2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Yes of course they are. There is no "mainstream" pro-Trump news source apart from Fox compared to the myriad anti-Trump ones. He relies on a base that reads alternative media and assorted bullshit sources

For all practical purposes, if you are not for Progressive policies, you support Republican/Corporate polices.
The fact 'liberal media' is not racist is not much of a positive.

The Trump phenomena is primarily the product of the failure of the Democratic party to address needs of working class people.
I have heard Bernie state this.

What CNN did espousing Right Wing talking points proved what I am saying.

It in no way helps get back voters who have been lost to the Democratic party.
For all practical purposes, if you are not for Progressive policies, you support Republican/Corporate polices.
The fact 'liberal media' is not racist is not much of a positive.

The Trump phenomena is primarily the product of the failure of the Democratic party to address needs of working class people.
I have heard Bernie state this.

What CNN did espousing Right Wing talking points proved what I am saying.

It in no way helps get back voters who have been lost to the Democratic party.
I don't see where they espoused right wing talking points, I see a left wing media anchor asking them who is going to pay for Medicare for all and if such a thing would incentivise further illegal border crossings. I think that's pretty normal from a debate moderator
I'm shocked :eek:

What do you expect from a corporate stooge pushing for Biden and Co.
Bet he was pissed she stood with Bernie.

Interrupting people is part of Matthews’ schtick. He literally does it to everyone. His show used to be fun about 20 years ago when the likes of Hitchens regularly appeared, but it’s rapidly gone downhill since Matthews has gotten old and increasingly senile.
Yep this is the correct answer.

Also Bernie and Warren didn't point out that medicare for all is better than healthcare included in work contracts because if you get fired/lose a job you still get to have healthcare.

Yeah That is a point they should have rammed home imo.

Edit: @Carolina Red just spoke to the fact that someone mentioned it.
Interrupting people is part of Matthews’ schtick. He literally does it to everyone. His show used to be fun about 20 years ago when the likes of Hitchens regularly appeared, but it’s rapidly gone downhill since Matthews has gotten old and increasingly senile.

He was desperately trying to replace Tim Russet.
But he is nowhere near as down the middle as the great man.
That is too complex a thought for him.

Yeah. Everything should be free. Simple thoughts.

You’ve admitted to not even watching the whole debate, and even moreso, apparently quit listening halfway through what Bernie was saying... so how can you even attempt to comment on what was and was not said in an answer?

I didn't watch the whole debate. I saw how Bernie and Warren answered those questions. It was pandering BS talking about taxing billionaires and big companies. I get that they are politicians and you have to play some of those cards to get into office but it didn't sit well with me and god bless anyone who genuinely believes taxing Billionaires is the answer to funding all these programs.

@Florida Man , I am not sure what you're getting at regarding my magic wand comment. Bernies idea of magically making the American university system free is not that simple.
He was desperately trying to replace Tim Russet.
But he is nowhere near as down the middle as the great man.
Outside of Ruhle, Velshi and Joy Reid nobody on that network has the balls to call out a republican to their face. Chris Wallace makes their asholes pucker more than Chris Matthews.
Taxing billionaires and big corporations and companies is a fecking necessity. It shouldn't even be debatable.

But it is NOT the answer to health care. The taxation should be increased regardless. It's the fact that Bernie/Warren use it as a phrase to pander to the audience is what is annoying and disingenuous.

The narrative they portray of taxing billionaires generating enough to fun all these programs is false. They themselves know this isn't true so should stop saying it. People are smart enough and won't buy into any of it.
In the game it's worth it, Detroit is a nice industrial center. I'm playing as Yugoslavia though, so I'm more concerned about the soviets on my border.

Oohh nice, never tried Yugoslavia. Had some good games as small South American countries though trying to break American hegemony over the Americas. :D
Yeah That is a point they should have rammed home imo.

Edit: @Carolina Red just spoke to the fact that someone mentioned it.

Bernie and Warren should have simply stated it was payroll Taxes which is what everyone understands.
Medicare For All simply requires an adjustment of that rate, which currently stands at 1.45% each for Employer and Employee.
If that was adjusted to say 2.00% for a start we would go a long way to covering everyone.
Remember the funding needs for Medicaid a Federal/State plan would be released. This could easily be re routed to M4A.

Also to address that clown Dellany's statement about Hospitals closing. What he did not say was the costs they currently have to cover includes Insurance Company.
With M4A, that cost disappears.
Outside of Ruhle, Velshi and Joy Reid nobody on that network has the balls to call out a republican to their face. Chris Wallace makes their asholes pucker more than Chris Matthews.

Matthews is clearly seen as being pro Democrat.
That is disqualifying as a journalist.

As for Velshi and Ruhle, they do not pretend to be nuetral.
tbf to Wallace, he does call out right wing numbskulls.
Yeah. Everything should be free. Simple thoughts.

I didn't watch the whole debate. I saw how Bernie and Warren answered those questions. It was pandering BS talking about taxing billionaires and big companies. I get that they are politicians and you have to play some of those cards to get into office but it didn't sit well with me and god bless anyone who genuinely believes taxing Billionaires is the answer to funding all these programs.

@Florida Man , I am not sure what you're getting at regarding my magic wand comment. Bernies idea of magically making the American university system free is not that simple.

You have a blue print for making the dumbest posts on here.

That takes some doing.

Thanks for at least being honest about not watching the whole debate.
I didn't watch the whole debate. I saw how Bernie and Warren answered those questions. It was pandering BS talking about taxing billionaires and big companies. I get that they are politicians and you have to play some of those cards to get into office but it didn't sit well with me and god bless anyone who genuinely believes taxing Billionaires is the answer to funding all these programs.
Yeah, I seriously doubt you paid much attention considering your continued mischaracterization at the end there...
What he did not say was the costs they currently have to cover includes Insurance Company.
Bernie did point out that there would be a massive reduction in costs from having much less billing work.
Yeah, I seriously doubt you paid much attention considering your continued mischaracterization at the end there...

Bernie did point out that there would be a massive reduction in costs from having much less billing work.

Yes he did. But in a format like last night, there is little time to explain such things with Time constraints and constant interruptions by the 'right wing' moderators ;) and other candidates.
Matthews is clearly seen as being pro Democrat.
That is disqualifying as a journalist.

As for Velshi and Ruhle, they do not pretend to be nuetral.
tbf to Wallace, he does call out right wing numbskulls.
But Velshi and Ruhle have solid numbers and facts and are not afraid to use them. Why should they be neutral if the guest on their show is talking shit
I am always fair to Chris Wallace as he is the only one who takes Sunday mornings seriously. He is the only grain of glitter on that fat Roger Ailes dump.
But Velshi and Ruhle have solid numbers and facts and are not afraid to use them. Why should they be neutral if the guest on their show is talking shit
I am always fair to Chris Wallace as he is the only one who takes Sunday mornings seriously. He is the only grain of glitter on that fat Roger Ailes dump.

Wallace and Matthews are seen to be 'moderators' so to speak. But I have time for Wallace.
Do you remember Matthews fawning all over Obama.
He may as well have given him a Blow Job.


I do enjoy Velshi and Ruhle. They are clear Democrats. But they back up what they say with facts.
The NHS (healthcare service) in the UK is one of the best in the world. It works. But we also have private healthcare schemes as well which aren't expensive. UK people would happily pay a bit more tax to make it even better. I can't get my head around getting stiffed for a massive bill every time I went to the doctor or hospital? If we can do it, why can't the US? It must be really scary living n the US, especially if you have kids. Is healthcare over there free for kids or do parents have to pay for that too?
The Land of the Free!
Unless you or your kids get sick.
A lot of people have insurance through their jobs (and most have to pay a portion of those premiums) that “covers” their family’s healthcare. If you don’t have insurance then your kids don’t have it, afaik.
Even with insurance I’m seeing big bills for my kids treatment for dental and other work.
It’s interesting that if you go to the dentist for example and get a routine cleaning; the price for that service (if you have insurance) that’s billed to the insurance company is much higher than if you tell them you don’t have insurance.

I have a pretty decent insurance scheme with no premiums but it’s interesting to see that I’m being billed thousands for my kids treatment.
This year has been tougher than most so I’m on the hook for approx $8,000 or more, despite having good coverage.
The Land of the Free!
Unless you or your kids get sick.
A lot of people have insurance through their jobs (and most have to pay a portion of those premiums) that “covers” their family’s healthcare. If you don’t have insurance then your kids don’t have it, afaik.
Even with insurance I’m seeing big bills for my kids treatment for dental and other work.
It’s interesting that if you go to the dentist for example and get a routine cleaning; the cost, if you have insurance, is billed to the insurance company is much higher than if you tell them you don’t have insurance.

Says it all.
If you had to go to the Emergency room and did not have insurance, you will pay a lot less than if you had insurance.

The real cost when you need medical attention are the Deductibles.
The real cost when you need medical attention are the Deductibles.
And the caps the insurance puts on treatment. After you pay the deductibles, then reach the cap, you’re fecked. I find myself putting off certain tests etc until the next calendar year so I don’t have to pay out of pocket, or at least be on the hook for 100%.
Don’t get me started on in-network vs out of network...

Suffice to say, even with insurance, it’s a hell of an expensive place to get treatment.

Which is why I’m all for UHC. No smokescreens, no 1/2 measures.
Any candidate talk that’s not 100% UHC is BS imo.
And the caps the insurance puts on treatment. After you pay the deductibles, then reach the cap, you’re fecked. I find myself putting off certain tests etc until the next calendar year so I don’t have to pay out of pocket, or at least be on the hook for 100%.
Don’t get me started on in-network vs out of network...

Suffice to say, even with insurance, it’s a hell of an expensive place to get treatment.

What the current insurance industry is drifting towards is catastrophic insurance. And for that we are paying huge dollars.
Premiums, Deductibles and Copays.

The removal of the Individual mandate has pushed such costs up.
the system is beyond repair.
Medicare For All is the only solution.

Just wait and see how the debates evolve.
I did, I don't see the problem with what was asked nor do I think they were inappropriate questions

What you may have missed is loaded questions by the moderators.
they are not stupid.
"people like the plans they have"
Translation. They want to keep their same doctors/ clinics what not.

Medicare For All simply means you get to see the same doctor/clinics.
Don't tell me the moderators do not understand this.

They were simply expounding Right Wing talking points.
The second article I posted also proved what I said.

I'll just leave it at that.
I didn't watch the whole debate. I saw how Bernie and Warren answered those questions. It was pandering BS talking about taxing billionaires and big companies. I get that they are politicians and you have to play some of those cards to get into office but it didn't sit well with me and god bless anyone who genuinely believes taxing Billionaires is the answer to funding all these programs.

You are both right and wrong, just politics. Billionaires need to be taxed more. Taxing billionaires more alone is not going to fix all funding needs. Both statements are probably factually correct. It's just politics to link these though together they give a false perception....just like how building a wall is not going to increase jobs or deporting people won't solve gang issues.
There’s plenty of money. Just stop with the corporate and farmers welfare, cut defence spending and tax the wealthy.
It’s a matter of the will to do it.
In light of Ronald Reagan being exposed as a racist (who knew :rolleyes:), here's Joe Biden tearing down Reagan Administration support of Apartheid. Why has this video not gone viral?

The Land of the Free!
Unless you or your kids get sick.
A lot of people have insurance through their jobs (and most have to pay a portion of those premiums) that “covers” their family’s healthcare. If you don’t have insurance then your kids don’t have it, afaik.
Even with insurance I’m seeing big bills for my kids treatment for dental and other work.
It’s interesting that if you go to the dentist for example and get a routine cleaning; the price for that service (if you have insurance) that’s billed to the insurance company is much higher than if you tell them you don’t have insurance.

I have a pretty decent insurance scheme with no premiums but it’s interesting to see that I’m being billed thousands for my kids treatment.
This year has been tougher than most so I’m on the hook for approx $8,000 or more, despite having good coverage.

Thanks for the heads up. Bit of an eye opener that. Yeah our NHS ain't perfect if you need specific operations and stuff but you can go private and avoid the wait but at point of access it's pretty great. Kids are pretty much covered for most things. Our big issue is paying the health workers what they're actually worth. Sounds like the insurance companies are the key players in the US system?
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