2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I don't follow Warren on twitter, but 3 of her tweets (not liked or retweeted by anyone I do follow) turned up within a minute of my scrolling that website. A ton of stuff on r/politics too. This is her moment to bring down Bernie.
I don't follow Warren on twitter, but 3 of her tweets (not liked or retweeted by anyone I do follow) turned up within a minute of my scrolling that website. A ton of stuff on r/politics too. This is her moment to bring down Bernie.

I have a feeling that she'll join Bernie's ticket if it means Biden is winning
That was my hope (and Bernie has said for a while that his VP will be female, and hesistated when ased if she will be black, so I think he's referring to her). But they are the clear 2nd and 3rd place now, and whoever comes out on top will be the main rival to Biden.
Really like Nina Turner.Surprised that she never put herself forward.
Really like Nina Turner.Surprised that she never put herself forward.

Nina was an early supporter of Bernie in 2016. She did not buy in to the Clinton BS.
She was also very vocal in condemning Warren for not endorsing Bernie early on in 2016.
Though I can understand why Warren could not do that as she is a Democrat.

Turner is a very honest politician and fights for working people.
I was sarcastic.

winning is different from serving the people.
Neither Trump nor Biden do that.
Not everyone wants the same thing from the president.

For many, just ridding the world of Trump is enough.
I'm liking Warren more than Bernie now, she's just a bit more lively and strong. Then again Trump just says fake Pocahontas and he'll win. She's done well last few weeks though.
I'm liking Warren more than Bernie now, she's just a bit more lively and strong. Then again Trump just says fake Pocahontas and he'll win. She's done well last few weeks though.

Her quality is definitely making her stand out among all the generics. Massive problem for Sanders imo, as they are fairly aligned on most policy issues and she isn't going anywhere anytime soon so they will have to share the progressive piece of the pie until one of them drops out, at which point it may be too late for either since most primaries would've already passed.
Her quality is definitely making her stand out among all the generics. Massive problem for Sanders imo, as they are fairly aligned on most policy issues and she isn't going anywhere anytime soon so they will have to share the progressive piece of the pie until one of them drops out, at which point it may be too late for either since most primaries would've already passed.

I see massive problems for candidates who offer nothing but the' same ol'.
Both Bernie and Warren will grow in support.
The others especially Biden will fall.
He has already shown himself to be completely insincere with his complete turnaround about the Hyde amendment.

more to come.
I see massive problems for candidates who offer nothing but the' same ol'.
Both Bernie and Warren will grow in support.
The others especially Biden will fall.
He has already shown himself to be completely insincere with his complete turnaround about the Hyde amendment.

more to come.

I think Warren will grow and it will be partially at the expense of Sanders.
Please don't vote for this guy.

Warren is killing the Bernie vote :(

She is, but then again it's not all about the cult of Bernie. If another candidate like Warren continues to rise and becomes the front runner, Sanders supporters should be pleased and jump on board.
She is, but then again it's not all about the cult of Bernie. If another candidate like Warren continues to rise and becomes the front runner, Sanders supporters should be pleased and jump on board.

It's not a cult of Bernie. Warren is shite on foreign policy, she doesn't believe in universal healthcare, shite on the climate change, and most importantly while she may have a plan for everything she has no plan of action, as she doesn't believe in class politics. All her reforms will be laughed at and be completely stopped by both Republicans and Democrats. You can't fight Wallstreet with only legislation.

If there is one reason to vote Bernie is that he knows the only to get reforms is through working class movements.

And I don't hate Warren by the way, if more liberal were like Warren the world would be in a better place, the fact Warren is seen as someone on the left just show the fall of todays liberalism.
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It's not a cult of Bernie. Warren is shite on foreign policy, she doesn't believe in universal healthcare, shite on the climate change, and most importantly while she may have a plan for everything she has no plan of action, as she doesn't believe in class politics. All her reforms will be laughed at and be completely stopped by both Republicans and Democrats. You can't fight Wallstreet with only legislation.

If there is one reason to vote Bernie is that he knows the only to get reforms is through working class movements.

Warren's views on foreign policy and her ability to generally take a more pragmatic approach instead of constantly harping about the "millionaires, billionaires, and zillionaires".. will actually help her tap into Dems who view Sanders as too old, too ranty, and too anti-capitalist. There are a ton of independents up for grabs who would be amenable to Warren's message of making capitalism work for everyone, as opposed to feeling like they are promoting socialism in America, which is what Sanders for better or worse, is synonymous with. Also, there's no else one in the field that has the degree of policy depth that Warren has, which will (imo) set her apart during and after the debates next month.
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Warren's views on foreign policy and her ability to generally take a more pragmatic approach instead of constantly harping about the "millionaires, billionaires, and zillionaires".. will actually help her tap into Dems who view Sanders as too old, too ranty, and too anti-capitalist. There are a ton of independents up for grabs who would be amenable to Warren's message of making capitalism work for everyone, as opposed to feeling like they are promoting socialism in America, which is what Sanders is synonymous with. Also, there's no one in the field has the degree of policy depth that Warren has, which will (imo) set her apart during and after the debates next month.

It is beyond irritating to engage with your argument. You caller it a "cult of Bernie". You were presented with arguments about why people prefer Bernie. You then reply with your opinion of Warren being more rational.
That's your opinion, for people who care about anti-imperialism, about climate change, and who have a material analysis of politics, Bernie's campaign and his call for a mass movement to continue after the election makes sense not Warren's, whether you agree or not. It is not a cult just because you can't understand it.
It is beyond irritating to engage with your argument. You caller it a "cult of Bernie". You were presented with arguments about why people prefer Bernie. You then reply with your opinion of Warren being more rational.
That's your opinion, for people who care about anti-imperialism, about climate change, and who have a material analysis of politics, Bernie's campaign and his call for a mass movement to continue after the election makes sense not Warren's, whether you agree or not. It is not a cult just because you can't understand it.

I don't think any rational person would deny that Sanders does have a cultish following, which at the end of the day doesn't serve him well. I don't blame Sanders himself for this, but rather the motley crew of straphanging leftists who seem to hypnotically view him as "The One" who will advance their individual views of a socialist agenda in America.
when American public discourse claims that Obama and the Clintons are communists you can't be surprised that when someone slightly to the left of ayn rand actually gets traction the left will flock to them
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