2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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From a Yang supporter, not in Black Hawk county (which had the big discrepancy noted by the precint chair)

basically, they missed biden, amy, and yang numbers 1st round, (all 3 were unviable) and forgot to add bernie, buttigieg, and warren 2nd round; this person indicated that bernie got significant support from the yang people.
What makes Pete more popular than someone like Yang?
Wait she's a Biden spokesperson now :lol:. What a crazy world
She's become the female version of this guy
Don't take me wrong, I love Pete. He's a learned man, he's very progressive, he's got Maltese origins and the fecker is quite proud of it. FFS he even know how to speak Maltese which isn't an easy language to learn. Its quite a proud time to be Maltese at the moment. Markle (another one with Maltese origins) kicked the royal family in the nuts and hopefully Pete would do the same to Trump and his mates. However, lets face it, it ain't happening. Trump's ratings haven't plummeted and the way the US elections work he's going to be re-elected. It always surprised me how one of the most democratic countries in the world wouldn't rely on majority votes to elect their president.

I learned today that Maltese is derived from Arabic.
Official reporting site:

i tried it, it certainly goes out of whack whenever you select a district.
Isn't it funny how all these "mistakes" are mainly impacting Bernie. You could understand a situation where votes are mistakenly being taken off everyone, but why is Bernie the only one who is the most impacted by these errors.

Why don't any of these mistakes include votes or delegates being taken from Buttigieg.
Isn't it funny how all these "mistakes" are mainly impacting Bernie. You could understand a situation where votes are mistakenly being taken off everyone, but why is Bernie the only one who is the most impacted by these errors.

Why don't any of these mistakes include votes or delegates being taken from Buttigieg.

Occam's Razor
Isn't it funny how all these "mistakes" are mainly impacting Bernie. You could understand a situation where votes are mistakenly being taken off everyone, but why is Bernie the only one who is the most impacted by these errors.

Why don't any of these mistakes include votes or delegates being taken from Buttigieg.

After this stunt the Democrats have pulled, if Sanders is not the nominee, there will be an awful lot of voters who wont bother to show up in November.
You would think they had learned from 2016.
Petie's team should share more about his ongoing battle with hemorrhoids, make him seem more human. Yang needs to play up his coding experience. Or it'll be Trump 2020 again.
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