2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bernie is talking about Elizabeth Warren as VP. Or it might be the other way round.
Bernie is talking about Elizabeth Warren as VP. Or it might be the other way round.

Warren isn't going to beat Bernie. She's brilliant, but that East coast liberal intellectualism and school marm demeanour isn't going to win out over Bernie's fire and simplicity of message in the rural areas.
Warren isn't going to beat Bernie. She's brilliant, but that East coast liberal intellectualism and school marm demeanour isn't going to win out over Bernie's fire and simplicity of message in the rural areas.
I would love to see Bernie get the nomination. But i have a niggling doubt that he can recapture the enthusiasm of 2016.
Warren isn't going to beat Bernie. She's brilliant, but that East coast liberal intellectualism and school marm demeanour isn't going to win out over Bernie's fire and simplicity of message in the rural areas.

She can be very personable in small crowds. If she talks to middle class people about their expenses and how the system is rigged into keeping them on the hamster wheel for their whole lives to keep themselves solvent it would strike quite a chord.

Sanders is of course a lot more powerful at the pulpit.

For both of them or any other democrat, it depends on how much work they are prepared to put in to go into small rallies, reengage past democratic bastions like unions and factory labour.

I remember attending an Obama rally in the middle of Missouri and I didn't quite expect the warmth of reception he got as a black presidential candidate in what was quite frankly redneck America, because he could empathise with them and he was the first and only presidential candidate to make a stop there. He wasn't even wearing a suit, just a shirt with cuffs rolled up, it was quite a thing to witness.
I would love to see Bernie get the nomination. But i have a niggling doubt that he can recapture the enthusiasm of 2016.
The math is pretty simple.

If the hardcore party Democrats/establishment coalesce around one candidate, there’s no chance for Sanders.

If there are multiple candidates vying for each wing of the party, which is the way it is panning out, he has a path with his intense following and can win with a plurality in many states.

Either way, it’s gonna be a tough, tough race. Lots of his support in 2016 was the ‘ABC’ type, this time a number of that would be siphoned off due to more choices presented.
For both of them or any other democrat, it depends on how much work they are prepared to put in to go into small rallies, reengage past democratic bastions like unions and factory labour.

I think those will both be areas where Bernie won't have any issues, it's the core of his support. Last time the national union organizations faced holy hell from membership for endorsing Hillary over him, and I can't see them wanting to walk that kind of path again.

The test for me is going to be how much his work over the last 3 years at engaging with black communities pays off. His favourables are good with minorities, but I have no idea whether he's successfully built relationships with the major black organizations and churches that would make his path so much smoother.
I think those will both be areas where Bernie won't have any issues, it's the core of his support. Last time the national union organizations faced holy hell from membership for endorsing Hillary over him, and I can't see them wanting to walk that kind of path again.

The test for me is going to be how much his work over the last 3 years at engaging with black communities pays off. His favourables are good with minorities, but I have no idea whether he's successfully built relationships with the major black organizations and churches that would make his path so much smoother.

yeah, his struggles with the black vote puzzle me, he has a good history of working towards the civil rights act and against apartheid. He might not have the personal relationships with the ACLU or the power brokers in the black communities which might have reduced his exposure as compared to Hilary.

The question still comes back to age though, neither Sanders nor Warren are young enough to clock the miles required to make the kind of outreach Obama did in 2008, which is why I thought someone like Beto has a real chance in this election.
yeah, his struggles with the black vote puzzle me, he has a good history of working towards the civil rights act and against apartheid. He might not have the personal relationships with the ACLU or the power brokers in the black communities which might have reduced his exposure as compared to Hilary.

Hillary was smart (though fecking unprincipled) last time, and attacked him on his strength. Straight out of the GOP playbook. She knew he'd been around the civil rights movement, so twisted it into a narrative about him trying to claim credit for what others had achieved, painting him as a white kid who went to a few marches but then fecked off to the whitest state in the country decades ago and ignored minorities until he ran for president. She painted him as an out of touch racist at every opportunity, which is ironic considering the Clinton's own extremely questionable record on race.

The question still comes back to age though, neither Sanders nor Warren are young enough to clock the miles required to make the kind of outreach Obama did in 2008, which is why I thought someone like Beto has a real chance in this election.

Not sure about that, Bernie didn't have any energy problems last time bizarre as that is.
Bernie struggled with black voters in the south but 1) he was completely unknown and 2)black voters in the south(In particular the church's) are more conservative. Plus the democratic base seems more conservative than the general American public.

Today it's simply untrue to say Bernie has a issue appealing to black voters. The problem Bernie has is not enough white people like him.
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Bernie's total after 24 hours is 6 million. He got over double of the combined totals of Harris, Klobuchar and Warren.

Warren with the South bend guy as VP would be excellent. Need a women president who is not Harris, Gillibrand or Gabbard.

Nice that Gramps has thrown his hat in the right, but I would prefer that Warren takes an early lead and then Gramps endorses her.
Tulsi has a hurdle with the Assad business.

But I have no issues with her otherwise.
Yep, her comments on Islam aren't great and some of her stuff on torture...perhaps she is just more honest than others but I couldn't ever see Bernie considering or approving torture. Other than that, she's has great positions on big pharma, the environment, corruption etc. She's also hotter than a politician should be :lol:
Tulsi has a hurdle with the Assad business.

But I have no issues with her otherwise.

She also scampered off to Trump tower to audition for a potential administration job. She's a total charlatan who will say whatever to get into whatever position she's aiming for.
Yep, her comments on Islam aren't great and some of her stuff on torture...perhaps she is just more honest than others but I couldn't ever see Bernie considering or approving torture. Other than that, she's has great positions on big pharma, the environment, corruption etc. She's also hotter than a politician should be :lol:

I just don't see her being a good fit for a Bernie ticket.
She also scampered off to Trump tower to audition for a potential administration job. She's a total charlatan who will say whatever to get into whatever position she's aiming for.
Perhaps she thought he’d pivot
“We’re excited to see so many progressives in the race,” spokesperson Corbin Trent said. “We’re not thinking at all about the next election.”

Any endorsement by Ms Ocasio-Cortez is likely to be influential on the outcome of the race, thanks to her massive support among the grassroots of the party.

But the 29-year-old, a congresswoman for New York, is unlikely to offer an endorsement before her state's Democratic primary next year, and may even permanently withhold any explicit support for a single candidate.


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