2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He explains the cost trades offs though (most comprehensively in the Joe Rogan podcast). People are going to lose their jobs anyway, that’s a fact. Even if people can’t get behind UBI, they damn well need to be aware of the effects of automation. Imagine 25% of the population being rendered obsolete. Will be fecked.
What is needed is complete focus on education, so that more people work in white collar jobs. I have not watched the podcast, so maybe he has addressed that as well.
What do people here think of Andrew Yang? Seems to also talk a lot of sense and has, imo, good plans to tackle unprecedented challenges in the coming future.

His birthday is a day after mine :)

The Freedom Dividend Fund. Has a good ring to it.
The more I look into this guy, the more I like him. Have we ever seen a political candidate have such a comprehensive list of policies and its respective details?

@Synco Maybe Yang is onto something with how he frames economic policy as 'human centered capitalism'. It still keeps the capitalism word to appeal to centrists to centre-right who are attached to that baseline. Then he adds human-centered instead of phrases that the right has already attached a negative stigma to such as 'welfare capitalism' or clunky like 'capitalism with a strong social safety net, regulations and less limits on legal exposure'.
Its been discussed over various threads. Most illegals come here legally through official ports of entry and overstay their visas. Also, a majority of the land where a wall would be built on is currently private, and often not amenable building due to the topography. Once you get the facts out of the way, you then have to deal with the fact that Trump is doing this for cynical, political reasons and not to protect anyone, so giving in to his demands would be a sort of capitulation to his dog whistle race baiting, which would be terrible policy. In essence, this would be the mother lode of bad ideas.
Because it costs money. Like a whole lot of money. It does not solve a lot of the “problems” it tries to address-like people staying in the US beyond their visa. It could have environmental or ecological impacts locally. What do you do with all the private land he wants to build on? Eminent domain? Republicans are suddenly supporting that now? Seems ironic.

Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans by the way

Few questions and observations on my interest on the topic.

If most illegals do indeed overstay their visa and the Democrats know it better so why weren't they doing enough to control this illegal immigration which was clearly the sentiment across masses of people across the nation. And why can't they build a wall and plug the overstay visa loop hole at the same time?

On wall going though private land, so giving compensation to land owners in money or same value of land somewhere in other areas couldn't solve this technical issue?

Clearly many Americans given the problems with terrorism and crime and fear of the unknown who immigrate to US wanted to see some sort of harder steps to control or double screen the people coming in as they swung towards republicans in the election so were the Democrats not in touch with the sentiments of the people on ground and people saw right through hillary as a politician?
Few questions and observations on my interest on the topic.

If most illegals do indeed overstay their visa and the Democrats know it better so why weren't they doing enough to control this illegal immigration which was clearly the sentiment across masses of people across the nation. And why can't they build a wall and plug the overstay visa loop hole at the same time?

On wall going though private land, so giving compensation to land owners in money or same value of land somewhere in other areas couldn't solve this technical issue?

Clearly many Americans given the problems with terrorism and crime and fear of the unknown who immigrate to US wanted to see some sort of harder steps to control or double screen the people coming in as they swung towards republicans in the election so were the Democrats not in touch with the sentiments of the people on ground and people saw right through hillary as a politician?

The wall is a pointless waste of money. We've already established that most illegals enter through legal ports of entry then overstay their visas, so that's where the focus should be. Also, illegal immigration is at its lowest point in a decade, so its pretty clear that this is a manufactured crisis by Trump to appeal to his redneck base.


Few questions and observations on my interest on the topic.

If most illegals do indeed overstay their visa and the Democrats know it better so why weren't they doing enough to control this illegal immigration which was clearly the sentiment across masses of people across the nation. And why can't they build a wall and plug the overstay visa loop hole at the same time?

On wall going though private land, so giving compensation to land owners in money or same value of land somewhere in other areas couldn't solve this technical issue?

Clearly many Americans given the problems with terrorism and crime and fear of the unknown who immigrate to US wanted to see some sort of harder steps to control or double screen the people coming in as they swung towards republicans in the election so were the Democrats not in touch with the sentiments of the people on ground and people saw right through hillary as a politician?

These aren't quite the right questions.

It doesn't matter how illegals are coming, it matters why. As long as there are thousands of employers in agriculture, construction, textiles, restaurants, hotels, retail,etc willing to hire illegals nothing will change because its diminishing returns trying to stop the flow at every entry point.

There is simply no willpower to tackle that aspect even on the Republican side. Bring up imposing financial penalties on employers that hire illegals as a disincentive and all Republican politicians and right wing media go scurrying to jump into the nearest hole to hide while covering their ears shouting na-na-na to pretend they never heard such a suggestion.
Few questions and observations on my interest on the topic.

If most illegals do indeed overstay their visa and the Democrats know it better so why weren't they doing enough to control this illegal immigration which was clearly the sentiment across masses of people across the nation. And why can't they build a wall and plug the overstay visa loop hole at the same time?

On wall going though private land, so giving compensation to land owners in money or same value of land somewhere in other areas couldn't solve this technical issue?

Clearly many Americans given the problems with terrorism and crime and fear of the unknown who immigrate to US wanted to see some sort of harder steps to control or double screen the people coming in as they swung towards republicans in the election so were the Democrats not in touch with the sentiments of the people on ground and people saw right through hillary as a politician?

Firstly: whataboutery gets us nowhere. An answer to your question about the wall specifically getting the answer “well what about the democrats” is laughable.

As to “why can’t we do both,” well that doesn’t solve the problems of the wall in the first place. They could address the overstay issue totally separate of the wall.

As for private property, I don’t know about you but it would take a lot of money for me to feel adequately compensated for a wall cutting through my property. It is more than just a technical issue. It is funny to see conservatives try to minimise the issue of people not wanting their land affected by the federal government while spending the rest of their time championing property rights and freedom from government involvement. Showing their true colours I guess. Infringing on the rights of property owners and bloated unnecessary federal spending-I don’t want to hear republicans complain about this shit ever again.

Also-How many of those people will take up court cases claiming they don’t have just compensation?

Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans.

Obama had the title deporter-in-chief for a reason. The idea he was soft on immigration is factually incorrect.

I agree with you that Hillary’s team were so woefully, almost laughably detached from reality. That is a separate discussion to “is the wall a good idea.” It’s not. It doesn’t even solve most of the problems it claims to.
Seems to me that more moderate and more liberal is the same direction for the dem party. The real question seems to be either one of those or more left wing.
Centrists don't need to be nominated for Dems to win. Progressives can win as long as fraud and corruption is prevented

"At a Monday evidentiary hearing conducted by the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE), a campaign worker employed by Dowless detailed several aspects of the Republican campaign’s alleged efforts to steal the election for Harris in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. The same woman also said that when the alleged scheme was discovered, Dowless instructed her to lie about their efforts."

Centrists don't need to be nominated for Dems to win. Progressives can win as long as fraud and corruption is prevented

"At a Monday evidentiary hearing conducted by the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE), a campaign worker employed by Dowless detailed several aspects of the Republican campaign’s alleged efforts to steal the election for Harris in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. The same woman also said that when the alleged scheme was discovered, Dowless instructed her to lie about their efforts."


Its not about left or right anymore.
Its about addressing needs of families Now.
The Corporate candidates will hedge looking over their shoulder at money.
Those who have the courage to speak to people's needs will be heard.

That video above of Bernie explaining in a simple way about Health Care, Education and Social Security.
Every person can identify with what he said.
Its not about left or right anymore.
Its about addressing needs of families Now.
The Corporate candidates will hedge looking over their shoulder at money.
Those who have the courage to speak to people's needs will be heard.

That video above of Bernie explaining in a simple way about Health Care, Education and Social Security.
Every person can identify with what he said.

If only people chose their Presidential candidates based on the issues. Instead they choose them based on any number of other reasons ranging from likeability to gender to any number of other things.
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If only people choose their Presidential candidates based on the issues. Instead they choose them based on any number of other reasons ranging from likeability to gender to any number of other things.

I would agree that was the case when the needs were not so critical as now.
Before the parties and candidates had some differences. Voters had the luxury of being able to make a mistake.
And although all presidents did fudge the truth, you were not in dire danger. There still was time to correct the course.
Now we are in the final seconds to make the change.
I think people will listen to issues.
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Klobuchar townhall on CNN right now.

Medicare for all - "Its aspirational"
Free Education - Aspirational, instead expand Pell Grants

Very unimpressive

He is a brain-diseased moron and is a better politician than every other alternative in America.
He is a brain-diseased moron and is a better politician than every other alternative in America.
Not really. He won 1 vote, once. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

2nd time around he lost the house despite massive propaganda, republican gerrymandering and voter suppression. Can't be that great, can he?

Edit: I just woke up, sorry if you meant it to be sarcastic.
Not really. He won 1 vote, once. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

2nd time around he lost the house despite massive propaganda, republican gerrymandering and voter suppression. Can't be that great, can he?

Edit: I just woke up, sorry if you meant it to be sarcastic.

See, his policies aren't that popular - the wall, tax cuts, children in jails, the travel ban - none of them poll like a higher minimum wage or universal healthcare. He is genuinely scandal-ridden and sleazy, and genuinely has issues forming coherent speeches or even tweets.

But that video I posted: "I will fight for you, I will be your voice. Hillary wants you to say "I'm with her", I say I'm with you. Together we'll make this country great and safe again." Remarkable, effective, clear, appealing. Something to vote for, to give your energy to. Compare that to the Klobuchar video I posted. Where is the vision or hope?
That's what I meant by politician. I remove the shit I know about him and I hear that excerpt and I think he's worth voting for. I hear Klobuchar talk about community college and expanding grants to a guy in debt for going to study - where's the connect? How does she convey that she's fighting for him?
See, his policies aren't that popular - the wall, tax cuts, children in jails, the travel ban - none of them poll like a higher minimum wage or universal healthcare. He is genuinely scandal-ridden and sleazy, and genuinely has issues forming coherent speeches or even tweets.

But that video I posted: "I will fight for you, I will be your voice. Hillary wants you to say "I'm with her", I say I'm with you. Together we'll make this country great and safe again." Remarkable, effective, clear, appealing. Something to vote for, to give your energy to. Compare that to the Klobuchar video I posted. Where is the vision or hope?
That's what I meant by politician. I remove the shit I know about him and I hear that excerpt and I think he's worth voting for.
But he's lying in the very act of it. His pledge wasn't "I'm with you", his pledges were "build the wall", "lock her up", and "make america great again". I followed the 2016 campaign a lot more than I should have, and maybe I have a selective memory, but I can't remember this soundbite at all. If viewed in isolation it sounds decent, but how can one view it in isolation, given everything else he's said and done? Sadly Clinton was unable to capitalize (or even effectively point out) the irony of a man promising to be "with you" who has left thousands of Americans out of pocket when his companies defaulted, who was a draft dodger, who spent his entire life working towards being on the cover of tabloids to elevate himself above them even more than his privileged birth had already done.

His "I'm with you" is a smack in the face to every intelligent and educated American.

I hear Klobuchar talk about community college and expanding grants to a guy in debt for going to study - where's the connect? How does she convey that she's fighting for him?
I don't think it's fair to compare a campaign speech with a question and answer session. Only god knows how Trump would react if he actually had to address critical questions head on without going into his ridiculous shtick.

That said I don't see the charisma in her that could win a presidential election.
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