2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I missed the first half. Seems like Warren is doing best so far? How's Biden and Bernie doing? And of course mini Mike?
I cringe every time Bloomberg opens his mouth. He has the charisma of a wet rag. Trump will have a field day with him. Like with low energy Jeb, but worse.
I'm willing to bet that Bloomberg paid for audience members to dickride him. Too bad a certain poster isn't here to take that bet.
Klobuchar should just step down and go home. Stop wasting everyone's time. There's zero chance of her being the next president and she brings zero entertainment to this debate.
Klobuchar should just step down and go home. Stop wasting everyone's time. There's zero chance of her being the next president and she brings zero entertainment to this debate.
hope she doesn't at least till Super Tuesday. need to break up that centrist vote as much as possible
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