2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Always so funny to hear Pete talk about needing to stray from business as usual, as if he’s not a cardboard cut-out put there by big business.
I'd love to see a Bernie/Warren ticket. They could take on Trump and win.
Warren is probably more useful in Congress, it plays to her strengths.

Not sure who Bernie would need on his ticket to get a boost. I don’t think there is an obvious candidate.
Warren is probably more useful in Congress, it plays to her strengths.

Not sure who Bernie would need on his ticket to get a boost. I don’t think there is an obvious candidate.
Warren in the Senate would be extremely useful in a Sanders presidency. As far as VP goes, that's a tough one. Nina Tuner is often mentioned on here and I wouldn't mind that at all despite her experience being at state level. However, her state is Ohio, which is a battleground state that is a must win.
Warren in the Senate would be extremely useful in a Sanders presidency. As far as VP goes, that's a tough one. Nina Tuner is often mentioned on here and I wouldn't mind that at all despite her experience being at state level. However, her state is Ohio, which is a battleground state that is a must win.
The Dems don’t need to win Ohio, and I don’t believe they will.

Someone with appeal in the upper Midwest would be helpful, though what Bernie probably needs is help securing Pennsylvania in the context of a GE.
Watching the highlights now. All three of Bernie, Warren, and Biden have torched Bloomberg. Let's see if his adds work after this.
CNN is saying Sanders is the clear winner

Warren had a very good bight, and Biden too.
Bernie was the best at messaging today. But Warren was the best with the attacks.

btw a brilliant quote from TYT "Will M4A cover what happened to Bloomberg in the debate?" :lol:
Warren in the Senate would be extremely useful in a Sanders presidency. As far as VP goes, that's a tough one. Nina Tuner is often mentioned on here and I wouldn't mind that at all despite her experience being at state level. However, her state is Ohio, which is a battleground state that is a must win.
Often mentioned by exactly one person.

There’s more chance of me banging Scarlett Johansson than Nina Turner becoming the Democratic VP nominee.
Bernie was the best at messaging today. But Warren was the best with the attacks.

btw a brilliant quote from TYT "Will M4A cover what happened to Bloomberg in the debate?" :lol:

Bernie was the winner. He came in as the front runner, and no one really laid a glove on him. He was on point and had the most + energy. I guess being a front runner lets you focus on your plans rather than attacks.

Amy/Pete kinda canceled each other out. Warren was raging against the dying of the light, but she’ll run out of $$$ soon. Biden did ok, by virtue of not being Bloomberg

mini Mike is not used to and prepared for this kind of stage. He’s used to Davos, softball questions by sycophants and exquisite sushi afterwards. This was a brawl. I guess he’s got money so he can stay in the race and hope for a brokered convention. Long shot imo
Would America really elect someone that calls himself a socialist?
Our disaster of an election over here has me scared.
I'd love to see a Bernie/Warren ticket. They could take on Trump and win.

It would definitely be a winning ticket but
Mass has a GOP governor, so I doubt the Dems would be interested in losing a Senate seat at a time when control of the Senate is within realistic grasp.
The amount of negative press Bloomberg is getting after the debate is absolutely delightful. I'm wondering if he would keep up some of the ad spending in the general election if another democrat wins the nomination, or if he is only in it for himself.
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