I have mostly ever lived in a bubble, under a rock as far as politics go. No cable, no social media. I was always proudly punk rock, anti-establishment, burn the shit to the ground. Since Trump has been president, I realized that he could actually kill my oldest son. There is no way I could afford the $5,000 dollar a month in medications, the doctors’ visits, surgeries and therapy he needs. Every year since Trump got elected things have gotten worse. I read an article about the Reagan purge, where people died waiting and being denied money and health insurance. I am sure that’s what Trump is trying to do. Let the brown, black, poor and disabled die. It’s just been nonstop feckery.
For the first time ever, I am excited for an election. I hadn’t heard of any of these people when they announced they were running. I was excited for Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang. I donated to both candidates. I thought wow! This is awesome, they are running on everything my kids need! Then their stories started to crack and neither of them were what they said they were. I’m not a doctor, but I am sure that the spirit of insurance isn’t going to help anyone. Elizabeth’s plans suck and she lies about the weirdest shit. Enter Bernie Sanders, he is every damn thing he says he is. The more I read and hear from him the more I love! I didn’t even know what being a progressive was or what a socialist was. Apparently, I am both. Maybe they are the same thing? The first time I voted was for Obama, I did so out of guilt from my mother. I got a jury summons after that and swore never to vote again. I am willing to get a jury summons for Bernie Sanders. And fight for someone I don’t know.