulty levels of the work you do.
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