2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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That would not be true of all voters who voted for him in 2016.

But increasingly that would be true if they did vote for him next year after all that has happened.

They may not "be racists" but voting Trump was a racist action in itself.
They may not "be racists" but voting Trump was a racist action in itself.

Many who voted for Bernie in primaries voted for Trump in the GE.
Many others simply could not bring themselves to vote for Hillary.

The point is they were not racists.

Of course the anti immigration voters were attracted by what he said.

Its a different ball game in 2020 though.

I do not agree that the act of voting for Trump in 2016 was a racist action in itself.
Many who voted for Bernie in primaries voted for Trump in the GE.
Many others simply could not bring themselves to vote for Hillary.

The point is they were not racists.

Of course the anti immigration voters were attracted by what he said.

Its a different ball game in 2020 though.

I do not agree that the act of voting for Trump in 2016 was a racist action in itself.

It was abundantly clear by 2016 how much of a racists Donald Trump is. If electing an outspoken racists for the highest office in the country isn't a racists action I don't know what is.

(I say that as someone who's very kind and sweet grandma, and much of that side of the family, voted for him).
It was abundantly clear by 2016 how much of a racists Donald Trump is. If electing an outspoken racists for the highest office in the country isn't a racists action I don't know what is.

(I say that as someone who's very kind and sweet grandma, and much of that side of the family, voted for him).

You are buying into the media narrative.

Dems put up a shit candidate.
That is the key point.
If they put up a candidate who actually wanted to represent the people..rather than corporations, the discussion need not arise.
You are buying into the media narrative.

Dems put up a shit candidate.
That is the key point.
If they put up a candidate who actually wanted to represent the people..rather than corporations, the discussion need not arise.
Such a lame excuse for voting a racist con artist. I have even less respect for those that voted Trump because of the democratic nominee than those that voted Trump out of conviction.

On every single issue one can attack Hillary on Trump is even worse. Voting Trump so one doesn't get the negatives of Hillary is like chopping of your head to avoid bleeding to death from a slit wrist.
Such a lame excuse for voting a racist con artist. I have even less respect for those that voted Trump because of the democratic nominee than those that voted Trump out of conviction.

Although I agree with your sentiments entirely, in a strange way in think Trump may have been the better option.

Hillary would have continued where Obama left off. She would have been hawkish as hell towards Iran and North Korea and she would have kept up appearances and maintained the status quo.

Trump, for all his myriad faults has completely and utterly exposed nearly every single problem with the USA, the government and the way things are run. There can be no illusion anymore about how corrupt the entire system is from top to bottom. He has single handedly undermined every single branch of government and broken countless laws. He has exposed the huge failings in accountability in Government and has showed that just by putting yes man in place and ignoring everything, that any President can actually be a dictator and be completely above the law.

In a completely ironic and unintentional way, he's like Sylvester Stallone in Lock Up. He's gone in to government and exposed all the flaws and areas that can be manipulated without repercussions.

The only worries should be how much damage he can do before he leaves office AND most importantly, will the lessons be learnt? Will the government come together to pass laws to close the loopholes and areas Trump and his family have exploited for personal gain? Will greater powers be given to prevent a President behaving in such a way again?
@langster I recommend you take a look at Michael Lewis' The Fifth Risk if you have a chance and interest, for a look at some ways in which the federal government was not corrupt and ineffective under the prior administration and before. I don't think it is/was so bad that it's worth breaking.
Although I agree with your sentiments entirely, in a strange way in think Trump may have been the better option.

Hillary would have continued where Obama left off. She would have been hawkish as hell towards Iran and North Korea and she would have kept up appearances and maintained the status quo.

Trump, for all his myriad faults has completely and utterly exposed nearly every single problem with the USA, the government and the way things are run. There can be no illusion anymore about how corrupt the entire system is from top to bottom. He has single handedly undermined every single branch of government and broken countless laws. He has exposed the huge failings in accountability in Government and has showed that just by putting yes man in place and ignoring everything, that any President can actually be a dictator and be completely above the law.

In a completely ironic and unintentional way, he's like Sylvester Stallone in Lock Up. He's gone in to government and exposed all the flaws and areas that can be manipulated without repercussions.
I'd agree with this, if
The only worries should be how much damage he can do before he leaves office AND most importantly, will the lessons be learnt? Will the government come together to pass laws to close the loopholes and areas Trump and his family have exploited for personal gain? Will greater powers be given to prevent a President behaving in such a way again?

I had any hope of this happening. AOC is a ray of light but I had so much hopes for Obama and look how that went... I honestly think a Ivanka presidency is more likely than these MAGA people seeing sense.

Do you concede that if there was a proper candidate, Trump would have lost?
I think he would have lost against any other democratic candidate in my life time except maybe for John Kerry. I have no trouble conceding that she was a terrible candidate, but remain convinced she would have been a whole lot better than this current shit show.
I believe that map was made back when we had a detachment of Marines stationed in São Paulo. It was deactivated in 2017.

A new US base in Brazil has been getting tossed around recently as well.
Yes, it has been tossed around and there's nothing agreed.

My reason to push-back is the following: while the US has a view and an interest in Brazil, internal players have much more at stake. Our politics are largely internal, and have been for about 100 years. For every US or European corporation you can think of with an interest in Brazil, there are 2 local ones of equal or same size in the country. We can elect our own left and right governments. Whether the US likes them or not is just a coincidence. This narrative that the US deals all the cards in South America is overblown. The smaller the country, the greater the ability to influence usually. But its not some sort of pure land that has been corrupted by the yanks. We're well capable of corrupting ourselves.
I think he would have lost against any other democratic candidate in my life time except maybe for John Kerry. I have no trouble conceding that she was a terrible candidate, but remain convinced she would have been a whole lot better than this current shit show.

Less harmful you mean. True.

But continuing the mess that led us to Trump.
If Biden wins, we will have another demagogue in 2024, because Biden offers nothing.
But it is now
Probably. Talking with a few people who said that they are gonna vote Trump on next year, all of them were single issue voters of 'strong economy'. To be fair, it is quite debatable if Trump improved the economy, or during his presidency, simply the positive trend (created during Obama) continued, but for a lot of people, that is the reason why they want Trump to continue being president.

I don't think that either of them was a racist.
Probably. Talking with a few people who said that they are gonna vote Trump on next year, all of them were single issue voters of 'strong economy'. To be fair, it is quite debatable if Trump improved the economy, or during his presidency, simply the positive trend (created during Obama) continued, but for a lot of people, that is the reason why they want Trump to continue being president.

I don't think that either of them was a racist.

Purposefully ignoring his racism is racist itself. If we judge people by their actions they too are.
Probably. Talking with a few people who said that they are gonna vote Trump on next year, all of them were single issue voters of 'strong economy'. To be fair, it is quite debatable if Trump improved the economy, or during his presidency, simply the positive trend (created during Obama) continued, but for a lot of people, that is the reason why they want Trump to continue being president.

I don't think that either of them was a racist.
Must admit anything money related is my weak point but don’t these people ever consider the national debt? From what I’ve read it’s as high as it’s ever been. Is that not related in some way to the economy? Or is it ok to them to have such a sky high debt?
Must admit anything money related is my weak point but don’t these people ever consider the national debt? From what I’ve read it’s as high as it’s ever been. Is that not related in some way to the economy? Or is it ok to them to have such a sky high debt?

The National Debt only becomes a problem when have to expand Social Security, Student Loan Forgiveness and Health Care.

It is never a problem when we give tax cuts to the Super Rich.
Warren is sucking the life out of Sanders campaign. Unless something changes it could let a 3rd person win, whether it’s Biden or Harris or whoever. :mad:

It'd be great if Sanders and Warren agreed to join forces. That's a winning ticket I think. Warren as President or Sanders as President with a secret promise to hand over to Warren in 4 years
How very unsporting of Warren to actually run a decent campaign and get folks to agree with her.

Shame she was too much of a coward to do it 4 years ago, or even to back Sanders when he did. If she actually cares about issues she’s running on that is.

Ok I’m being harsh, she’s far and away my second choice, but if this shit puts yet another corporate Dem on the nomination ballet, then I’m going to give up hope for the Dems.
Warren is sucking the life out of Sanders campaign. Unless something changes it could let a 3rd person win, whether it’s Biden or Harris or whoever. :mad:
@berbatrick will know more about this but I think the parts of Bernies base which Warren is taking is the more middle class and higher educationed(Collage education +)section . Hard to know how Bernie can win back these supporters as going more to the left won't work and he can't appeal to them culturally because Warren appeal of being a Harvard educated technocrat(They love "I've got a plan for that" shtick)will always beat whatever he tries.

In the end Bernie needs to grow his working class base even more.
Warren is sucking the life out of Sanders campaign. Unless something changes it could let a 3rd person win, whether it’s Biden or Harris or whoever. :mad:

This may come as a shock to some people, but (a limited number of) polls indicate Sanders voters' second choice is Biden (and vice versa), and Warren voters' second choice is Harris (and vice versa).

Not particularly impressive for Harris given the proportional delegate system. Very good for Warren.
Probably all the older Democrats switch between Biden and Sanders.

The younger votes are more split between all 4 favouring Warren and Harris, perhaps.
Not necessarily.

Defining difference is class/education level. Poorer, less educated, less engaged voters go for Biden/Sanders, with Biden taking the lion share of self identified moderate/conservative votes (there’s all sort of feckery going on here too, because the majority of them in Biden’s camp are black, strip that away then he’s left with rich old assholes).

Meanwhile Warren Harris and Buttchug all do better with liberal white educated high info voters. The type who are relatively well off, live in the cities, watch CNN/MSNBC all day and follow #resistance on Twitter.

It’s never a simple matter of X or Y taking votes from Sanders. He benefited from being the only anti-Clinton candidate in 2016, but his ideology doesn’t perfectly align with a big chunk of that coalition and they’d jump the moment there are more palatable candidates to their taste.
Must admit anything money related is my weak point but don’t these people ever consider the national debt? From what I’ve read it’s as high as it’s ever been. Is that not related in some way to the economy? Or is it ok to them to have such a sky high debt?
I was talking for normal people who have small businesses (like a restaurant), not people educated on finance. They probably don't know what national debt is in the first place, but see their businesses doing better, more buildings happening, and read that the economy is doing well. Essentially, people who Trump targets on his 'Jobs, jobs, jobs' speeches.
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