2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Point I was making is we need to raise the bar to where there Needs to be service. That is the bare minimum.

Then what issues are they fighting for? How do those isues benefit the people?

It may be helpful for certain people, but it wouldn't necessarily ensure the best President.
Avenatti is just riding his wave. He got a great reception on TV and is trying to capitalize on it. Certainely doesn‘t look like the ideal motive but if he‘s serious about his policies, which is indeed hard to assess, then I‘d happily get over it. Jury still out imo.
Avenatti is just riding his wave. He got a great reception on TV and is trying to capitalize on it. Certainely doesn‘t look like the ideal motive but if he‘s serious about his policies, which is indeed hard to assess, then I‘d happily get over it. Jury still out imo.

He may well be. That said, I would take him more seriously than the likes of Swallwell and other congressmen considering a run. If there's one thing that Trump has taught us its that candidates willing to hit back at their critics can gain traction. Its not the only model but it is one that can work.
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How does a person who wants to serve as a leader, lead without sacrifice?
You don't have to be a career politician.
There needs to be some form of service.

Service isn't a bad thing, but not having it shouldn't be some sort of disqualifier. There are people who think no military service should disqualify one from becoming POTUS. I disagree. There are others who think no government service at all should be a disqualifier. I disagree there as well.

As long as a person carries themselves well, knows the issues, is on the right side of the issues, and can galvanize an audience then they can be competitive.
Service isn't a bad thing, but not having it shouldn't be some sort of disqualifier. There are people who think no military service should disqualify one from becoming POTUS. I disagree. There are others who think no government service at all should be a disqualifier. I disagree there as well.

As long as a person carries themselves well, knows the issues, is on the right side of the issues, and can galvanize an audience then they can be competitive.

I agree it does not have to be Military or even government service.
But you cannot 'know' the issues unless you have worked with people. experienced what they have. The Peace Corp for example.
If Mueller throws his hat into the 2020 Presidential race....

can see him getting support from both sides.

Can't see that at all. He's a Republican who wouldn't get much support from his own party since they would be mad he got rid of Trump.
Can't see that at all. He's a Republican who wouldn't get much support from his own party since they would be mad he got rid of Trump.

makes sense.

But it would bring back all those reasonable people who left the GOP and perhaps bring in moderate Democrats who did not like another plastic corporate stooge.

Mind you. In the end the platform he runs on will be important.

He would have one thing that many corporate politicians don't have. Integrity. People trust him.
makes sense.

But it would bring back all those reasonable people who left the GOP and perhaps bring in moderate Democrats who did not like another plastic corporate stooge.

Mind you. In the end the platform he runs on will be important.

He would have one thing that many corporate politicians don't have. Integrity. People trust him.

That's a key reason why he would never run. He would know how bad it would look if he were to run for the presidency after completing the investigation.
makes sense.

But it would bring back all those reasonable people who left the GOP and perhaps bring in moderate Democrats who did not like another plastic corporate stooge.

Mind you. In the end the platform he runs on will be important.

He would have one thing that many corporate politicians don't have. Integrity. People trust him.

They really wouldn't. The Republican party is going through a massive schism at the moment where the power structure has been seized by the ultra wealthy and media elites who are usurping its principles to advance their own agendas. Just look at how much control the likes of the Mercers, Murdochs, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh et al have today. They are the propagandists who control the flock and won't be giving up their political power to support a RINO like group of outcasts with vaguely sensible positions.
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He would have one thing that many corporate politicians don't have. Integrity. People trust him.

That's the thing, though, trust in Robert Mueller now basically runs down party lines. Republicans don't trust him or like him, and mostly wouldn't vote for him. And many Democrats probably would not vote for a guy who is an admitted Republican.
They really wouldn't. The Republican party is going through a massive schism at the moment where the power structure has been seized by the ultra wealthy and media elites who are usurping its principles to advance their own agendas. Just look at how much control the likes of the Mercers, Murdochs, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh et al have today. They are the propagandists who control the flock and won't be giving up their political power to support a RINO like group of outcasts with vaguely sensible positions.


heck. If the Dems cannot put forward a solid candidate after all this, I give up.

I'm still banking on Bernie.
They really wouldn't. The Republican party is going through a massive schism at the moment where the power structure has been seized by the ultra wealthy and media elites who are usurping its principles to advance their own agendas. Just look at how much control the likes of the Mercers, Murdochs, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh et al have today. They are the propagandists who control the flock and won't be giving up their political power to support a RINO like group of outcasts with vaguely sensible positions.

Levin was second tier till the election and was the only guy backing Cruz, but now he's apparently top tier, sure fire Trump supporter. cnut
Didn't realize Avenatti raced in Le Mans. He also lived in Chesterfield MO and went to Parkway HS, alma mater of many on my mom's side. That's enough proximity for me to not trash him.
Thinking about this clown Avenatti throwing his hat into the 2020 race.

When you think about those people who truly understood what it is to serve.
I listened to Dr. King's last speech and saw how he collapsed into that chair. He spoke of his children.
He did not want to die. He wanted to see them grow up.
The Need to serve is rooted in Love. Love of the nation. Love of people.
That love overcame the instint of self preservation.
The evening of his murder Bobby Kennedy in spite of being told he could not get protection spoke to a black audience from an unprepared speech speaking from his heart of Love. There were no riots that evening.

These people understood what it means to serve. To risk everything.

It is impossible to lead until you have served.


Just think what this country and even the world would be like if those leaders from the 60s had lived their full lives.

They understood the simple Truth.

Until the least of us is free none of us is free.

We need to dare to dream again.
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Thinking about this clown Avenatti throwing his hat into the 2020 race.

When you think about those people who truly understood what it is to serve.
I listened to Dr. King's last speech and saw how he collapsed into that chair. He spoke of his children.
He did not want to die. He wanted to see them grow up.
The Need to serve is rooted in Love. Love of the nation. Love of people.
That love overcame the instint of self preservation.
The evening of his murder Bobby Kennedy in spite of being told he could not get protection spoke to a black audience from an unprepared speech speaking from his heart of Love. There were no riots that evening.

These people understood what it means to serve. To risk everything.

It is impossible to lead until you have served.

Some sort of service can be helpful but not mandatory. At the end of the day you want to allow the broadest talent pool of people involved in order to get the best candidates. Limiting things to just career politicians isn't very helpful in getting the best people.
Some sort of service can be helpful but not mandatory. At the end of the day you want to allow the broadest talent pool of people involved in order to get the best candidates. Limiting things to just career politicians isn't very helpful in getting the best people.

The point I was making is without conviction even the best people fold/compromise.

Many will sell out.

The primaries will be interesting in giving us an insight into where the Democratic party is headed. I honestly feel if the voices of the many are not heard, there may well be a third party. And don't be surprised it will include former Republicans too.

people just want honestly.
people just want honestly.

You and I do.

Sadly many others want the impossible. They want a time that has passed. They want things they have fecked up themselves and second chances they can't get. They want hope! They want politicians to be like some magic hope that will fix everything. That's why they love Trump because he promises that.

The rest of us just want honestly and fairness and someone to do their best and try to do what they said they would.
The point I was making is without conviction even the best people fold/compromise.

Many will sell out.

The primaries will be interesting in giving us an insight into where the Democratic party is headed. I honestly feel if the voices of the many are not heard, there may well be a third party. And don't be surprised it will include former Republicans too.

people just want honestly.

I doubt there will be a third party - not now or anytime in the near term. People understand the stakes of Trump getting another 4 years and will galvanize around whoever the Dem candidate is.
If Avenatti running means shedding more light on and popularizing progressive agendas, then I’m all for it. He may not have served but at least he knows the damn laws unlike Trumpito.
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