2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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And he's off again....

Has anyone told him that signatures aren't the best way to validate someone's identity or that average people, like those who work on election results, couldn't possibly be expected to be signature matching experts?

This is why I said Trump supporters should read those affidavits. The Republicans were very obviously allowed in. They weren't allowed to harrass or intimidate the people sorting the ballots.
Has anyone told him that signatures aren't the best way to validate someone's identity or that average people, like those who work on election results, couldn't possibly be expected to be signature matching experts?
yes... but he fired them and replaced them with somebody who told him he won and that he had better turn the army loose on antifa and the fake media to protect american democracy
This shit has to end

It won't ... or not until Biden becomes President, and even then Trump will continue on ranting. But then at least people will care much less what he says - he'll just be a very loud member of the nutterati, out of power, a loser on a downward slope of influence.
It's like Rome under Nero the narcissist....just without the matricide or the eunuch 'wife'.

How is this going to end?
It's like Rome under Nero the narcissist....just without the matricide or the eunuch 'wife'.

How is this going to end?
Hopefully in good old Roman fashion: The culling of everyone connected to the Trump name and administration. So that nobody is left who could get any ideas about making a claim to the throne in the future.
Trump campaign just ponied up $3 million for a partial recount of WI. This is going to shock everyone, but they only want to recount Dane (Madison) and Milwaukee (Milwaukee) counties. So much for making sure EVERY legal vote is counted......
Trump campaign just ponied up $3 million for a partial recount of WI. This is going to shock everyone, but they only want to recount Dane (Madison) and Milwaukee (Milwaukee) counties. So much for making sure EVERY legal vote is counted......


I would bet my house (I'm not betting my house) that the swing in votes is under 1K. Wisconsin is used to doing recounts. I would be my second house (we don't have a second house) that this tactic here is not to look for a miscount, but to throw out absentee ballots, especially in Milwaukee, because black people. The state court and legislature is corrupt enough that there is a decent chance they would try to help. I would bet my third house (we have a third house) on them trying something.
I would bet my house (I'm not betting my house) that the swing in votes is under 1K. Wisconsin is used to doing recounts. I would be my second house (we don't have a second house) that this tactic here is not to look for a miscount, but to throw out absentee ballots, especially in Milwaukee, because black people. The state court and legislature is corrupt enough that there is a decent chance they would try to help. I would bet my third house (we have a third house) on them trying something.

How can you have a third house without a second is my biggest question.
Yea you’re right. I was thinking of him last being halfway relevant after 9/11.

Apparently some of those RICO cases he worked started in the 1970s. As the reply to that tweet said...long ago and far away. He's not the same man anymore.
Apparently some of those RICO cases he worked started in the 1970s. As the reply to that tweet said...long ago and far away. He's not the same man anymore.
Absolutely, he’s a senile cretin now who genuinely seems to have believed he could handle Federal court the way he handles Fox “News”.
Absolutely, he’s a senile cretin now who genuinely seems to have believed he could handle Federal court the way he handles Fox “News”.

He's also aligned himself to someone who's very probably a criminal. That's a bad look for a former prosecutor.
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