2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Any reason why not? I mean if a position comes up and Hillary is in charge, then surely it's possible, no?
Would Barack wants to be a SCOTUS?

It would be amazing though, and he would probably be able to finally remove your guns.
Any reason why not? I mean if a position comes up and Hillary is in charge, then surely it's possible, no?

It's possible from a legal standpoint.

A.) Not entirely sure Obama would want it.
B.) GOP will probably filibuster the shit out of it.
C.) Hillary would begin her term by doing something very divisive which would not bode well for her term.
D.) It'll perhaps piss off current judges at all levels that one of their own has been overlooked.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Hillary people were kept in the loop regarding the Garland nomination and would nominate Garland as well should the GOP obstruct until she got in office.
It's possible from a legal standpoint.

A.) Not entirely sure Obama would want it.
B.) GOP will probably filibuster the shit out of it.
C.) Hillary would begin her term by doing something very divisive which would not bode well for her term.
D.) It'll perhaps piss off current judges at all levels that one of their own has been overlooked.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Hillary people were kept in the loop regarding the Garland nomination and would nominate Garland as well should the GOP obstruct until she got in office.

Yeah, that all makes sense. Thanks. :)

BTW, saw this on Twitter, and yet again social media comes up trumps (sorry) but I found this to be very clever indeed.

Can one of you Americans who support trump please tell the rest of us why you think he would make a good President?

Serious question. I can see why he's entertaining though.

I ask Republican Trump supporters (believe it or not, there are Dems who support Trump) this all the time. The answer that's offered most of the time revolves around the idea that "the establishment" abandoned the people and that it's time for it be taken down. That answer, however, fails on every level. When I press Trumpistas they concede that he IS the establishment and that his policies are, almost without exception, absurd on their face.

Trump's racial scapegoating explains much more than does his policy prescriptions. No one in the US was under the illusion that racism had been eradicated, but few other than Trump had any appreciation for how deeply held discredited racial views were still held by millions of underemployed working class white males. Once Trump bought his credibility with racist white males, it didn't take long for his views to be accepted by some white women, one of whom I pressed very hard a few weeks ago. In a nutshell, she has embraced the belief that Reps and the establishment have abandoned the white race and that only Trump has the will to take the establishment down. And presumably restore the white race to its rightful place at the top of American society and stop the blacks, the Mexicans and the Chinese from destroying our country.

Trumpistas never actually answer the question what they wanted the establishment to do for them they never did. Sometimes they mumble "trade agreements", but have no idea what they would like to have seen in NAFTA. Theirs is a sense that the world they grew up in is long gone and they want that world back.

Trump and his disciples are ignorant, scapegoating cowards. They disgrace our country.
Thanks for that. Your explanation makes sense.

(Just been watching the trump rally live and although they were all carrying trump placards half of them looked bored and fidgety. He wasn't particularly interesting either, waffled a lot and went off at tangents. TBH he seemed a bit tired of the whole thing and was plainly short of something interesting to say.)
Nice rumour floating around at the moment, I think @Raoul has mentioned it here as well, possibility that Hillary could appoint Obama as SCOTUS. What's the likelihood of that happening? That would royally piss the Republicans off. :lol:

It would be the ultimate troll, but there's a lot more to be made whoring out to the speech trail, which I think Obama will opt for.
It would be the ultimate troll, but there's a lot more to be made whoring out to the speech trail, which I think Obama will opt for.

I agree, Obama is a hell of a orator and stands to make a lot of money giving speeches, not only in America but all over the world.
I attended a Bill Clinton speech in Trinidad once and it was great fun, he is a fabulous public speaker as well.
It's possible from a legal standpoint.

A.) Not entirely sure Obama would want it.
B.) GOP will probably filibuster the shit out of it.
C.) Hillary would begin her term by doing something very divisive which would not bode well for her term.
D.) It'll perhaps piss off current judges at all levels that one of their own has been overlooked.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Hillary people were kept in the loop regarding the Garland nomination and would nominate Garland as well should the GOP obstruct until she got in office.
Depends on what happens with the Senate races I imagine. If Trump is an anchor for Repubs in tight Senate races, Dems could gain hugely there, which changes the landscape completely.
Thanks for that. Your explanation makes sense.

(Just been watching the trump rally live and although they were all carrying trump placards half of them looked bored and fidgety. He wasn't particularly interesting either, waffled a lot and went off at tangents. TBH he seemed a bit tired of the whole thing and was plainly short of something interesting to say.)
He always waffles and goes off on tangents when he talks. No substance in anything he says.
No. But given the terrible history of the 20th century, and the amount of anti-semitism that still exists in the world - witness the shenanigans within the British Labour Party - I'd expect a Jewish politician to be more supportive of his own people. But I suppose being the perfect lefty is more important.

Bernie IS supportive of his own people. All Jews in Israel want peace. Just as all Palestinians want peace. To perpetuate war agaisnt one another is not the way to go about it. This AIPAC imo does not represent the hopes of ordinary Jews.

You need someone who has the courage to say both need to meet the other at least half way. It will take a courageous politician to do this. He/she will need to be willing to spend his/her political capital so many lives will be saved.

This election we have seen many things that will live on in our memeory...unfortunately most of them are sad.

For me the snarling imagery of a young white man and a black man throwing punches at each other will live on as long as I live. Decades after the sacrifices made by Martin Luther King Jr. we are still here. And to see a great man like John Lewis betray his own sacrifices, doing disservice to his own people. Being just another politician was very sad to see.

If the next President is to be successful, he or she must begin the process of healing, to give hope where despair is all those two people saw in each others eyes. It will take more than 2 or 3 cycles.

No nation can remain strong if its citizens are not united. If he or she thinks this is the goal, then all the policies they put forward will reflect that.

There might yet be a God somewhere. This is karmic justice.

The reason Donald Drumpf or to some extents, Bernie Sanders can't get elected is because they feed on anger and frustration too much. Obama's rise 8 years ago proved that people look for a carthasis even in the most desperate of situation.
Took a peek at the "Politics at Westminster" thread (which I never go into) and noticed that it has 175 pages and began in Dec 2011. Meanwhile, this thread is close to 300 pages and it's not even a year old yet. What gives? Genuinely curious what so many find interesting about American politics.
Well, it's tough when one of your own stabs you in the back. Bitterness is amplified..

It's dangerous territory for a contest of 'who's a better Jew' when we are talking about a survivor from the Holocaust. I think we are all pretty sure that Sanders is a proud Jew, just that he doesn't believe in needless violence. It may surprise you but not everyone is a Netanyahu, even in Israel.
Took a peek at the "Politics at Westminster" thread (which I never go into) and noticed that it has 175 pages and began in Dec 2011. Meanwhile, this thread is close to 300 pages and it's not even a year old yet. What gives? Genuinely curious what so many find interesting about American politics.

I suppose this one thread is dedicated to American politics, but there are multiple threads about politics in the UK/Great Britain
I guess a lot of people thought 'Did he say Mexicans are rapists', that's the end lolazooo...

He's on his way to the convetion hehe
Fishy lets move to Canada man. We just have to deal with the cold. But its much better than dealing with the racist lunatic of an asshole Drumpf.
I guess a lot of people thought 'Did he say Mexicans are rapists', that's the end lolazooo...

He's on his way to the convetion hehe
It wasn't so much what he kept saying, more that...no one truly believed the GOP was this incompetent.

It doesn't matter, if I as a voter didn't take him seriously...the GOP machinery badly miscalculated his perceived weaknesses and their supposed strength.

Republican voters can barely stand him, yet the alternative candidates have been so feckless, he is going to win the party nomination with the majority of his own party hating him lolol
Took a peek at the "Politics at Westminster" thread (which I never go into) and noticed that it has 175 pages and began in Dec 2011. Meanwhile, this thread is close to 300 pages and it's not even a year old yet. What gives? Genuinely curious what so many find interesting about American politics.

Well the British election was last year and I started the election thread and it got quite big. Also, British politics on a whole are more reserved (boring) than the US, and this election has gone crazy because of what's happened this year, Finally the US elections have a huge bearing on many other countries, but especially the UK so it's obvious lots of people will take interest it them and because of how media fuelled they are with numerous televised debates and continually being on every news channel and in every paper and all over the net.

Without Trump this thread would lose at least 75 pages...the man is box office

Maybe, maybe not. 8 years ago would have been just as busy because of Obama being the first black president, or first black man to have a real chance of being elected, and Sarah Palin. And 4 years ago would have been busy because of flip flop Romney and looney Bachmann. There's always some loons to push the interest in the American elections. Especially compared to Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. Only Farage really gained much attention last year in the UK.
It wasn't so much what he kept saying, more that...no one truly believed the GOP was this incompetent.

It doesn't matter, if I as a voter didn't take him seriously...the GOP machinery badly miscalculated his perceived weaknesses and their supposed strength.

Republican voters can barely stand him, yet the alternative candidates have been so feckless, he is going to win the party nomination with the majority of his own party hating him lolol

But you have to take a pause and think that previous candidates have been pushed aside for saying far less stuff. Trump in a lot of ways has redefined electoral etiquette.

I like how Tea party protagonists are claiming they have nothing to do with Trump. Beck, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh and a whole bunch of talk show hosts fanned the hatred and it served them well to whip up the base and take control of the house and Senate. All along, these lot have claimed credit for mobilizing the base and have in turn become very influential within GOP. They are now appealing for 'calm' and 'rational' and 'constitution' once there is a more sinister wolf who has come in and stolen the votes. Everybody is quick to point out that they have nothing to do with Trump. Levin and Limbaugh as far as late last year claimed it was good that Trump is opening up dialogue on difficult topics. I guess they all calculated that Trump will fight the establishment candidates like Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Walker and other also rans. Cruz, like a coward had a 'friendly' approach with Trump even attempting to say that he'll pick up Trump votes when he eventually fades.

Depends on what happens with the Senate races I imagine. If Trump is an anchor for Repubs in tight Senate races, Dems could gain hugely there, which changes the landscape completely.

I'm not sure. I don't think the Dems will just shoo away an Obama nominee because they win a majority. Plus he's a respected judge so it'll be appalling treatment for the guy.

More likely if they win the Senate they'll appoint Garland and RBG will retire and they'll appoint a very liberal judge. It'll still swing the court quite heavily.
I'm not sure. I don't think the Dems will just shoo away an Obama nominee because they win a majority. Plus he's a respected judge so it'll be appalling treatment for the guy.

More likely if they win the Senate they'll appoint Garland and RBG will retire and they'll appoint a very liberal judge. It'll still swing the court quite heavily.
By that point the GOP would've had to have been blocking him for 8 months, couldn't blame the Dems for switching choices at that point. Sanders has said that if the position's not been filled at that point and he won the Presidency, he'd ask Obama to withdraw the nomination so he could make his own choice as President-elect, and I think it would be fair enough for Clinton to do likewise.
Is there anything that can happen that can possibly disqualify Drumpf from this election process? It aint going to happen unless he kills somebody will it?
Is there anything that can happen that can possibly disqualify Drumpf from this election process? It aint going to happen unless he kills somebody will it?

Well a few things have been mentioned, but not sure how aggressively they are being pursued or how they would/will stand up.

He has apparently incited violence.
His refusal to produce his tax returns.
His offering Ted Carson a position in his cabinet in return for his endorsement.
Using inflammatory language that is considered to be unconstitutional.
His involvement in fraudulent business practices (Trump University)

Last week, the protestors were "Sanders" supporters. This week, the protestors are " Hillary" supporters :lol:
When he is president they will be isis supporters and will be sent packing with their families for an extended vacation in gitmo for some waterboarding and other stuff.
Meanwhile the mob will be mixing up concrete (with added muslims) for the interned Mexican forced labour to build the wall.
Whilst the good old white folks are given government jobs sending invoices to Mexico for said wall and building statues of (self declared) emperor Trump with massive hands (and appendages) for people to worship Kim jong Un style
Yeah it's going to be great
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