2018 US Elections

Wish those numbers would be mostly in some of the states that needs to flip in Senate races. Last time I checked Beto was 8 points behind on NYT polls.
I so want him to win in Texas this year for obvious reasons

You have to take the recent Texas polls with a pinch of salt, since GOP enthusiasm suddenly spiked during the Kavanaugh hearings, as well as the fact that the TX Gop have been running a lot of negative ads against Beto. Once the Kavanuagh sentiment settles back down, we should see more realistic numbers of how things are actually going to shake out.
You have to take the recent Texas polls with a pinch of salt, since GOP enthusiasm suddenly spiked during the Kavanaugh hearings, as well as the fact that the TX Gop have been running a lot of negative ads against Beto. Once the Kavanuagh sentiment settles back down, we should see more realistic numbers of how things are actually going to shake out.

Also Beto is hitting hard in Austin and Houston.

Not just taking them for granted.

He knows its a turnout game.

We may get a surprise yet.
Dems have not learned anything from last elections. They are still counting on anti-Trump sentiment to tide them through with no improvements to their own party.

Senate will be red and we'll have 4 more years of Trump.

Dems are running against Trump/Republican policies that gut health Care and Social Security.

Not even mentioning putting rapists on a Supreme Court.
Precisely. What are Dems running for?
"A Better Deal" must be one of the lamest agenda ever, conceived probably by a lazy intern.

agree the Better Deal was lame.

The Republicans gave the Dems a huge gift with trying to gut health care and giving the parasites at the top 2 trillions in tax cuts..which has to be paid for.

So now the Dems are running for single payer/public option and repealing the tax cuts. Thus saving Social Security and medicare.


If the recession does not hit 2019 it certainly will hit in 2020.

Trump will blame Obama of course. ;)
Dems have not learned anything from last elections. They are still counting on anti-Trump sentiment to tide them through with no improvements to their own party.

Senate will be red and we'll have 4 more years of Trump.

Senate will be red regardless of what the Dems run on.
agree the Better Deal was lame.

The Republicans gave the Dems a huge gift with trying to gut health care and giving the parasites at the top 2 trillions in tax cuts..which has to be paid for.

So now the Dems are running for single payer/public option and repealing the tax cuts. Thus saving Social Security and medicare.


If the recession does not hit 2019 it certainly will hit in 2020.

Trump will blame Obama of course. ;)

Heavens no! :eek: Running on repealing tax cuts (increase in taxes) is a dumb thing to do and don't think even the Dems have reached that level! The deficit discussions are good in senate discussions, but as a election agenda, it'll fail miserably as most voters can't connect with it or even understand it.

Social Security and Medicare is another flaky agenda seeing Trump failed to repeal it. The nuances of undermining the program will again be lost under Trump's populist agenda.
Heavens no! :eek: Running on repealing tax cuts (increase in taxes) is a dumb thing to do and don't think even the Dems have reached that level! The deficit discussions are good in senate discussions, but as a election agenda, it'll fail miserably as most voters can't connect with it or even understand it.

Social Security and Medicare is another flaky agenda seeing Trump failed to repeal it. The nuances of undermining the program will again be lost under Trump's populist agenda.

They could increase corporate tax, capital gains tax over large thresholds and inheritance tax over certain thresholds (basically tax the super rich) and give the middle and working classes a break.
Heavens no! :eek: Running on repealing tax cuts (increase in taxes) is a dumb thing to do and don't think even the Dems have reached that level! The deficit discussions are good in senate discussions, but as a election agenda, it'll fail miserably as most voters can't connect with it or even understand it.

Social Security and Medicare is another flaky agenda seeing Trump failed to repeal it. The nuances of undermining the program will again be lost under Trump's populist agenda.

Increasing taxes on the rich (paying their fair share) always works.

Correctly blaming the Republicans for increasing the National Debt will show what hypocrites teh Republicans are.

But health Care is the best thing to run on.

I think the Senate will remain Red.

But that is ok. The investigations will all be done in the House. The collusion, corruption and destruction of the environment will be great tv. :)
Do you want to bet on it? :)

I say, Senate will remain Red, Trump for 2nd term.

Say one month of a username change of losers choice?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thought you were interested in a serious discussion.


Ok. I do think Trump will get a 2nd term.

Except it will be in a gated community and he will always be wearing an orange suit to match his hair.
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Pretty much consistent with NYT's poll.

It is pretty shitty though that the guy has pretty much everything he needs and now is a good time to flip the seat. Would have been epic.

It would be great if he won but not winning may also work out nicely for him as he will almost surely be in the mix for 2020.
As far as polls go, those a week out from now will be closer to the truth.

There are far more Democrats and Independents than Trumpers.

Its simply getting the vote out.

Beto for example is hitting Austin and Houston hard. A good turnout there and in the border areas. El Paso where he comes from and others should make the difference.
If the Dem Senators in the Red States...actually in every contest Senate and House run on Single Payer instead of Affordable health care they will win.
Instead the DNC and moron Perez are running on Affordable Health Care.

Guess what ...so are the Republicans.

But I suppose the Dems plan will be a Better Deal.

They never learn do they?
If the Dem Senators in the Red States...actually in every contest Senate and House run on Single Payer instead of Affordable health care they will win.
Instead the DNC and moron Perez are running on Affordable Health Care.

Guess what ...so are the Republicans.

But I suppose the Dems plan will be a Better Deal.

They never learn do they?

I don't know about that. The conservative states still have a fear mongering quality about them. The Governor's race in Arizona is a good example, where the GOP incumbent is smearing his Dem opponent of being for a "governemnt takeover of healthcare that will cost trillions". The incumbent is winning in most polls. So the "If we simply ran on single payer then we would win across the board" argument isn't entirely true. It may work in some areas and not in others, and its the party's responsibility to come out with a unified platform so that candidates have a degree of top cover that they aren't the only ones who are walking the potlicial plank on behalf of their preferred polices.
I don't know about that. The conservative states still have a fear mongering quality about them. The Governor's race in Arizona is a good example, where the GOP incumbent is smearing his Dem opponent of being for a "governemnt takeover of healthcare that will cost trillions". The incumbent is winning in most polls. So the "If we simply ran on single payer then we would win across the board" argument isn't entirely true. It may work in some areas and not in others, and its the party's responsibility to come out with a unified platform so that candidates have a degree of top cover that they aren't the only ones who are walking the potlicial plank on behalf of their preferred polices.

Or, if we agree on the premise that UHCs bottom line is actually cheaper than what is currently going on, you could just present a plan to show for that fact and counter your opponent.
I don't know about that. The conservative states still have a fear mongering quality about them. The Governor's race in Arizona is a good example, where the GOP incumbent is smearing his Dem opponent of being for a "governemnt takeover of healthcare that will cost trillions". The incumbent is winning in most polls. So the "If we simply ran on single payer then we would win across the board" argument isn't entirely true. It may work in some areas and not in others, and its the party's responsibility to come out with a unified platform so that candidates have a degree of top cover that they aren't the only ones who are walking the potlicial plank on behalf of their preferred polices.

That's what I am saying.

Single payer is easily explained.

If there is a Will.

But as usual the DNC is Still looking at its corporate donors.