2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I think a big part of the Trump/Sanders appeal is their call to hark back to the good auld days, when a factory job can see a man provide for his whole family and send his kids to college, when the US is undoubtedly the strongest, most secured nation in the world and there is no terrorism threat. However, trickle down economics and the shifting dynamics of the global economy have done their job, and that day is not coming back. A large portion of the population is now lashing out against it, before coming to terms with their conditions.

That is, of course, not to say that there isn't more to the movement behind Sanders or Trump, but the main driving force behind them is an angry, shrinking middle class.
A lot of truth there. Funny how it's happening at opposite ends of the spectrum.
I'd be lieing if I said I didn't enjoy Trump's victory speech.
His speeches are all the same. I like the way he speaks to his crowds as if they're mildly handicapped.

Thank you, we love you, bla bla bla.
Less than a thousand votes between Cruz and Rubio with 3% left to count.
I think a big part of the Trump/Sanders appeal is their call to hark back to the good auld days, when a factory job can see a man provide for his whole family and send his kids to college, when the US is undoubtedly the strongest, most secured nation in the world and there is no terrorism threat. However, trickle down economics and the shifting dynamics of the global economy have done their job, and that day is not coming back. A large portion of the population is now lashing out against it, before coming to terms with their conditions.

That is, of course, not to say that there isn't more to the movement behind Sanders or Trump, but the main driving force behind them is an angry, shrinking middle class.

Oh I agree completely.
In addition, I don't think the Keynesian solution of Sanders will work like it did in the 30s. The workforce is much larger this time (women), and there is global competition, and computerisation. But the fact that he emphasises an investment in green jobs gives me hope.
I really resent the insinuation that all Sanders supporters are economically illiterate. I'm not an expert but did a couple of courses and I think I understood them quite well. Enough to know that both Keynesian and the Austrian school have huge problems.
But IMO with current wealth inequality, the necessity for fighting climate change (which means govt spending will have to guide the way since the free market can and will not take decisions in the interest of future generations), and the grotesque reality of a superpower with citizens unaffordable to afford healthcare, I think Sanders' therapy is right.

That's not the reason I love his candidacy though.
Firstly he has changed the status of the word socialism. The GOP helped by screaming STALIN at everything Obama did. And Sanders completed it by misleadingly calling himself a democratic socialist rather than a social democrat (which is what his policies are).
Secondly the anti-VIetnam war movement produced many heroes but the orthodoxy remained unshaken. Nixon-Ford-Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush with a small dose of Carter. They became hippies past their sell-by date despite the fact that they were right all along. It's great to see someone from that climate near the top of the heap, 3 decades too late. When he mentioned Kissinger in that contemptuous tone I was sure he was for real.
If Marcobot doesn't win FL, it can get really hard for him, irrespective of how many left in the race at that point. A winner takes all 99 delegates after the March 1 states where Trump is expected to dominate is YUGE. 1247 suddenly seems very real to Trump at that point.
If Marcobot doesn't win FL, it can get really hard for him, irrespective of how many left in the race at that point. A winner takes all 99 delegates after the March 1 states where Trump is expected to dominate is YUGE. 1247 suddenly seems very real to Trump at that point.
I'd say it's a must win, being his home state as well. That and Ohio are going to be big on the 15th. Is Kasich going to stay till then or take one for the team?
I'd say it's a must win, being his home state as well. That and Ohio are going to be big on the 15th. Is Kasich going to stay till then or take one for the team?

Latest poll has Trump leading there by 15 points. Even if Robotico gets all of Jeb's votes, he's still behind. I think Kasich needs to drop out now to have the establishment lane finally consolidated around the drymouth one, to get him the wins he needs.
I'd say it's a must win, being his home state as well. That and Ohio are going to be big on the 15th. Is Kasich going to stay till then or take one for the team?

Wonder if Rubio would make a deal with Kasich to take him on the ticket if he drops out and helps Rubio win.
Wonder if Rubio would make a deal with Kasich to take him on the ticket if he drops out and helps Rubio win.
Might do. I reckon at the moment though that Kasich's within his rights to say he's got just as good a chance of the nomination long term. For all Rubio's votes today he's come out of it with no delegates, and finished a fair way below Kasich in the usual GOP nominee chooser of New Hampshire. I'm not sure if I've even see him lead one poll, and Trump is going to start branding him as a serial loser before long.
Trump won by nearly 75,000 votes which is quite staggering. As long as both Cruz and Rubio are in the race they will continue to hedge each other out and allow Trump to sail towards the nomination.
Trump won by nearly 75,000 votes which is quite staggering. As long as both Cruz and Rubio are in the race they will continue to hedge each other out and allow Trump to sail towards the nomination.

Do you think he can beat Hillary?
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