2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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There's literally no mention of Sanders running in CNN home page. It's absolutely obvious that the MSM will try to shove centrists like Harris down the throats of the democratic voters and it's really paramount for american people to mitigate their influence in the elections if any serious progress is to be made.
There's literally no mention of Sanders running in CNN home page. It's absolutely obvious that the MSM will try to shove centrists like Harris down the throats of the democratic voters and it's really paramount for american people to mitigate their influence in the elections if any serious progress is to be made.

There is. You're on the international version.
There is. You're on the international version.
It's big enough news to be on international version. Even on US politics page it's they don't even have his picture and the news about him running is under some news about something crazy Clarence Thomas said.
Beto's flip flopping is going to negatively impact him if it carries on for much longer. A few days ago it was reported that Beto was looking into skipping the presidential race and contesting the senate seat instead.

Today he is saying he would not rule out becoming a vice presidential candidate.
Beto's flip flopping is going to negatively impact him if it carries on for much longer. A few days ago it was reported that Beto was looking into skipping the presidential race and contesting the senate seat instead.

Today he is saying he would not rule out becoming a vice presidential candidate.

"It was reported" is not great grounds for claims of flip flopping.
Beto's flip flopping is going to negatively impact him if it carries on for much longer. A few days ago it was reported that Beto was looking into skipping the presidential race and contesting the senate seat instead.

Today he is saying he would not rule out becoming a vice presidential candidate.

Schumer wants him to run for the Senate....obviously to get him out of the way because they fear he could tip the balance away from the establishment.
Schumer wants him to run for the Senate....obviously to get him out of the way because they fear he could tip the balance away from the establishment.
VP would be a good move for him because so far his biggest achievement is politics is he put pressure on Ted Cruz. He will definitely set himself well for future shot at presidency if he serves as a VP, especially under Biden or Bernie who may consider hanging in the towel after the first term because of their age.
VP would be a good move for him because so far his biggest achievement is politics is he put pressure on Ted Cruz. He will definitely set himself well for future shot at presidency if he serves as a VP, especially under Biden or Bernie who may consider hanging in the towel after the first term because of their age.

Alternatively, he could move past the older candidates if the country don't have an appetite for considering two Octogenarians who may die in office.

To be fair I imagine those numbers would be fairly similar for most Dems considering the extent to which white voters opted for Trump, compared to overwhelmingly Dem leaning black voters.
To be fair I imagine those numbers would be fairly similar for most Dems considering the extent to which white voters opted for Trump, compared to overwhelmingly Dem leaning black voters.

they're not really though. and plus it refutes the narrative of bernie bros


they're not really though. and plus it refutes the narrative of bernie bros



Fair, already had always hated the Bernie Bros narrative, but was unaware his numbers were stronger than all the other main candidate when it came to black voters.
Saw a Bernie interview today which pretty much rules out Beto as VP.

He said he would pick a younger woman...which likely means Tulsi Gabbard since she's the only younger woman who shares his political views. Warren would have too much credibility to be just a VP.
Would she want a cabinet position though? The only one that would be worth it is Attorney General. Everything else she would have more impact in her current position.
He said he would pick a younger woman...which likely means Tulsi Gabbard since she's the only younger woman who shares his political views. Warren would have too much credibility to be just a VP.
He did say a few years younger which made me think of Warren but yeah she has too much credibility for a VP role.

Gabbard would be interesting although she is all over the place with foreign policy. Although the melt down from certain people in the media and inside the Dem party would be brilliant, worth picking her just for that. To go from Hilary Clinton & Tim Kane to Bernie Sanders & Tulsi Gabbard is one hell of change in 4 years.

Why is that?
Reasons Raoul mentioned. Bernie said he wanted someone a different gender to himself, someone a few years younger and for that person to carry the progressive vision. All 3 rule Beto out.

Bernie didn't go into any detail why he wanted the role to be for a women and someone younger(Although I don't there is anyone older than Bernie).
He did say a few years younger which made me think of Warren but yeah she has too much credibility for a VP role.

Gabbard would be interesting although she is all over the place with foreign policy. Although the melt down from certain people in the media and inside the Dem party would be brilliant, worth picking her just for that. To go from Hilary Clinton & Tim Kane to Bernie Sanders & Tulsi Gabbard is one hell of change in 4 years.

Reasons Raoul mentioned. Bernie said he wanted someone a different gender to himself, someone a few years younger and for that person to carry the progressive vision. All 3 rule Beto out.

Bernie didn't go into any detail why he wanted the role to be for a women and someone younger(Although I don't there is anyone older than Bernie).

Also, I don't think Beto matches Bernie's policy platform as much as previously thought. If he runs he will be somewhere between progressive and establishment.
He may be talking about the TYT interview where he said he would choose a younger woman.

It's the last question at around the 16 min mark.

Also, I don't think Beto matches Bernie's policy platform as much as previously thought. If he runs he will be somewhere between progressive and establishment.
Yeah I think people thought Beto was far more progessive due to his rhetoric but then it was pointed out he's from Texas.

I can see Beto ruinning something similar to Brooker. There's going to be so many people running on basically the same platform.

It's the last question at around the 16 min mark.

Yeah I think people thought Beto was far more progessive due to his rhetoric but then it was pointed out he's from Texas.

I can see Beto ruinning something similar to Brooker. There's going to be so many people running on basically the same platform.

The cynic in me is saying that’s simply to confront allegations of sexism towards people involved in his last campaign.

Regardless, if Beto displays the charisma from his previous campaign he’s still in the picture with Bernie...even if it’s only for cynical millennials like me.
The #feelthebern campaign in the primaries was probably one of the most involving and motivated alot of the voting crowd especially younger demographic ive seen in a long while when it came to the Elections and that was literally the first stage, imagine that on a national scale and running against a morally corrupted Trump 2020 campaign...
Is Bernie running on the Dem platform and if he is, I thought the Dems made a rule that candidates have to be members?
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