2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Maher is an absurd slime ball.

Didn't he donate $1M to Obama, $1M to Hillary and another $1m to some Dem PAC? If you've got several million dollars to donate to political causes, you're clearly rolling in dough and are insulated from pressing issues of the lower/middle class.
The only thing that matters from the initial states is momentum, and if the headline says tie there's no gain from them.
Bernie's entire strategy would have been win the 1st 2, thus build up enough to win Nevada, and then have enough to keep it close in SC. Then that makes him official frontrunner, run up the score in California and some other Super Tuesday states and he's through.
Right now it looks like he wins the votes in the 1st 2 states but the rest of that may not pan out.
Bernie's entire strategy would have been win the 1st 2, thus build up enough to win Nevada, and then have enough to keep it close in SC. Then that makes him official frontrunner, run up the score in California and some other Super Tuesday states and he's through.
Right now it looks like he wins the votes in the 1st 2 states but the rest of that may not pan out.
Human planning is subordinate to circumstances though.

If polling bears that out tonight and Klobuchar finished above or right on viability, she will continue on to NV, SC and maybe the Super Tuesday states. 2 months prior, literally every leftists would take the centrist votes being divided 4 ways in the most hostile grounds to Sanders.
I think the DNC wants to defeat trump and sees Bernie as a liability in achieving this... From the time I spent in the states and now being quite detached and looking objectively I think they are right to be concerned.

I can see Bernie piling on votes in safe democrat seats and if it were an election based on the popular vote then he would have a good chance

Reality isnt that though... It's an electoral college and the election will be decided in a few key battlegrounds and I don't think Bernie will do well there

I'd love to be wrong because I dread to think how bad trump might get if he does not have to face re-election

I think the democratic party's worst scenario is a brokered convention between independent Bernie Sanders and former republican Bloomberg ... And I wouldn't rule that out

This is totally wrong. One election means nothing when your entire existence is under threat.

The DNC elite would rather four more years of Trump than Bernie becoming president. The type of reforms and policies he wants to implement completely threatens their world.
This is totally wrong. One election means nothing when your entire existence is under threat.

The DNC elite would rather four more years of Trump than Bernie becoming president. The type of reforms and policies he wants to implement completely threatens their world.

The DNC elite (whatever that means) want Trump out more than anyone else, which means whoever the Dem nominee is will get the party's support.
The DNC elite (whatever that means) want Trump out more than anyone else, which means whoever the Dem nominee is will get the party's support.

they'll support publicly him if he wins the nom, as they won't have any other choice at that point. But they'll do everything in their power to stop him winning the nomination (and not because they think he can't beat Trump).
they'll support publicly him if he wins the nom, as they won't have any other choice at that point. But they'll do everything in their power to stop him winning the nomination (and not because they think he can't beat Trump).

I don't think they are going all out to stop him. The problem is that Sanders isn't a Democrat and is using the party to advance his political ambitions, while technically remaining an independent. That obviously won't sit well with actual Democratic party members, but even so, they will go along with it if it means beating Trump
I don't think they are going all out to stop him. The problem is that Sanders isn't a Democrat and is using the party to advance his political ambitions, while technically remaining an independent. That obviously won't sit well with actual Democratic party members, but even so, they will go along with it if it means beating Trump

What reasons do you have to think that way Raoul?

Bernie is going after super PACS, Citizens United, gerrymandering, wants to move to publicly funded elections, and (I think) favours moving away from the two party system. He's about as radical as an electable politician can get in the States.

All of the old school (lets call them that, instead of elite) Dems are backed by corporations who clearly don't want this, nor a President who wants to invest in social welfare.

Granted, he probably won't achieve much (or any) of it but he's going after the system. He's threatening the power structures in the US, the Dems have just as much to lose as the GOP.
I don't think they are going all out to stop him. The problem is that Sanders isn't a Democrat and is using the party to advance his political ambitions, while technically remaining an independent. That obviously won't sit well with actual Democratic party members, but even so, they will go along with it if it means beating Trump

His 'political ambition' is to level the playing field for ordinary Americans.
It wont sit well with actual Democratic party members who are there to serve the corporations.
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I think Pete can pull this off

edit- saw some more, think the poll is garbage. it found that pete is the only one capable of beating trump h2h in NH, which is very weird. also i've never heard of the polling agency either. another poll had bernie only 2 points ahead, and that agency was better known, but their weighting was only 25% under-45. the other 3 polls released today had a lead of about 6-7%, which is ok i guess. bernie outperformed his polling by 2% in iowa but pete did by 4.5%, so a little buffer would be great.
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Bernie's entire strategy would have been win the 1st 2, thus build up enough to win Nevada, and then have enough to keep it close in SC. Then that makes him official frontrunner, run up the score in California and some other Super Tuesday states and he's through.
Right now it looks like he wins the votes in the 1st 2 states but the rest of that may not pan out.

What are you talking about.. Bernie is not just hoping for a win in Iowa and NH. In that case, he may as well give up any chance of beating Trump.
He will get certain political ideas into the real mainstream, the same way Trump encouraged white supremacists to really make their voices heard. Except it will be things like universal healthcare: it's still seen only as a "radical idea of some of the Democratic candidates" but if someone is actually getting elected as President on the back of it the idea gains credibility even if the Republicans block it and fight it at every turn, as they are bound to do.

Don't forget that polls say universal healthcare as an idea actually has majority support among Americans but the accepted conventional wisdom still echoes the whole "radical idea" thing. Sanders getting elected would reinforce that. Eventually, it might get to a point where universal healthcare is seen as pitchfork insurance for the elite.

In this case "moderate" democrats are not really any different from republicans, they will cry foul about whatever Trump does, and instead propose some half arsed measure, but at the end of the day they dont really want to do away with the whole insurance system because they too are deep in the pockets of the medical industry.

The fecked up thing is that the US government already spends as much on healthcare pr capita as countries with Universal healthcare, yet they have a system where a sizable portion of the populace dont have access to it and even those who do risks either not getting treatment or ending up in crippling dept.
I don't think they are going all out to stop him. The problem is that Sanders isn't a Democrat and is using the party to advance his political ambitions, while technically remaining an independent. That obviously won't sit well with actual Democratic party members, but even so, they will go along with it if it means beating Trump

Sounds remarkably like Trump and the GOP in 2016
What are you talking about.. Bernie is not just hoping for a win in Iowa and NH. In that case, he may as well give up any chance of beating Trump.
He was 2nd to Biden in national polling, if he had won the 1st 2 nd 3 out of the 1st 4, Biden's argument would have collapsed and he would be the clear front runner. Now, Biden has collapsed but because of the Pete "win" in Iowa, his front-runner status isn't clear. He still has a solid chance of course.
I reckon it might be a little to early to infer anything :lol:


Apparently it’s three tiny towns which have declared early.
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