2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Yeah, it's pointless. It's like using the Dow Jones to report on the state of the country. (In fact, stock trading has a lot in common with betting - except it's less influenced by amateurs.)

This constant doubting of the honesty of the process - it must be depressing to be working on that and instilling the idea in the minds of Americans, even if you do rationalize your work by thinking that getting a Republican president is a worthy higher cause.
How many times are CNN gonna say that Trump is 'well within his rights' to ask for a recount in Wisconsin?

I was going to write this :lol: They’re just re-cycling now. Also, what kind of idiots haven’t gotten up to speed on the EC by now?
Big state but mostly vast and desert, for the most part Phoneix and Vegas are the more largely populated areas
Yeah I know - just looks a bit odd that both states are mostly coloured red but it's basically the two main blue counties that count (luckily!).
I was going to write this :lol: They’re just re-cycling now. Also, what kind of idiots haven’t gotten up to speed on the EC by now?
I want to switch off, but the alternative of giving the United match my full attention isn't ideal either
Selective reading of polls.

RCP had Biden as +6.7 in WI, +1 in Florida, and Trump as +1 in Ohio, +1 in Texas. +2 in Iowa. None of actual results are within margin of error.

Fair. I guess subconsciously I had written off FL TX and OH, so I didn't pay attention. Also the nationwide numbers were quite large, towards 10%, but the actual margin will be 3ish I guess.

And the worst polling was Susan Collins by a distance.
The guy constantly interrupting the black woman on CNN is fecking annoying.
Uh-huh, they’re so predictive:

It's all about Nevada now. Win that and it's over. Otherwise all eyes on Pennsylvania.
Just prolonging the inevitable. What exactly are they hoping to find?

They're not hoping to find anything. It's just Trump and his sycophants wanting to stoke up civil war and destroy the pillars of democracy.
Carlos Curbello on MSNBC saying that he believes Latinos in Southern Florida think the DNC is moving too far left and this caused more to vote R. FFS. They're not going full blown commie socalist.

I got a new name instead of deplorables -- gullibles.
Christ, how collectively ignorant can one group get? Too far left?!?
It's getting embarrassing.

I think he knows his entire industry is probably finished.

Nah, they'll be back in 2022 b/c no matter how much we think they are still full of shit we will still crave something to make us feel better about or fret about for the midterms.
No need to fret about AZ in other words?

It’s hard to tell. The remaining votes are late mail in ballots which have skewed heavily Rep. As it’s in Phoenix area the hope is that it doesn’t follow other trends. Think there is definitely some cause for concern.
Trump lead in PA down from 800k to ~ 460k since counting restarted today. Biden is going to win this by the time all mail ballots are counted.
It's getting embarrassing.

I think he knows his entire industry is probably finished.

How so? The point of a probabilistic model isn't to give the one correct answer, and any other outcome is a failure. In any case, they predicted Biden to win and it looks like he will win, though it's not certain. 538 also gave Trump a very good chance in 2016, much more so than other models.

Pollsters have a lot more introspection to do, though.
How can betting sites that operate primarily reactively after setting initial odds, be predictive this late in the election?
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