2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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If Avenatti running means shedding more light on and popularizing progressive agendas, then I’m all for it. He may not have served but at least he knows the damn laws unlike Trumpito.

The political class aren't taking him seriously at this point (sound familiar?), so its hard to say where all of this is going. To his credit, he has stuck his neck out and tried to put out some rough policy papers on where he stands. In the meantime, the "real" candidates are too scared to announce whether or not they are running because they are scared of Trump preemptively mocking them on twitter, so all things said, Avenatti deserves a degree of credit for starting the conversation.
The political class aren't taking him seriously at this point (sound familiar?), so its hard to say where all of this is going. To his credit, he has stuck his neck out and tried to put out some rough policy papers on where he stands. In the meantime, the "real" candidates are too scared to announce whether or not they are running because they are scared of Trump preemptively mocking them on twitter, so all things said, Avenatti deserves a degree of credit for starting the conversation.
It never registered with me that Avenatti was the only one who put out policy details. Furthermore, he has no problem winding up Trump on Twitter, and does it well. Let him do the shit talking I say.
Avenatti and others like him are simply opportunists.
They are not invested.
If it does not work out, they will use the fact they ran for the presidency to drum up more business.

Aren't all politicians opportunists in his regard ? If they don't win the Presidency then they can go back to their career politician jobs in the house or Senate.
Aren't all politicians opportunists in his regard ? If they don't win the Presidency then they can go back to their career politician jobs in the house or Senate.

Those who are called to serve will continue to do so in whatever way they can.

EDIT: Jimmy Carter is a good example.

But many are simply opportunists. That is why this country is in a mess.
Aren't all politicians opportunists in his regard ? If they don't win the Presidency then they can go back to their career politician jobs in the house or Senate.

In that regard yes. But for me there is just something I don't quite trust about Avenatti yet. Beto seems much more genuine. Of course, these impressions could be wrong and Avenatti might be the most trustworthy Democrat in actuality but I think we need to stress them a little more to really find out.
In that regard yes. But for me there is just something I don't quite trust about Avenatti yet. Beto seems much more genuine. Of course, these impressions could be wrong and Avenatti might be the most trustworthy Democrat in actuality but I think we need to stress them a little more to really find out.

Agreed. The jury is still out on Avenatti, and how he comports himself going forward should inform whether he's serious or grandstanding. Beto strikes me as someone who is a natural leader, very much in an RFK/Obama hybrid mold. He will definitely be in the mix for higher office going forward.
You and I do.

Sadly many others want the impossible. They want a time that has passed. They want things they have fecked up themselves and second chances they can't get. They want hope! They want politicians to be like some magic hope that will fix everything. That's why they love Trump because he promises that.

The rest of us just want honestly and fairness and someone to do their best and try to do what they said they would.

Many people lower their expectations.
Once you do that we get less and less.
The ordinary citizen does not realise the power he or she has.
The power of the vote is important. But we also can pressure our local legislators in many ways.
Don't get the hate for Avenatti. He's using his fame to advance his ideas. There's nothing wrong with that. Not many people would have taken on a pornstar's case against a sitting president.
I wouldn't vote for him but the Dems don't have anything to lose with the added attention.
Another clown joins the circus.

A California recall election on a national scale would be extremely interesting.

why is Oscar a "clown"

no clue about him or his views which is why i ask. Just know him as a boxer back in the day
Another celebrity, a former boxer at that, going straight from no political experience straight to presidency. Thinks he must be Ali II or something. Clown.
Another celebrity, a former boxer at that, going straight from no political experience straight to presidency. Thinks he must be Ali II or something. Clown.

Why is it that political experience needs to be a pre requisite. And why is it that because he has none therefore he's a clown :lol:. So what if he's a former boxer.
Why is it that political experience needs to be a pre requisite. And why is it that because he has none therefore he's a clown :lol:. So what if he's a former boxer.
You don’t notice the effects of the lack of experience in this current presidency? Leader of the free world with no leadership experience. Just get paid money to get punched in the face for PPV audiences. We’ve got real issues to solve. And after a Trump presidency, De La Hoya thinks he’s the one to turn it around? Good on him for his optimism but that’s a clown move if I’ve ever seen one.
Many people lower their expectations.
Once you do that we get less and less.
The ordinary citizen does not realise the power he or she has.
The power of the vote is important. But we also can pressure our local legislators in many ways.

You are right. Consider this: Only one in five Americans vote for the midterm elections! Only 20% of eligible voters!...
You don’t notice the effects of the lack of experience in this current presidency? Leader of the free world with no leadership experience. Just get paid money to get punched in the face for PPV audiences. We’ve got real issues to solve. And after a Trump presidency, De La Hoya thinks he’s the one to turn it around? Good on him for his optimism but that’s a clown move if I’ve ever seen one.

To be fair Trump being clueless isn't down to lack of experience. He is just clueless and his view self-orientated. Eisenhower had little experience politically, turned out pretty well.
To be fair Trump being clueless isn't down to lack of experience. He is just clueless and his view self-orientated. Eisenhower had little experience politically, turned out pretty well.
Eisenhower has the experience of leadership being one of the generals in WWII. He without a doubt served this country. It’s asinine to even compare him with De La Hoya in terms of experience.
Eisenhower has the experience of leadership being one of the generals in WWII. He without a doubt served this country. It’s asinine to even compare him with De La Hoya in terms of experience.

To be fair, its been highly experienced career politicians the ones that have allow USA to become the shithole it is today.
To be fair, its been highly experienced career politicians the ones that have allow USA to become the shithole it is today.
I don't disagree. But just because experienced politicians fecked up this government doesn't make the election of inexperienced people with no leadership background a good idea, especially if that person is only riding on his celebrity status. This is isn't local elections or even a Congressman we're talking about, this is the goddamn US presidency. De La Hoya = clown.
I don't disagree. But just because experienced politicians fecked up this government doesn't make the election of inexperienced people with no leadership background a good idea, especially if that person is only riding on his celebrity status. This is isn't local elections or even a Congressman we're talking about, this is the goddamn US presidency. De La Hoya = clown.

of course .

seriously. people like this are just seeking publicity.

I honestly cannot see past Bernie.
De la hoya is a hero to Hispanics . If he ran he would certainly get the Hispanic vote

Bernie had his chance was cheated out of it and should not be anywhere near the race for 2020.
De la hoya is a hero to Hispanics . If he ran he would certainly get the Hispanic vote

Bernie had his chance was cheated out of it and should not be anywhere near the race for 2020.


A bit like Reagan had his chance in 76 and shouldn't have bothered in 80.
Meh Bernie will Be 79 won't he by the next election... 87 by the end of a theoretical two terms.
I just don't see It happening

Unless another candidate emerges, we may well see a face off between Biden and Sanders . Can't think of any other legitimately viable candidates at this point (although that could of course change).
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