2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Good debate. Bernie and Warren ran over the centrist dogma.

Klobucher, Delaney, Ryan, Buttigeig are all total embarrassments to the Democrat party. Williamson is better than them.
But does it do that? I mean, wouldn't a debate with just4 or 5 people who actually have competing ideas make for a better "show"? They would have a go at each other, instead of this boring "oh I kinda agree with my colleague here, I'd just change this minor detail with no importance whatsoever".
The spectacle is in the catfights, gotchas and silly out of nowhere statements, not 'competing ideas'.
They are the only ones who are actually interested in helping ordinary people.
That’s a bit harsh. Marianne is interested in helping ordinary people.

Unfortunately she’s also interested in helping the mole people, the water fairies, bowtruckles, gremlins and pixies
America is a made for TV country, politics included. We have a reality TV star as president for feck sake!

Portugal is a bit like that too (I suppose all countries are to an extent) but when it's time to elect a prime-minister, our tv stations just go "ok it's been fun but now shit's real, time to be serious for a bit". After the election they go a bit nuts once again.
Do majority of people really not want to trade their insurance for medicare? I know of literally no one who likes their insurance.
Do majority of people really not want to trade their insurance for medicare? I know of literally no one who likes their insurance.

Top 10% that have luxury insurance policies that monopolize a lot of the specialists.
Warren talking about how only big corporations and billionaires will be taxed for healthcare and not the middle class is just disingenuous and one of the reasons why I struggle to fully embrace her or Bernie. That is simple not true you cannot fun healthcare through merely raising taxes on the limited billionaires.

Taxes on the middle class will have to be raised to get healthcare for all as it should be but dont sell lies to the people. The numbers dont even add up.
Warren talking about how only big corporations and billionaires will be taxed for healthcare and not the middle class is just disingenuous and one of the reasons why I struggle to fully embrace her or Bernie. That is simple not true you cannot fun healthcare through merely raising taxes on the limited billionaires.

Taxes on the middle class will have to be raised to get healthcare for all as it should be but dont sell lies to the people. The numbers dont even add up.
Healthcare is as expensive as it is precisely because of insurance companies inflating the hell out of healthcare costs. $25 for a tylenol pill. $100,000 a quarter for my dialysis treatment. I’m willing to bet the “numbers” include inflated pricing structures.
Its treated by the media has a fact similar to water being wet rather than the current opinion of americans, which can and will changed.
My dad who is a hardcore Trump loving Republican doesn’t even like his insurance. And he has retired military benefits aka access to the best insurance on the market if that tells you anything.
Another thing the media treats as fact and gullible fools believe in is the m4a will raise taxes line of attack. Which yes it will raise taxes but you'll never have a premium or a deductive or a copay again and the overall amount you pay will go down. Most people of even below average intelligence understand that when you take 30 seconds to explain it to them. But corporate media and centrist candidates have a vested interest in obfuscating that.
Warren talking about how only big corporations and billionaires will be taxed for healthcare and not the middle class is just disingenuous and one of the reasons why I struggle to fully embrace her or Bernie. That is simple not true you cannot fun healthcare through merely raising taxes on the limited billionaires.

Taxes on the middle class will have to be raised to get healthcare for all as it should be but dont sell lies to the people. The numbers dont even add up.

What's disingenuous is the far-right framing of the question with the subtle taxes are bad implication when the reality is that Warren and Bernie are talking about re-structuring the system to actually serve the people. To whine about "but your taxes might go up" is just repeating far right talking points which is ironic because the corporate neolibs are the ones whose policies are shrinking the middle class by continuing the wealth re-distributive policies from the bottom to the top.

The real issue is that Bernie and Warren health insurance plans mean the bottom 90% has their overall wealth and spending power greatly increase while also improving their health outcomes and removing the tens of thousands of medical bankruptcies and the utterly absurb GoFund medical system we have now.
I’m surprised there’s a lack of discussion from any candidates about why medical costs are so high to begin with. If Bernie or Warren can tie that to the negotiation tactics of insurance companies and draw the connection for people, then it really helps the “replace your health insurance plan” part of the debate.
What's disingenuous is the far-right framing of the question with the subtle taxes are bad implication when the reality is that Warren and Bernie are talking about re-structuring the system to actually serve the people. To whine about "but your taxes might go up" is just repeating far right talking points which is ironic because the corporate neolibs are the ones whose policies are shrinking the middle class by continuing the wealth re-distributive policies from the bottom to the top.

The real issue is that Bernie and Warren health insurance plans mean the bottom 90% has their overall wealth and spending power greatly increase while also improving their health outcomes and removing the tens of thousands of medical bankruptcies and the utterly absurb GoFund medical system we have now.

You didn't see what I typed. I am saying taxes should go up. That is the truth and I don't like seeing warren and Bernie hiding this fact.
You didn't see what I typed. I am saying taxes should go up. That is the truth and I don't like seeing warren and Bernie hiding this fact.

I did. They aren't "hiding" anything. I find your framing to be disingenuous
The democratic candidates that are not for free national healthcare for all should be called out in no uncertain manner.
It’s not rocket science; plenty of wealthy countries have figured it out.
Any candidate that mentions a lesser system should be heckled. Any talk of how expensive it’d be should be ridiculed. The US is the richest country, it can afford free healthcare.
Any smokescreens should be cleared out right away, including any thrown out by the media.
Who was asking the questions. CNN is a scam.

I work for a news organisation and we cannot be as biased as US News thankfully but the lack of self awareness and blatant stupidity to have an article like that on your network after it was their debate is unreal.

It doesn't matter that it is a different reporter writing the article, there should be enough people there saying 'this looks stupid'
The problem i see about healthcare, it's not whether America can afford it or not (hint: it can) but whether the majority of American people will accept it, you have entire generations of people with the mindset about paying for your own healthcare and cite the NHS wait times, America does probably have the best doctors or even healthcare in the world, top for cancer certainly but only if you're rich.

You also have alot of people (ive had this argument many times) about their hard earned tax dollars going to someone elses healthcare, they dont want to basically pay for other peoples benefits and goes deeper to the people on social welfare, "why should i work so some lazy ass gets free stuff from me?" You'll be hard pressed to remove that from certain people especially in the south.
Loving Liz Warren more and more.

I think she's underestimated by the punditocracy. I don't think you can get where she is as a woman from where she's from without being an absolute killer when necessary. And she killed that Delaney doofus last night!
It will be a travesty if Warren doesn't win the nomination from here on, she is simply at an entirely different level in terms of communicating her policy clearly and concisely.
The democratic candidates that are not for free national healthcare for all should be called out in no uncertain manner.
It’s not rocket science; plenty of wealthy countries have figured it out.
Any candidate that mentions a lesser system should be heckled. Any talk of how expensive it’d be should be ridiculed. The US is the richest country, it can afford free healthcare.
Any smokescreens should be cleared out right away, including any thrown out by the media.

The NHS (healthcare service) in the UK is one of the best in the world. It works. But we also have private healthcare schemes as well which aren't expensive. UK people would happily pay a bit more tax to make it even better. I can't get my head around getting stiffed for a massive bill every time I went to the doctor or hospital? If we can do it, why can't the US? It must be really scary living n the US, especially if you have kids. Is healthcare over there free for kids or do parents have to pay for that too?
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