2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The way you put it: any black man would've won in 08. Is that what you mean ?
Maybe I was too brash there. What I mean to say was, Obama didn't need much substance because he represented progress with his appearance.
Presidents generally don’t achieve much in terms of their agendas. They are merely 4 year placeholders to prevent the other side from making any progress. So whether one votes Sanders, Biden, or anyone else, we shouldn’t expect any substantial changes over the 2020-24 cycle.
Very true - more comes down to the gradual progression of house and senate.
The only person who ever goes round in circles or derails threads is you, simply because of your pigheaded stubbornness and refusal to hear any criticism about or be told how completely shite a candidate her fuhrer was.
It’s a fact she got those millions more primary votes, seems to be it’s the Bernie Bros who can’t accept facts and prefer to deal in hypotheticals
It’s a fact she got those millions more primary votes, seems to be it’s the Bernie Bros who can’t accept facts and prefer to deal in hypotheticals

I’m looking forward to you being here over the next couple of years to deal with the pesky Bros.
It’s a fact she got those millions more primary votes, seems to be it’s the Bernie Bros who can’t accept facts and prefer to deal in hypotheticals
'Hillary' , 'million votes' , 'Bernie bros' : Not all members of the current events forum can be summarized in three words.
'Hillary' , 'million votes' , 'Bernie bros' : Not all members of the current events forum can be summarized in three words.

Exactly. And it's not in dispute how many votes she had, just how utterly shite a candidate she was.

Oh, I forgot the obligatory exceptionally condescending eye rolling smiley... :rolleyes:
I was expecting Beto to have done better than this. He raised 6 million within the first 24 hours.

Does anyone here actually like Beto as a candidate? I get why he was popular in Texas running against Cruz, but he just seems to be a very centrist Dem at a time when the party is moving left. He also seems a bit shit compared to the people who have been campaigning at the national level for years.
Does anyone here actually like Beto as a candidate? I get why he was popular in Texas running against Cruz, but he just seems to be a very centrist Dem at a time when the party is moving left. He also seems a bit shit compared to the people who have been campaigning at the national level for years.
I liked him initially but I'd have also liked a turd sandwich compared to Cruz. Now he just appears bland to me.
Apart from any creepiness, it's just plain patronising.
I was expecting Beto to have done better than this. He raised 6 million within the first 24 hours.

Pretty good haul for someone who isn’t a national figure. Same with Buttiegeg. Both of them are still relatively unknown to everyday voters outside the twitter/social media bubble. Unlike Sanders, Biden, Harris et al., they haven’t received much in the way of national coverage beyond what they briefly did at a regional level. This is why both of them have a massive upside - since they are already outperforming national level figures like Warren, Booker, Gillibrand etc
None of the candidates to date has raised more than John Edwards in 2008 by the same time, who actually was 3rd in fundraising then.

No PAC money, wider field etc... granted, but it’s not a good sign regarding enthusiasm.

Could be a lot of other reasons too though? Wider field / no clear „leaders“ so people wait and see for example. Not that I could give an opinion regarding the existence of enthusiasm.
Was that what Obama ran on? I remember one word, 'Change'. Him actually changing almost feck all is another matter.

Seriously that is a pathetic statement I wouldn't even expect Trump to come out with anything as dumb .

Obama had no majority in the Senate everything he tried to do the Republicans turned down

They called him the anti Christ for wanting everyone to have health care even
Could be a lot of other reasons too though? Wider field / no clear „leaders“ so people wait and see for example. Not that I could give an opinion regarding the existence of enthusiasm.
Clinton was raking in 46.9m in Q2 2015 for instance, even if 60% of that was bundler money/PAC, single donations would still be more than the current leader (Sanders, 18m).

I drew the comparison to 08 because the field then was also relatively crowded, with only 3 stands out - Clinton, Obama, Edwards. Currently it’s Biden/Sanders, then the rest, with Harris/O’ Rourke having a lead on others. Money raised is of course not the only metric, but it gives a pretty good idea on who’s doing well.
Seriously that is a pathetic statement I wouldn't even expect Trump to come out with anything as dumb .

Obama had no majority in the Senate everything he tried to do the Republicans turned down

They called him the anti Christ for wanting everyone to have health care even

Obama had massive majorities and did feck all
Seriously that is a pathetic statement I wouldn't even expect Trump to come out with anything as dumb .

Obama had no majority in the Senate everything he tried to do the Republicans turned down

They called him the anti Christ for wanting everyone to have health care even
I'd advise you to research a bit before jumping the gun in such a fashion.
I'd advise you to research a bit before jumping the gun in such a fashion.
To be fair the Dems only had supermajority with all votes present for about 3 months, due to illness/absence from a senior member (can’t recall his name atm), and then Ted Kennedy croaked and they chose to nominate a bland party loyalist who lost to Scott Brown, which made it 59-41, and McConnell seized on it and filibuster everything.

Which does not absolve them, or Obama in anyway, since his signature legislation was eventually passed by budget reconciliation, without needing the supermajority, and as Tortoise Mitch showed us, filibuster means nothing.

But hey Lyndsay Graham said Biden is a good friend and great guy. And everyones favorite white supremacist Steve King (R-IA) also defending Biden now.

Thats who the corporatists want to nominate. A good friend of Steve King and Lyn Graham
To be fair the Dems only had supermajority with all votes present for about 3 months, due to illness/absence from a senior member (can’t recall his name atm), and then Ted Kennedy croaked and they chose to nominate a bland party loyalist who lost to Scott Brown, which made it 59-41, and McConnell seized on it and filibuster everything.

Which does not absolve them, or Obama in anyway, since his signature legislation was eventually passed by budget reconciliation, without needing the supermajority, and as Tortoise Mitch showed us, filibuster means nothing.

He had a majority where he could pass legislation for 4 months yes and apart from that Republicans just blocked everything
It’s a fact she got those millions more primary votes, seems to be it’s the Bernie Bros who can’t accept facts and prefer to deal in hypotheticals
Hillary Clinton will forever be remembered for 2016. Her most famous moment that won't ever be topped is that big fat L. So go take that million primary votes and shove it up where the rest of the Hillary dick riders are.

Also, you're defending this person. She ain't worth it bro. Better fish in the game these days.
Hillary Clinton will forever be remembered for 2016. Her most famous moment that won't ever be topped is that big fat L. So go take that million primary votes and shove it up where the rest of the Hillary dick riders are.

Also, you're defending this person. She ain't worth it bro. Better fish in the game these days.

I'm not really defending her, I'm written many times about all the mistakes she made during the campaign in 2016. However I just do not agree with the assertion that she "stole" the nomination from St Bernie.
I'm not really defending her, I'm written many times about all the mistakes she made during the campaign in 2016. However I just do not agree with the assertion that she "stole" the nomination from St Bernie.

She didn’t steal it, she just used lots of dirty tricks to ensure she won, probably the worst being her teams attempts to paint Bernie as an out of touch racist to try and nullify his past history as a campaigner for civil rights.
I'm not really defending her, I'm written many times about all the mistakes she made during the campaign in 2016. However I just do not agree with the assertion that she "stole" the nomination from St Bernie.
To even make a rebuttal to those assertions is defending her though. Who cares what people say about her now? She’s a loser and isn’t running for president this cycle. She’s washed.
She didn’t steal it, she just used lots of dirty tricks to ensure she won, probably the worst being her teams attempts to paint Bernie as an out of touch racist to try and nullify his past history as a campaigner for civil rights.
They’re still doing him dirty these days by trying to paint him as some elitist who balls out on private jets all the time. Remember that politico article 3 weeks ago? He was on those jets supporting Clinton’s campaign on Clinton’s dime. And they’re still tying to feck him over for 2020 because they’re sandy as feck over losing to Trump like it was Bernie’s fault. feck her and her sycophant supporters.
It's a bit weird to put the shift from 16 as the headline figure, rather than the current numbers. It makes it look like Florida is the most promising opportunity. In reality, he is starting from the most comfortable position there.
Actual net approval ratings:
Florida: -2
Ohio: -5
M: -12
W: -12
Penn: -7


I'd imagine the contrast between 16 and the present is relevant since it shows how far he has fallen if he wants to replicate the sort of electoral college win again.
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