2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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all these guys like bullock and beto and hickenlooper will literally never be president and never have to actually keep their word. and they STILL cant commit to no first nuclear strikes. and this is the supposed left party
Warren and Bernie are on a different level from most of the jokers on this stage tonight
Can't remember... which one of these guys admitted to watch an erotic film with their mom?
:lol: thats when i turned it off. its absurd. detroit is so far down on the list of targets

I thought he was gonna list a few different cities just to cause more impact but no, he sticked to one... and it was Detroit.
Narrator: he did not, in fact, capture their imagination
This is what I imagined
I was commenting with a friend, the US media does a terrible job "filtering" candidates. Here in Portugal journalists try to demolish candidates before they even get to the debate phase. If you give a couple of interviews and offer nothing but common places and shitty catchphrases, you're done. In the US, apparently you only need to be able to speak and breathe and you can be a candidate.
I was commenting with a friend, the US media does a terrible job "filtering" candidates. Here in Portugal journalists try to demolish candidates before they even get to the debate phase. If you give a couple of interviews and offer nothing but common places and shitty catchphrases, you're done. In the US, apparently you only need to be able to speak and breathe and you can be a candidate.
Their objective is to set up the biggest spectacle possible to drive revenues. It's terrible by design.
Isn't Delaney that gay guy from Airplane!?
Their objective is to set up the biggest spectacle possible to drive revenues. It's terrible by design.

But does it do that? I mean, wouldn't a debate with just4 or 5 people who actually have competing ideas make for a better "show"? They would have a go at each other, instead of this boring "oh I kinda agree with my colleague here, I'd just change this minor detail with no importance whatsoever".
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