2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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For me, I don’t see the point of taxing Wall Street to forgive student loan debts of the upper middle class and the wealthy in addition to the debts of “normal people”.

Had Bernie put an income cap on his as well, I might be more inclined to support it over Warren’s.
Bernie puts forward universal policies because it makes it easier for people to mobilise behind and get invested in. But most importantly it decommodifies aspects of daily life.
Bernie puts forward universal policies because it makes it easier for people to mobilise behind and get invested in. But most importantly it decommodifies aspects of daily life.
I understand his reasoning. I just disagree with him not putting an earnings cap on it.

Now, blend his and Warren’s plans together with 100% forgiveness regardless of amount owed with the addition of an earnings cap and then that would be really good (in my opinion)
rich people dont have student loan debt. they just pay at the time. jesus christ.

Not necessarily. If a top .1% can get a student loan at 5% a year but their investments average 9% a year they are going to take the loan even if they can afford to pay right out of pocket because its more profitable long term to take the loan and invest the money.
Bernie puts forward universal policies because it makes it easier for people to mobilise behind and get invested in. But most importantly it decommodifies aspects of daily life.
There is no one size fits all. Universal policies are have no value outside of Human Rights and such. Economic policies like taxation, education loans etc should be targeted and tiered.

Kamala is a bonehead. You get Pell because you have the LOWEST income, but she wants recipients to start a business in a disadvantaged area AND be successful for 3 years before getting $20,000 relief. And this is her STARTING position, once negotiated and passed, this will be even worse.

It's obvious that she doesn't know the difference between a Pell Grant and a student loan. Pell Grants help 7 million Americans yearly. 45 million Americans have student debt, with average balances over $40k. Her proposal is not helping anybody.

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

Hillary Clinton's campaign focused on what a terrible person Trump was. It turned out enough voters knew that and didn't care.
Now Biden is once again focused on what a terrible person Trump is. Message received, many times over. Outcome will be the same.

fecking idiots.
it certainly is.

Have you not heard of Medical Bankruptcies?

It is absolutely economic.

Do you live in the States, or are you just orbiting planet Earth on a Soyuz rocket?

Probably differs the way you see it. For me it should be part of basic necessity alongwith food and shelter. I'd classify economic issues to be taxation, minimum wage, welfare, trade, inflation etc etc.

Anyway not really relevant to the argument.
Hillary Clinton's campaign focused on what a terrible person Trump was. It turned out enough voters knew that and didn't care.
Now Biden is once again focused on what a terrible person Trump is. Message received, many times over. Outcome will be the same.

fecking idiots.

They are not idiots.
Its called hedging the bet.

If Biden does not win, they still have Trump, who is less of a threat than Bernie.
I'm just saying, it should be a minimum necessity irrespective of how or which plan you use to do it.

What do you mean minimum necessity?
Health Care is the prime need for anyone. Its not just for older people.
Your Health is the most important need. Not your taxes, wages etc.

To not worry about how you are going to pay should you fall seriously ill, should be a given.
Just like having clean water and air.
Its a basic need.
They are not idiots.
Its called hedging the bet.

If Biden does not win, they still have Trump, who is less of a threat than Bernie.

"They" as in the Illuminati, or some all powerful cabal choosing the fates of humanity? I so don't believe in that shit! I think "they" is the subconscious insecurity of human psyche desperately wanting to believe that someone else has control. I firmly believe in accountability, and that any of these politicians (incl. Bernie) are running for their own beliefs, ideology, interests and egos rather than being part of some well orchestrated effort by some hidden group operating in the shadows.
"They" as in the Illuminati, or some all powerful cabal choosing the fates of humanity? I so don't believe in that shit! I think "they" is the subconscious insecurity of human psyche desperately wanting to believe that someone else has control. I firmly believe in accountability, and that any of these politicians (incl. Bernie) are running for their own beliefs, ideology, interests and egos rather than being part of some well orchestrated effort by some hidden group operating in the shadows.

They is the Democratic party.



But you clearly have made up the rest.
Red Dreams is at least partially right. Some influential people in the democratic party prefer trump to sanders
As do some of their donors and voters.

I remember seeing one lady on twitter complaining about sanders voters who voted for Stein and not Clinton, thereby “causing” Trump’s victory. I clicked on her profile and found a tweet of hers in another thread saying that if Bernie had won the nomination she would have voted for Stein :lol:
Only Democrat i've seen come out and say he would rather vote for Trump than Bernie was Donny Deutsch . No doubt that Pelosi wants a centrist ,Republican lite candidate. But i doubt they would want four more years of Trump.
They cant admit it but their actions expose it. They can fundraise off Trump, which is all that the consultant class and the DNC cares about. Bernie represents a real threat to their livelihood. As people living in Washington DC or LA making 300,000 per year, they are insulated from the actual effects of politics.
The Democratic party as it is in now does not represent the needs and aspirations of working people.
The use of the word Centrist is meanigless therefore.
Centrism puportedly stands for what Biden stands for.

Health Care. His position is similar to Ted Cruz.
That is just for starters.

To say the party is for Anti-Trump is meaningless.

What policies will the Democratic party fight for?

people need to think instead of buying MSM talking points.
Centrism puportedly stands for what Biden stands for.

Bernie has never been a representation of wider Democratic Party. He always has been an independent wildcard, who caucasus with Democratic Party.

Health Care. His position is similar to Ted Cruz.
That is just for starters.

To say the party is for Anti-Trump is meaningless.

Don't you see differences in Immigration, Environment, Abortion etc etc?
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