2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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"have helped" can mean many things. I agree it contributes to it but no way is it the root cause. If deportations stopped, the crises wouldn't end but they do add to an existing problem.
How much modern Guatemalan, El Salvadoran, and Honduran history have you read?
Wait, what?

Any links in this?
MS-13 started in the Los Angeles. We deported gang members to Central American countries, thus making gangs a US export to the isthmus.

That’s not to mention our meddling in the internal affairs and civil wars of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador during this time period.
MS-13 started in the Los Angeles. We deported gang members to Central American countries, this making gangs a US export to the isthmus.

That’s not to mention our meddling in the internal affairs and civil wars of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador during this time period.

Are you saying gangs/poverty did not exist before the 80s?
New media isn't the only media. Social media and online sources made her into a villain.

Look about Bernie, in an ideal world what he says would be great but America is not like any other country. The people have been polarized into total opposites. Bernie will not be able to implement anything he says. The people won't follow it, the bills won't get passed. It's like saying you want to make a new country from the ground up.

Not to mention I find his solutions a little weak. Yes we all know healthcare to all is a must but how do you do it? Right now if he was president he wouldn't be able to achieve anything no matter how good is intentions are.
Jesus Christ, this is worse than Cal?.
Guys remember when child labor laws, days off for weekends, 40 hour work weeks, women's suffrage, and civil rights were considered too extreme? Stupid progressives.
Not to mention I find his solutions a little weak. Yes we all know healthcare to all is a must but how do you do it? .

The same way as many other countries have done it. The US is hugely in favour of some form of Universal Healthcare, where there is a will, there is a way. Stop spending trillions on military equipment or fighting wars in places you have no need or right to be and spend the money on healthcare. (The irony of those objecting healthcare spending because it's socialism yet advocating military spending is hilarious tbh)

Put a little extra tax on everyone to help pay for healthcare. I'm sure, when explained properly the vast majority would accept a tax increase if it saved them from paying ridiculous and often astronomical medical bills all the time.

Nothing is easy, and yes a huge resistance would form against implementing UHC due to the insurance companies and hospitals that would lost money, but if it's what the people want then it is doable.

It shouldn't even be a discussion. It's a basic human right ffs!
I think Sanders fares better in other NH polls. I can't believe Harris is doing better than him in his neighboring state.
Who on earth are these people waking up in the morning like “yeah, I’d vote for Buttigieg.”
MSNBC really pulling out the stops for Biden. No doubt who the establishment MSM are rooting for.
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