2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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They just said on MSNBC, it sounds like Cruz got a lot of votes over the last week. So Trump and Rubio lost voters...the debate? teh KKK connection to Trump?

Most of Trump's voters were probably independents and first time voters too, I believe you have to be a registered Republican to vote in the caucuses which obviously favors Cruz especially in the South.
And her Republican counterpart during the main election will tear her to pieces with it. This FBI investigation will be a huge gift for Trump or whoever the GOP nominee ends up being, hardly difficult to discredit her.

Her IT adviser is under subpoena and he pleaded the 5th. This is Obama's Justice department, not a Republican hearing. Why should there be this if there was nothing.

They just said on MSNBC, it sounds like Cruz got a lot of votes over the last week. So Trump and Rubio lost voters...the debate? teh KKK connection to Trump?
Not sure, the kkk connection was just the media making a big buzz for nothing, he like 99.9% of the Americans have no idea who's the leader of that shitty organization, I think voters shifted from Rubio to Cruz.
Carson dropped out.

KY is also the Pauls' turf. Strange bunch those libertarians.

yup. good points. If Rubio does fade away, it will be a lot closer. But the establishment is torn between a guy they cannot control (Trump) and another guy (Cruz) who is the enemy within.

But I think the GOP's best bet is Trump. He will draw a lot of right leaning Dems and Independents and people who just cannot stand Hillary. He will need to be close to the center of course.

EDIT: Trump won KY.
Not sure, the kkk connection was just the media making a big buzz for nothing, he like 99.9% of the Americans have no idea who's the leader of that shitty organization, I think voters shifted from Rubio to Cruz.

He disavowed David Duke back in 2000 and refused the Reform Party nomination for presesidential candidate because they have ties to Duke. Now when he needs that racist angry white vote, suddenly he needs to 'look into these groups' and 'don't know who David Duke is'.

Seriously, find some better new sources.
He disavowed David Duke back in 2000 and refused the Reform Party nomination for presesidential candidate because they have ties to Duke. Now when he needs that racist angry white vote, suddenly he needs to 'look into these groups' and 'don't know who David Duke is'.

Seriously, find some better new sources.

Listen, it's Trump. I don't think even he knows what he said yesterday. It's clear that he didn't want to disavow any votes that was going to come his way, it's just an odd episode all throughout.
He disavowed David Duke back in 2000 and refused the Reform Party nomination for presesidential candidate because they have ties to Duke. Now when he needs that racist angry white vote, suddenly he needs to 'look into these groups' and 'don't know who David Duke is'.

Seriously, find some better new sources.
I heard his name a few days ago and I had already forgot the guy's name until you mention his name.
Trump is simply doing a Ronmey by going right in the primaries and hoping to go to the middle in the GE.
I'm with trump right now, he's not perfect... far from that but I think we need someone to change this country from career politicians owned by lobbyists, looking to both parties I can see they aren't learning anything about this elections when we have trump and bern as 2 anti-establishment, anti-lobbies candidates. Time to make lobbies illegal on this country.
I heard his name a few days ago and I had already forgot the guy's name until you mention his name.

Nobody remembers David Duke's name, he has been irrelevant for about 20 years. He is the one trying to gain something by trying to attach himself to Trump.
Trump is simply doing a Ronmey by going right in the primaries and hoping to go to the middle in the GE.

And Clinton has gone left in the primaries and will attempt to go to the middle in the general.

But historical most politicians campaign more radical than they govern. So you shouldn't be surprised.
I'm with trump right now, he's not perfect... far from that but I think we need someone to change this country from career politicians owned by lobbyists, looking to both parties I can see they aren't learning anything about this elections when we have trump and bern as 2 anti-establishment, anti-lobbies candidates. Time to make lobbies illegal on this country.

pretty much agree that we need to get rid of Pro-Lobby candidates. Trump needs to calm down though. Think he is already doing that a bit.
I was reading on Wiki about the KKK history, found out they actually have an internet forum, so checked it out, so much hate speech it's making me want to throw up, anyway the support for trump there is enormous.
Hillary has been more middle of the road. Obama has hardly been hard left has he?

Obama is not hard left. Just looks that way from where some in the Republican party are. But I do feel that Clinton is more of a centralist than she is appears to be in the primaries.
Hillary has been more middle of the road. Obama has hardly been hard left has he?
According to large sections of 'Middle America' he has, apart from being the worst president in a generation or two.

Nothing to do with him being half-black, of course...(he said sarcastically).
According to large sections of 'Middle America' he has, apart from being the worst president in a generation or two.

Nothing to do with him being half-black, of course...(he said sarcastically).

Obama is without color, Carson said he'd be the actual first black president if he was elected :lol:
Rubio is pretty much screwed now. He should just try and take Trump down with him further like he has been doing.

Pretty clear now after Super tuesday and semi super saturday that the extra critical scrutiny is hurting Trump or consolidating votes behind others.

He has missed the polls that were overestimating his margin or imagining a lead by a big distance today in all 4 states, so the establishment and media scrutinizing him more will help him theory that some were parroting clearly is false.

Question though is that is Ayatollah Cruz a viable candidate in coming states ? And seeing that reality you have got to say these attacks came way too late. If the intense scrutiny came a month before even could have seen quite a different race.
Trump is simply doing a Ronmey by going right in the primaries and hoping to go to the middle in the GE.

Romney never went this much to the right though, especially on Social issues. And you could tell with him a bit like with Rubio, he was phoning it or just skirting the issues.

Trump is unpredictable and has been basically hate mongering and playing on fears. To put it simply Romney had to go somewhat right to get the final seal of approval from the tea party crown while whole of Trumps surge is based on starting from ultra nationalism. His biggest 2 spikes came from somewhat vile immigration rhetoric at the start and 2nd from the Banning Muslim thing and sorry to say his biggest and most enthusiastic support base collected early all have a racist subtext of a reason to them.

Once he reached there, some more angry from establishment but moderate voters have added on projecting whatever they want on him as he is unpredictable anyway so they can conjure some hope and do that. Casual voters or the sheep crowd also started adding to the "winner" because lack of scrutiny though that is what is being stopped now.
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Jeb! got fecked over by Rubio. Protege should have never declared to run for President. Carson and rubio just ended up as major distractions in the race. Fiorina, Huckabee and Santorum were always going to fall by the wayside. In the end, Republicans should have just had Kasich, Bush, Cruz and Trump (!!!)

Rubio was a better candidate than Bush to be honest. If Bush got going organized and looked commanding from the get go than he had a yuuuge advantage to play on. He was the deemed choice with all kinda support. But At the end Bush fecked himself up by his answers and poor campaigning. Particularly his brother's legacy issue.

Infact as it turned out if Bush wasn't in the race earlier Rubio had a much better chance.

Rubio made a big mistake sinking down to Trump's handbags. Like it has been said above perhaps with candidates dropping out, the following primaries will be closer.

He had no other option though. Trump surge would have been even larger otherwise and he was losing anyway.

Mistake he made is he went overboard and made his campaign all about attacking trump only last 10 days or so. It hurt him but it hurt trump as well. Tbf, nobody else has taken on Trump as successfully as he has and got the better of him, but he has taken him on looking like a immature child and not presidential.

He should have gone at him earlier on issues rather than personal stuff, and been more measured. Wouldn't have looked desperate then as well.
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Any chance for the Mitten to join the fray if they get a brokered convention? I know he's said that he won't run and will endorse soon but stranger things have happened.

Hmm....Trump won Louisiana on early votes then.

Rubio and Trump both crashed on election day.
Rachel Maddow made some good predictions about Trump yesterday.

Louisiana was the only state with early voting, so many votes had been cast before Romney and the rest of the GOP's attacks. So a good (but not necessarily accurate) test of Trump would be his Louisiana performance vs the other states. The caveat is the others are caucus states where Cruz anyway does better. The actual performance suggests Romney made an impact (but the caveat stands).
More interestingly, the post above shows his early voting lead evaporated on the day. That adds more weight to it not being just a primary vs caucus effect but rather a pre- and post- Romney effect.

She also had an excellent piece on what 3rd world style devastation the cut-tax/privatise governors of Louisiana, Kansas, and Michigan have managed to cause. And these are the plans Rubio and Cruz will take to the national stage :wenger:
Trump has a point though.. can someone like Cruz win in likes of NZ, California.. those states also have huge delegate counts
Trump has a point though.. can someone like Cruz win in likes of NZ, California.. those states also have huge delegate counts

NZ ?

IIRC last Primary poll of California had Cruz beating Trump. If you mean in the general Trump would fare worse or equally bad in California than even Cruz probably.
NZ ?

IIRC last Primary poll of California had Cruz beating Trump. If you mean in the general Trump would fare worse or equally bad in California than even Cruz probably.

Hillary would lose in all the southern states she has been trouncing Berny as well.. points to the flawed nature of these contests on each party's side, but it is what it is.
I was reading on Wiki about the KKK history, found out they actually have an internet forum, so checked it out, so much hate speech it's making me want to throw up, anyway the support for trump there is enormous.
There were quite a lot of KKK rallies near me when I lived in Pennsylvania. If there is a place you want a mass shooting to occur it is at one of their events. Scum.
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