2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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There is something fishy about that woman Tulsi Gabbard. I watch her and i think she is lying more than Goebbels and lucifer combined. Another day i saw her in an interview explaining the merciful logic of voting against taking some few desperate families from Syria, pushing for the use of the terms: "islamic terrorism" while voting in the parliament against to condemn the massacre of 2.000 muslims in south asia.

I suspect many of those "progressives" in the United States are only right wingers who think their chances are bigger in the democrat party according to the context of their states. I know she is smart enough to take care of her voting record in "social subjects" these days, but if Tulsi Gabbard is a real progressive Steve Bannon is a communist.
What's he saying to her? Now I want to know :lol:
take that $5 you owe me and put it on bernie

:lol: Wait until MSU crash out!

Bernie is the only candidate I've donated to so far.

all candidates need to do is say what they hope to achieve. Specific areas.

The Debates will help sort through details and differences.

I'm surprised Beto and Pete are proving evasive.
Beto should start calling Cruz by his real first name, Rafael and then see how fun it sounds.
Very odd that Sanders has been saying he will release his taxes all the way back since 2016 and has yet to do so.

have any of the candidates released their tax returns?

This is a continuation of a situation from 2016. He said he would release them then as well but never did claiming its because he didn't win the nomination, but he had plenty of time to do it well before that, which is why Blitzer pressed him this time.

Wasn't there a girl a few years ago that also said his hands wandered a little too low when they were taking a pic at some event or was this that woman?

One thing that some people don't get is that it doesn't have to explicitly sexual to be creepy. The way he talks to that little girl is definitely creepy. At the least its Biden using subtle gestures to assert dominance in the rooms he is in. I've been around some people like that. They liked to use personal contact as a way to try to prove they were the alpha in the room. Like Biden getting touchy with men's wives with them in the room, its not that he is trying to be rapey per se, its that he is trying to assert his power over the other men in the room with subtle signaling.
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Creepy Joe cant help himself.
Trump gonna win again right?

The democrats are fecking imbeciles.

He will win if the Dems are split among two factions again, where one faction stays home because they view the other as being nearly as bad a Trump. It’s a real possibility.
Obama was a crap president. But at least he was inspiring, charismatic, and not touchy-feely. Everything Biden is not. Biden just brings his good for no-one policies and overall sense of directionlessness.
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