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It is a 3 horse race and Warren seems likeliest nominee?
Would that assessment be correct?
Would that assessment be correct?
It is a 3 horse race and Warren seems likeliest nominee?
Would that assessment be correct?
I agree. But what's to stop property developpers from snapping up all newly built houses and continuing to charge exhorbitant rent? I may be mistaken but I think the Federal Government has a program that provides low interest rate mortgages to vetrans? They should extend that to the genral population.
A new poll by a firm linked to Joe Biden is testing messages designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All
The poll was conducted by Lisa Grove of Anzalone Liszt Grove Research. Her partner, John Anzalone, is the chief pollster and an adviser to Biden, who opposes Medicare for All and wants to make government-run insurance optional.
Kessler added that ALG Research has conducted polls for Third Way for many years and that the Biden campaign didn’t request the survey.
From polls, Biden is the likeliest nominee, but I think that Warren has the momentum, and if you go with 'gut feeling', then she has the highest chance.It is a 3 horse race and Warren seems likeliest nominee?
Would that assessment be correct?
Indeed, he doesn't seem to have been particularly qualified, didn't know the language and didn't have much expertize. I read that it was his first job in oil and gas industry, but I didn't try to confirm if that was true or not. It will bite Biden if he gets the nomination. Hopefully, it will be the end of his nomination before that, and hopefully the investigation will damage Trump too. Win-win scenario if both of them lose points cause of this.I think it's going to come back and bite him later if he becomes the nominee, like the Hillary emails thing. His son was there for no good reason.
Nah, she actually has some good policies, and she put Kamala down. I don't think that she is that great (I actually think that only Warren ticks all the boxes), but she's not worse/useless than any of the big 4.Someone as useless as Tulsi Gabbard still in the race is pretty depressing.
That's what the bookies think.It is a 3 horse race and Warren seems likeliest nominee?
Would that assessment be correct?
Let's not go ridiculous now, Clinton got 3.6m votes more than Sanders. DNC definitely preferred Clinton, and the super-delegate system meant that even when Sanders was winning states, Clinton was winning as many delegates as him, in turn giving the impression that she is winning and is unstoppable, which might (likely has) influenced other voters, but pretty sure she would have won in any case, and well, she beat Sanders by 12 percentage points when it comes to total votes from people (which is less than the margin of victory when it comes to electoral votes, that one she won by 20 points).The Super Delegates chose Hillary despite their constituents generally preferring Sanders by a fair margin. Sanders supporters sued the DNC over them spending more funds on Hillary, iirc, and the DNC argued in court that they could chosen Hillary even if Sanders had gotten enough Super Delegates to win (the poplar vote he won over Hillary by a wide margin). They argued they have the right to pick whoever they want as the delegate.
From polls, Biden is the likeliest nominee, but I think that Warren has the momentum, and if you go with 'gut feeling', then she has the highest chance.
I am not sure that Bernie is in the race. He is the 'best of the rest', but I think this is a two-horse race.
He might have more enthusiastic voters, but he'll have less voters than Warren and Biden.Yeah dude, the guy with BY FAR the most individual donors isnt even in the race.
From polls, Biden is the likeliest nominee, but I think that Warren has the momentum, and if you go with 'gut feeling', then she has the highest chance.
I am not sure that Bernie is in the race. He is the 'best of the rest', but I think this is a two-horse race.
He might have more enthusiastic voters, but he'll have less voters than Warren and Biden.
My word. What a lot wrong here. The DNC definitely favoured her and fudged things in her favour but she got more votes, more delegates and more super delegates.The Super Delegates chose Hillary despite their constituents generally preferring Sanders by a fair margin. Sanders supporters sued the DNC over them spending more funds on Hillary, iirc, and the DNC argued in court that they could chosen Hillary even if Sanders had gotten enough Super Delegates to win (the poplar vote he won over Hillary by a wide margin). They argued they have the right to pick whoever they want as the delegate.
Yeah the first few primaries will start to see people dropping out who haven't by then leaving the main 3 and a couple others.Sanders is definitely still in it. You wouldn’t know it if you watched US tv since they are framing it as a Biden v Warren race, but the reality is it’s a three way contest, especially if you look at how the Dems have set up their 15% proportional delegate system where candidates receive some delegates as long as they get 15% in a primary. That will cull the herd very quickly once primaries start since no one other than the top three will get anything (except Beto in Texas).
this was the article i remember from some months ago:
there is also this, from 4 years ago:
Unfortunately I could only read a bit as I don't have an account, but I get the gist of it. Well, good that both will be affected for it
Eboue or someone else with strong and what seems like relatively informed opinions - can you tell me why I should not be a fan of Tulsi? She is flawed like anyone but I generally like her opinions, voting record, and manner of conversing with those of varying mindsets. In my mind the DNC would be making a huge mistake casting her aside again.
if you're interested, try to google search for the headline and open the link through the search. it works sometimes.
I noticed Tulsi always has the same slightly angled stance when speaking into the camera as if she's posing for a portrait photo. I know it's not related to policy or anything but I find that kind of thing disingenuous and fake.Eboue or someone else with strong and what seems like relatively informed opinions - can you tell me why I should not be a fan of Tulsi? She is flawed like anyone but I generally like her opinions, voting record, and manner of conversing with those of varying mindsets. In my mind the DNC would be making a huge mistake casting her aside again.
Was aware of the anti gay history and I guess I'm a terrible person for thinking she has properly apologized for that - not aware of the Hindu nationalist ties - will have to look that up. Ty!Anti gay history, ties to hindu nationalists
Dude, this is THE Democratic Party we're talking about here.I hope this Ukraine stuff doesn’t make the Dems double down behind Biden.
Whether it’s fair or not, Trump has got Biden down and dirty wrestling him in the mud now. Regardless of if the allegations have any basis, Republicans, right wing media and right wing social media are going to be drilling this corruption thing and on top of him being an absolute tool, it’s going to resonate on some level.
Personally, I can accept the former anti-gay stuff on the account that she apologized and actively supports LBGT agenda in government. No need to get panties up in a bunch if someone pivots in the progressive direction and continues that way.Was aware of the anti gay history and I guess I'm a terrible person for thinking she has properly apologized for that - not aware of the Hindu nationalist ties - will have to look that up. Ty!
Was aware of the anti gay history and I guess I'm a terrible person for thinking she has properly apologized for that - not aware of the Hindu nationalist ties - will have to look that up. Ty!
Like FM pointed out I do get a bit annoyed with the playing up her military service, but to her credit I feel like she s mostly used it to also enact some actual policies that appear reasonable at face value.
Who do you want to see as president?heres a plan let me know what you think, warren spends her two terms raising awareness and bring stake holders to the table and then in 2028 julian Castro runs on Medicare premium Xtra and successfully reduces copays by 30%. if there are no hiccups along the way only 150,000 more people will have died from lack of healthcare and only 5 million families will face entered bankruptcy due to medical bills. Its fine you guys, Warren is just as left as bernie is, shes a WOC and she doesnt have a toxic cult of bros for a fanbase
Eboue wants change and he wants it NOW. If he doesn't get what he wants, he will just sit in a huff and not vote. It doesn't matter that the alternate is Trump - it's go left all the way or he doesn't care.Who do you want to see as president?
Here is a plan let me know what you think, bernie spends his term trying to get Medicare for all (which obviously isn't the only solution to fix the problem anyway), but his lack of plan and collaboration with others means that it doesn't get voted in the senate. Then Republicans win the next term campaigning in anti-communism and the division on Democrat party, and then remove Obamacare, in process killing more people and bankrupting more families.heres a plan let me know what you think, warren spends her two terms raising awareness and bring stake holders to the table and then in 2028 julian Castro runs on Medicare premium Xtra and successfully reduces copays by 30%. if there are no hiccups along the way only 150,000 more people will have died from lack of healthcare and only 5 million families will face entered bankruptcy due to medical bills. Its fine you guys, Warren is just as left as bernie is, shes a WOC and she doesnt have a toxic cult of bros for a fanbase
it seems so but of course there is a long time to goIt is a 3 horse race and Warren seems likeliest nominee?
Would that assessment be correct?
How attackable is Warren on the first place? I mean, Trump will have his Pocahontas thing, but other than that, there ain't much attack which can go towards her. Of course, if she wins the nomination, Reps will make her Stalin MK2, but on the primaries that won't work with Sanders being quite a lot to the left of seems so but of course there is a long time to go
i do wonder if the whole trump / ukraine thing might actually help biden out a bit (show that trump sees him as a threat etc)
But for sure how the candidates stand on impeachment is going to be important for the next few weeks...
Warren currently seems to have the momentum but so far nobody has really attacked her in debates and I thin that needs to happen because (if) when she gets on stage with trump its going to be attack after attack after attack so showing she can handle that well will be important
How attackable is Warren on the first place? I mean, Trump will have his Pocahontas thing, but other than that, there ain't much attack which can go towards her. Of course, if she wins the nomination, Reps will make her Stalin MK2, but on the primaries that won't work with Sanders being quite a lot to the left of her.
As much game-planning goes into these things nowadays, I don’t think any candidate will walk into a debate against Donald with any sort of naivety. Much less so Warren, who has the policy chops to confuse him with actual numbers and stuff.How attackable is Warren on the first place? I mean, Trump will have his Pocahontas thing, but other than that, there ain't much attack which can go towards her. Of course, if she wins the nomination, Reps will make her Stalin MK2, but on the primaries that won't work with Sanders being quite a lot to the left of her.
They literally do that to whoever the candidate is. If Warren wins they call her a communist(Also anti communism shtick literally only works for old boomers.)Here is a plan let me know what you think, bernie spends his term trying to get Medicare for all (which obviously isn't the only solution to fix the problem anyway), but his lack of plan and collaboration with others means that it doesn't get voted in the senate. Then Republicans win the next term campaigning in anti-communism and the division on Democrat party, and then remove Obamacare, in process killing more people and bankrupting more families.
I mean, if we want to post scenarios which might happen, this is actually even more likely than the one you posted.
Bush won the popular vote in the elections of 2004.They literally do that to whoever the candidate is. If Warren wins they call her a communist(Also anti communism shtick literally only works for old boomers.)
Plus Republicans haven't won the popular vote in decades, Republicans only win elections when working class people don't vote. Now if the Dems had candidate with a massive working class base then they would be onto a real winner. Ah if only.