2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I won't argue the fact that Trump is a con artist, it's a large (if not deciding factor) in me despising the man to the extent that I do. I'm not as convinced that he is such a perfect one though, I think plenty of people see through him, and I don't even think one needs to be particularly intelligent nor informed to do so. Look at it from another perspective: He has unlimited twitter bots parroting his message, the most viewed television channel is devoted to him, and one of the 2 parties has become completely subservient to him, and yet he's celebrating when his approval rating hits 40!
We (on the other side) sometimes exaggerate his abilities.

He was a better natural populist than Ted Cruz, Bush No.3 and Clinton no.2., I'll give him that. I also think it's quite possible the Dems will mess up the nomination again and set him up against someone similarly lacking in charisma as Hillary, which is why I fear a second term... but that won't make him any better in my eyes. (In all honesty I just think he's the result of a broken system, not the one breaking a working system, even if he does manage to make it a lot worse). Those who voted for Trump to stick 2 fingers to the "establishment" now view him as exactly that (and their situation hasn't changed).

If Bernie gets the nomination I can't see Trump winning more than a handful of states.

I don't see the bolded at all. Maybe its different where you are but where I am I see the exact opposite when I hear local Democrats, social media, Hollywood, Twitterland and even the Trump tweets linked on here. I constantly hear people saying Trump is an idiot, Trump can't even spell hamburgers correctly, Trump is the dumbest person of all time, etc. At least where I live in California and on the social media I've seen I don't really see any Democrats saying much other than that Trump is the biggest idiot ever of all time. I personally feel its more dangerous to underestimate your opponent than overestimate and as a group the Democrats are much more liable to underestimate in this case.

It really feels a lot like 2003 when I would hear so many Democrats talk about stupid Bush, Bush is a moron, no way Bush has any chance of winning re-election because he is so stupid, etc.
Sanders is awesome. Can someone more well versed on this stuff explain why he was never a presidential nomination before 2016 (or was he?)

He's always been a fringe figure in American politics. Most of us who have followed politics over the years have known about him as an affable, easily dismissed Socialist who was more entertaining than serious. A sort of nutty professor who espoused policies that were so exogenous to the American system that they didn't merit any consideration. Now that norms have changed, the public are gradually figuring out that the old norms didn't work and that Sanders may have been right all along.
I won't argue the fact that Trump is a con artist, it's a large (if not deciding factor) in me despising the man to the extent that I do. I'm not as convinced that he is such a perfect one though, I think plenty of people see through him, and I don't even think one needs to be particularly intelligent nor informed to do so. Look at it from another perspective: He has unlimited twitter bots parroting his message, the most viewed television channel is devoted to him, and one of the 2 parties has become completely subservient to him, and yet he's celebrating when his approval rating hits 40!
We (on the other side) sometimes exaggerate his abilities.

He was a better natural populist than Ted Cruz, Bush No.3 and Clinton no.2., I'll give him that. I also think it's quite possible the Dems will mess up the nomination again and set him up against someone similarly lacking in charisma as Hillary, which is why I fear a second term... but that won't make him any better in my eyes. (In all honesty I just think he's the result of a broken system, not the one breaking a working system, even if he does manage to make it a lot worse). Those who voted for Trump to stick 2 fingers to the "establishment" now view him as exactly that (and their situation hasn't changed).

If Bernie gets the nomination I can't see Trump winning more than a handful of states.

I actually found Trump pretty refreshing early on in the Republican primaries, mainly as I didn’t think he stood a chance. There was something quite wonderful about this raving lunatic dressing down the GOP establishment in front of the world. He exposed their empty, rehearsed rhetoric for what is was while he was improvising to whatever the people wanted to hear. His campaign was disgusting but very effective – Right wing populism performed well – He played the media like a fiddle.

That said Trump’s movement was inevitable. I think four years of Clinton would have just kicked the can down the road with the same tension and frustrations increasing further (see France right now). The biggest saving grace with Trump has been his sheer incompetence. As @oneniltothearsenal pointed out he’s a con-artist – That’s his strength but beyond that there’s nothing. It could be (and could get) a lot worse – Trump’s rhetoric is the most harmful aspect of his presidency – Beyond that it’s a pretty standard Republican administration. Had a more competent right-wing ideologue tapped into those same frustrations lord knows the damage that could have been done. Especially as it’s becoming pretty apparent that openly racist or openly hateful ideas have more supporters than in the US than you’d think.

I’m hoping that right wing movement has sort of blown its load. The Democratic candidate should be able to expose Trump’s lies and demonstrate that he hasn’t in any way improved the lives for the average American or done anything whatsoever to combat elitist interests. Sanders would be ideal for this – I think the distrust of “establishment” candidates still lingers and not just in the US – Trump will try and tap into that again for sure if it’s Harris. I think he’ll beat her if she’s the nominee.
Sanders is awesome. Can someone more well versed on this stuff explain why he was never a presidential nomination before 2016 (or was he?)
Previous election years had more voters from the terrible baby boomer generation, who were adverse to socialism of any form due to Cold War propaganda, who benefited greatly from the “good days” where everything was affordable, and then proceeded to ruin the economy and voted for assholes, which led to millennials getting fecked over, making Sanders an ideal choice.
Just give it to Bernie and end this sham. You want to be serious about beating Trump? Then be serious and give it to the guy who has the best chance.
I’d personally like to see a debate with only Bernie, Warren, Yang, and Buttigieg. Would be the dream scenario :drool:
I don't see the bolded at all. Maybe its different where you are but where I am I see the exact opposite when I hear local Democrats, social media, Hollywood, Twitterland and even the Trump tweets linked on here. I constantly hear people saying Trump is an idiot, Trump can't even spell hamburgers correctly, Trump is the dumbest person of all time, etc. At least where I live in California and on the social media I've seen I don't really see any Democrats saying much other than that Trump is the biggest idiot ever of all time. I personally feel its more dangerous to underestimate your opponent than overestimate and as a group the Democrats are much more liable to underestimate in this case.
Alright, I agree with that. It's those saying he's so good at the whole propaganda stuff etc. that I meant, not those you describe here. Those that you describe are a lot more visible/outspoken and most likely the majority though so I absolutely understand/share your concern too. I'm not sure the two are mutually exclusive, weirdly enough.
It really feels a lot like 2003 when I would hear so many Democrats talk about stupid Bush, Bush is a moron, no way Bush has any chance of winning re-election because he is so stupid, etc.
Interesting parallel, let's hope history doesn't repeat itself. I'd contend that people were pretty satisfied with Bush's response to 9/11 and still believed in wmd's at that point, but I'm was too young then (15) to really judge.

I actually found Trump pretty refreshing early on in the Republican primaries, mainly as I didn’t think he stood a chance. There was something quite wonderful about this raving lunatic dressing down the GOP establishment in front of the world. He exposed their empty, rehearsed rhetoric for what is was while he was improvising to whatever the people wanted to hear. His campaign was disgusting but very effective – Right wing populism performed well – He played the media like a fiddle.
True, it was entertaining. I'll never forget Trump promising people won't bleed to death in front of hospitals if he becomes president prompting Ryan to ask if this is still the republican party. It was entertaining in the way a celebrity roast is entertaining, but the fact people watched that and thought he'd make a good president depresses me.
That said Trump’s movement was inevitable. I think four years of Clinton would have just kicked the can down the road with the same tension and frustrations increasing further (see France right now).
A far right demagogue didn't feel inevitable in 2008 or 2012. I'm not sure I agree that it was. It's worth remembering that he didn't win in anything like a landslide (despite everything). I don't see the comparison with France at all to be honest. You think no one would be demonstrating in Paris right now if Le Pen were President ?

The biggest saving grace with Trump has been his sheer incompetence. As @oneniltothearsenal pointed out he’s a con-artist – That’s his strength but beyond that there’s nothing. It could be (and could get) a lot worse – Trump’s rhetoric is the most harmful aspect of his presidency – Beyond that it’s a pretty standard Republican administration.
You are more hopeful than me. From my perspective Trump has weakened "the west" to it's weakest point post ww2. Major allies don't trust the United States anymore and it is questionable whether the American intelligence community trusts it's commander in chief. Obama was unquestionably the most powerful person on the planet, I think there's a good case to be made Trump isn't anymore. He is poisoning relations with everyone who isn't an ally to boot (other than Russia:rolleyes:). On top of that he's abandoning all pretense of tackling the most serious issue facing humanity (climate death).
Had a more competent right-wing ideologue tapped into those same frustrations lord knows the damage that could have been done. Especially as it’s becoming pretty apparent that openly racist or openly hateful ideas have more supporters than in the US than you’d think.

I’m hoping that right wing movement has sort of blown its load. The Democratic candidate should be able to expose Trump’s lies and demonstrate that he hasn’t in any way improved the lives for the average American or done anything whatsoever to combat elitist interests. Sanders would be ideal for this – I think the distrust of “establishment” candidates still lingers and not just in the US – Trump will try and tap into that again for sure if it’s Harris. I think he’ll beat her if she’s the nominee.
It could always be worse, agree with that. Harris doesn't convince me neither, I lack the imagination to see people going from crook to D.A. Sanders would be nice.
I’d personally like to see a debate with only Bernie, Warren, Yang, and Buttigieg. Would be the dream scenario :drool:

I hear great things about Buttigieg as I live not far away from South Bend. But that's surely a VP opportunity. Bernie and Buttigieg is a great ticket. I'm alright with Warren too but ridiculous if we make the same mistake as 2016 going with Harris/Beto/Booker.

I spent 3 years scolding @Eboue about his Harambe vote. If any motherfecker doesn't vote because Bernie Sanders is on the ticket and he likes Hillary Clinton and likes, prepare to be hounded for another 3 years. Warning served
Pat Leahy endorsed him. He now has 1 senatorial endorsement, matching his 2016 total :lol:
He lost Barbara Lee, who I cared about :(

The only other one that I'm bothered about is AOC - her policies are a mirror image of his, but I have a feeling she won't endorse.
He lost Barbara Lee, who I cared about :(

The only other one that I'm bothered about is AOC - her policies are a mirror image of his, but I have a feeling she won't endorse.
You think she'd go Warren instead?

I think she'll endorse him within the week. If she doesn't by then, I'll agree with you.
He lost Barbara Lee, who I cared about :(

The only other one that I'm bothered about is AOC - her policies are a mirror image of his, but I have a feeling she won't endorse.

She will. 100% nailed on.
He lost Barbara Lee, who I cared about :(

The only other one that I'm bothered about is AOC - her policies are a mirror image of his, but I have a feeling she won't endorse.

I seriously doubt AOC's policies are a mirror image of his. First, she doesn't really have a set of comprehensive policy positions yet on everything a POTUS candidate would require to run on. Second, I somehow doubt she shares Sanders' positions on drones, guns, abolishing ICE (Sanders prefers "restructuring" rather than abolishing) and various other topics he has nuanced positions on that don't adhere to the current fervor of left wing fundamentalism.
He lost Barbara Lee, who I cared about :(

The only other one that I'm bothered about is AOC - her policies are a mirror image of his, but I have a feeling she won't endorse.
She campaigned for him in 2016. Odd thing to be worried about
> i have a feeling

Not very concrete. She last appeared with him on a green new deal/climate change meeting but hasn't more than a month ago.

You think she'd go Warren instead?

I think she'll endorse him within the week. If she doesn't by then, I'll agree with you.

Harris endorsement a month before the NY primary :lol:
> i have a feeling

Not very concrete. She last appeared with him on a green new deal/climate change meeting but hasn't more than a month ago.

Harris endorsement a month before the NY primary :lol:
what. She'll take one look at her criminal justice record and it will be a hard no
what. She'll take one look at her criminal justice record and it will be a hard no

Harris has endorsed the green new deal, i think itll mean a lot to aoc. i dont know its not something I'm sure about, just a feeling

I will be very happy to be wrong. I already underestimated the new donations thing that he got - I didn't think it would be so much.
There's much to like about Warren. Maybe this year if they are the two big nominees, they can do a unity ticket with Warren as VP. they are not that far off policy
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