2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Regardless of endgames I think the anti-establishment in Bannon would probably like to see the chaos and panic a Sanders Presidency would instil in both GOP and Dem establishment figures.
I think so.

Bannon is at heart an accelerationist wanting the inevitable debate between eco-fascism and eco-socialism to be visible as soon as possible as he sees that as fascism's best chance.

Bill Maher's a very uninformed old man who assumes Bannon harmless because none of his social circle like him and so invites him on for an incredibly soft interview, thinking a few pantomime audience boos will make up for his inability to expose a fascist he is giving airtime.
Which is why a centrist is more likely to achieve a left-leaning agenda. It's counter-intuitive, but that's American politics.
They tried that, not long back. His very meagre achievements have been wiped before the first term after his departure has ended.
If Sanders gets in and the GOP hold the Senate, then he will achieve absolutely nothing.
He will get certain political ideas into the real mainstream, the same way Trump encouraged white supremacists to really make their voices heard. Except it will be things like universal healthcare: it's still seen only as a "radical idea of some of the Democratic candidates" but if someone is actually getting elected as President on the back of it the idea gains credibility even if the Republicans block it and fight it at every turn, as they are bound to do.

Don't forget that polls say universal healthcare as an idea actually has majority support among Americans but the accepted conventional wisdom still echoes the whole "radical idea" thing. Sanders getting elected would reinforce that. Eventually, it might get to a point where universal healthcare is seen as pitchfork insurance for the elite.
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Perhaps. But personal antipathy against Bernie is more likely to make a him a lame-duck from day 1.
Personal antipathy by who?

Again, remember how the Republicans utterly and completely refused to compromise for Obama, at all.
Sanders will strive to implement as much of the policies he is running on.
He will compromise of course but not cave in.
He is not your normal politician.


If he does implement his plan to issue an executive order on being able to buy prescriptions from other countries if needed, heads will explode not just at Big Pharma but in Congress too.

A list of possible executive orders that would allow him to unilaterally:

  • Declare a national climate emergency;
  • Ban U.S. exports of crude oil;
  • Import prescription drugs from Canada;
  • Cancel federal contracts for companies that pay their workers less than $15 an hour;
  • Direct the Department of Justice to legalize marijuana at the federal level;
  • Reverse existing rules that bar the U.S. from funding organizations that provide abortion services;
  • Immediately halt the construction of President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall;
  • Lift the cap on the number of refugees the U.S. accepts each year; and
  • Release billions in disaster aid to Puerto Rico that the Trump administration has withheld.
Which is why a centrist is more likely to achieve a left-leaning agenda. It's counter-intuitive, but that's American politics.
Obama, the well spoken centrist, oversaw eight years that lost over 1000 Democratic seats. Hillary Clinton, another centrist, lost to the worst candidate in history. So we actually need to take this centrist tip and shove it up a rear end.
Perhaps. But personal antipathy against Bernie is more likely to make a him a lame-duck from day 1.
Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
‘I Don’t Want To Be in a Cult!’ James Carville Warns Against Dems Nominating Bernie Sanders

One thing that Carville did say which i agree with.The medias take on Trump and his base is over the top.
This is like 2016 all over again when all neocon intellectuals were coming out of the woodwork to denounce Trump that he was going to destroy the party. Now they’re all sucking his dick (pardon my French)
This is like 2016 all over again when all neocon intellectuals were coming out of the woodwork to denounce Trump that he was going to destroy the party. Now they’re all sucking his dick (pardon my French)
Big difference is that Trump’s is actually like a cult in the literal sense. Bernie’s side gets referred to as such because his base just happens to be extremely passionate but it doesn’t follow the actual characteristics of a cult.
Obama, the well spoken centrist, oversaw eight years that lost over 1000 Democratic seats. Hillary Clinton, another centrist, lost to the worst candidate in history. So we actually need to take this centrist tip and shove it up a rear end.

Well said
Severely underestimating the people power behind Sanders. Just look at how Trump gets the GOP to fall in line for him even though they know better — his base will toss them off to the side if they’re not with the program. I can see Sanders supporters doing similarly with establishment Dems. These commentators and authors are also disregarding how women's suffrage, labor rights, and civil rights came to be. Not from President/Congress reaching across the aisle on their own accord, but vastly influenced by people-led movements.
Obama, the well spoken centrist, oversaw eight years that lost over 1000 Democratic seats. Hillary Clinton, another centrist, lost to the worst candidate in history. So we actually need to take this centrist tip and shove it up a rear end.
Maybe they will with a Buttigieg or Biden as well.

But definitely they will with Bernie or Warren.

The Republicans saw Obama as an enemy for other obvious reasons. Either way, a leftist presidency won't achieve any more than a centrist presidency.
Maybe they will with a Buttigieg or Biden as well.

But definitely they will with Bernie or Warren.

The Republicans saw Obama as an enemy for other obvious reasons. Either way, a leftist presidency won't achieve any more than a centrist presidency.

President has great leeway on foreign policy, and Bernie (IDK about Warren) is going through a list of pretty decent executive orders which @Red Dreams listed, none of which need Congressional support.
Pete Buttigieg Supporters Big on Excitement, Short on Policy—Jordan On The Campaign Trail

Maybe they will with a Buttigieg or Biden as well.

But definitely they will with Bernie or Warren.

The Republicans saw Obama as an enemy for other obvious reasons. Either way, a leftist presidency won't achieve any more than a centrist presidency.
There is no maybe. It's a guarantee.

I'll refer to my previous comment about Bernie's ability to effect policy. Another thing I'll add is that the energy and significant amounts of newer voter turnout points to a stronger possibility of flipping the Senate while also adding more Democrats and Justice Democrats to the House. If democratic power is to work, it will only work when people start participating. The typical way is to not have people involved but rely on politicians doing all the negotiating for us and for Democrats to constantly meet in the middle while Republicans keep moving to the right.
Did you watch Bannon on Bill Maher? Strangely was sympathetic toward Bernie (does that means he doesn't rate his chances in the general v D.T?), and said that he's a populist and such is being treated poorly by the establishment. Maher was like "I don't like socialism, I like capitalism plus" or some nonsense like that. The liberal media are so far removed from the struggles of the common folk, they might as well speak for the GOP.
Maher flatly admitted he doesn't want to pay wealth tax when interviewed by Fareed.

Digging in further:

If Bernie is the nominee, he will get > 90% of all other primary candidate voters (varying from 92% of Biden to 99% of Warren) except for Bloomberg. Only 82% of Bloomberg primary voters will support Bernie, and 10% of Bloombros will go for Trump.
The same applies for Warren (including 94% of Bernie supporters) but 89% of Bloomberg.
Biden gets >90% except for Bernie voters who will back him 85%, with 10% of the bros saying they won't vote.
And for the man himself, Pete will get only 87% of Bi-bros and 82% of Bernard brothers, and even the Bloombros only back him 87%.
Basically Warren and Pete voters are party loyalists while the B boys have devious brothers.

Sadly for sensible Mayor Pete fans, it looks like that they have to drop their preferred moderate candidate. Cast a reluctant but adult vote for Bernie in order to have a better base turnout to beat Trump. No purity tests, the moderates need to destroy their juvenile idealism and be pragmatic!
Maher needs all that money for weed and blowing millions on Clinton and Klobuchar .
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