2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The law says 'natural born citizen' which is understood by most to mean you must be a citizen by birth, which Cruz is due to his mother's citizenship. You don't have to be born in the US, that's just the most common way.

It's not as simple as that. I read an explanation by a constitutional law professor the other day, and he pointed out that the US constitution was modeled on British law, and the definition of 'natural born citizen' in the old Empire at that time would be anyone born in land under the Crown dominion. Historically, US citizens born outside of the US in the beginning actually had to apply for their citizenship, so if the Court stick to that, I.e Scalia stance in most cases pertain to the Constitution, then Cruz will be ineligible to run.
This is not so. It means he or she must be born in the USA. Why then all the nonsense about where Obama was born. The GOP cannot have it both ways.

EDIT: His mother was born in the United States.
Because elections bring out all kinds of unsubstantiated and irrelevant nonsense? There's a clear legal difference between Cruz and someone like Arnold Schwhatshisnamer as far as running for President goes.
Because elections bring out all kinds of unsubstantiated and irrelevant nonsense? There's a clear legal difference between Cruz and someone like Arnold Schwhatshisnamer as far as running for President goes.

There have been too many Constitutional lawyers who read the law as being Born in the United States. If this ever went to the Supreme Court, do not be surprised they will rule against Cruz. Those 5 right wing judges are firmly on the side of teh establishment :).

Anyways, I don't think this will ever come to that. Cruz is toast.
Cruz is toxic to the GOP. So that should give the Dems hope. He is universally hated. If a lawsuit comes, it will come from the Republicans. He is simply not eligible to run. Its crazy he is even in the primaries.

Cruz is toxic...period! An elected official who shouts that compromise is weakness has mental issues.
A lawsuit can be brought on by any citizen and would have to be heard because it addresses a matter of constitutional law.
No, it cannot. The person bringing the suit must have standing, i.e. they must be able to claim they are directly affected/harmed by the situation. I believe there have been suits filed on this issue (for different candidates in years past) dismissed in lower courts for precisely this reason.

Yeah, but the wording was amended 4 years later and the words "natural born" were removed, so legally it is uncertain because it has never been challenged in court. I would think Cruz would be allowed to run, but saying that, you know what some Americans are like about their amendments to the constitution.
The wording wasn't amended in the constitution. It was the Naturalization Act of 1790 that explicitly called citizens born abroad as 'natural born citizens' that was amended to just 'citizens'. The active version of the Naturalization Act doesn't clarify whether or not such citizens are natural born.

It's not as simple as that. I read an explanation by a constitutional law professor the other day, and he pointed out that the US constitution was modeled on British law, and the definition of 'natural born citizen' in the old Empire at that time would be anyone born in land under the Crown dominion. Historically, US citizens born outside of the US in the beginning actually had to apply for their citizenship, so if the Court stick to that, I.e Scalia stance in most cases pertain to the Constitution, then Cruz will be ineligible to run.
Historically, natural born applied to children born to British citizens outside Britain - they were considered natural born citizens. An interpretation of the constitution on the basis of Founding Fathers' intent would likely rule Cruz as natural-born.
Historically, natural born applied to children born to British citizens outside Britain - they were considered natural born citizens. An interpretation of the constitution on the basis of Founding Fathers' intent would likely rule Cruz as natural-born.

The Constitution provides that “No person except a natural born Citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President.” The concept of “natural born” comes from common law, and it is that law the Supreme Court has said we must turn to for the concept’s definition. On this subject, common law is clear and unambiguous. The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone, the preeminent authority on it, declared natural-born citizens are “such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England,” while aliens are “such as are born out of it.” The key to this division is the assumption of allegiance to one’s country of birth. The Americans who drafted the Constitution adopted this principle for the United States. James Madison, known as the “father of the Constitution,” stated, “It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. . . . [And] place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States.”

This is not so. It means he or she must be born in the USA. Why then all the nonsense about where Obama was born. The GOP cannot have it both ways.

EDIT: His mother was born in the United States.

You are forgetting Cruz is not black, its probably the main reason why almost everything Obama tried to do was questioned or stonewalled. Having said that with the hate the right has for Hillary, if she wins she will most likely face the same gridlock.
Also said by Blackstone:

But by several more modern statutes ... all children, born out of the king's ligeance, whose fathers were natural-born subjects, are now natural-born subjects themselves, to all intents and purposes, without any exception; unless their said fathers were attainted, or banished beyond sea, for high treason; or were then in the service of a prince at enmity with Great Britain.

Also said by Blackstone:

But by several more modern statutes ... all children, born out of the king's ligeance, whose fathers were natural-born subjects, are now natural-born subjects themselves, to all intents and purposes, without any exception; unless their said fathers were attainted, or banished beyond sea, for high treason; or were then in the service of a prince at enmity with Great Britain.


It's not in my expertise to argue one way or the other whether Cruz is a natural born citizen, I'm just pointing out that there are legal arguments on both sides of the issue, and seeing that the Supreme Court has never ruled on it, it's far from settled. Fwiw, a Harvard law professor also came out and said Cruz is ineligible very recently.
btw. There is no difference between Cruz and Arnie. They both cannot run.

Seriously, nothing will come of this though. Cruz does not have the support within his party, nor does he have the support of the majority of voters. He is done.
It's simply because she bangs the bible drum loud and proud. The vast majority of Republican voters have voted Republican since they were allowed to vote. It's ingrained in them almost as much as their faith in God is. They vote based on certain factors such as pro-life, anti gay marriage, the idea of small government, pro gun and how religious the candidates are, or how important God is in their lives. They simply ignore everything else as they are the most important factors when deciding who to vote for. They will either ignore Palins faults and look at her positives or they will think the faults are the left leaning press just trying to discredit her.

On a whole, Palin would be far more damaging than positive if chosen as a running mate, but when used just to swing votes in certain states it's actually a pretty smart move. It will just be interesting to see how quickly Trump drops her and how she takes it, as I honestly don't think he's stupid enough to have her along for the full ride.
It's not in my expertise to argue one way or the other whether Cruz is a natural born citizen, I'm just pointing out that there are legal arguments on both sides of the issue, and seeing that the Supreme Court has never ruled on it, it's far from settled. Fwiw, a Harvard law professor also came out and said Cruz is ineligible very recently.
Yeah, that's fair. Thing is though, the courts seem reluctant to touch the issue given the political ramifications it could have. And it would probably take a direct challenge from one of Cruz' opponents to take it to the Supreme Court. I doubt any candidate wants to risk something like that.
Yeah, that's fair. Thing is though, the courts seem reluctant to touch the issue given the political ramifications it could have. And it would probably take a direct challenge from one of Cruz' opponents to take it to the Supreme Court. I doubt any candidate wants to risk something like that.

From what I understand, it is being left alone (but still being constantly mentioned) because they want to wait to see what happens with the nomination. Geraldo the Fox News regular has said he will take it to the Supreme Court if Cruz won the GOP nomination.
This is not so. It means he or she must be born in the USA. Why then all the nonsense about where Obama was born. The GOP cannot have it both ways.

EDIT: His mother was born in the United States.

Are you nuts?! There's no way a black guy running for president who's father is Kenyan was born in the US.
Then the health care would lose the quality we still get, how much more taxes he's expecting the middle class to pay? Why always the middle class? I live in New Jersey and we have the highest propriety tax in the country will the state give us a break? So who's going to pay for all that? Just the middle class is not enough. The rich always find a way to pay less, the poor pay almost nothing and the other "poor" gets paid to have kids.

Americans don't really receive quality healthcare UNLESS they pay out their ass for it. That's just plain facts. I've known doctors in the US to ask a patient to go for an MRI (which is hugely expensive) when the MRI wasn't necessary. At the end of the day unless a single payer system is introduced you'd always have a for profit healthcare system; which doesn't work well for the middle class and poor.
Out of interest, what's the feeling in the UK about Cruz? As much as Trump is an utter joke, Cruz is the genuinely scary one. Not sure if that's kind of been picked up well by the worldwide media. The fact that the choice is between those two...I assume there is a twist still to come. The establishment of the GoP despise both of those candidates, and still wield considerable power.

There's an excellent article written by Cruz's college roommate about just what an utterly abhorrent man he is.
Out of interest, what's the feeling in the UK about Cruz? As much as Trump is an utter joke, Cruz is the genuinely scary one. Not sure if that's kind of been picked up well by the worldwide media. The fact that the choice is between those two...I assume there is a twist still to come. The establishment of the GoP despise both of those candidates, and still wield considerable power.

There's an excellent article written by Cruz's college roommate about just what an utterly abhorrent man he is.
Trump has taken most of the headlines... Somewhat helped by saying our cities are police no go zones due to radical Muslim Jihadis... And of course parliament debating banning him and him loosing the windfarm case on his golf course
Cruz has been more under the radar... Unpopular in the party... But clever (in an evil villain type way) is the impression I have
which doesn't work well for the middle class and poor.

It doesn't work for the rich either, it's just they can afford it, or notice it less.

Out of interest, what's the feeling in the UK about Cruz?

I can't speak for the entire country, but to most people I speak to or hear speaking about it, ALL Republican candidates are seen as bad as each other, all are equally dangerous just in completely different ways. Republicans are constantly banging the drum about how America is perceived around the world, but what they actually mean is how America is not FEARED around the world, or especially in the Middle East. Most Republicans sneer down their noses at Europe because of it's liberal values and the fact it tries to promote multiculturalism, two things that Republicans absolutely detest. In truth America is viewed far more favourably when you have someone like Obama in charge who seems to be trying his hardest to build bridges rather than bomb them, that much is perfectly clear in most of the UK press and news programmes.
The real reason Cruz's fellow GOP 'establishment' brethern hate him is because he potrays himself as a 'true blue' Tea Party. When he takes kickbacks from banks like Goldman Sachs like the rest of em.

pure shite the guy is. btw it was funny to hear Hillary divert Sanders accusation that she took money from Sachs for 'speaking fees' by saying she can take it. But Obama also took money for speaking fees. Hiding/hugging Obama will only take you so far.
Are you nuts?! There's no way a black guy running for president who's father is Kenyan was born in the US.

It is also funny, this cycle where it is a big no..no...to bring up birther questions about Obama (all of them having a go at Trump) but their nominee Romney peddled the same garbage last time round. Only McCain had the guts not to stoop so low.
It is also funny, this cycle where it is a big no..no...to bring up birther questions about Obama (all of them having a go at Trump) but their nominee Romney peddled the same garbage last time round. Only McCain had the guts not to stoop so low.

I used to respect John McCain, then after the whole palin thing he seemed to go off the deep end.
Health care in the States is like pretty much everything else in the States. If you are extremely wealthy, it has the best health care, best education, best (insert whatever here). If you're not part of the ultra-wealthy though, the standard drops so far that it drags the overall levels to well below that of virtually every other wealthy, western, developed country.

That is the paradigm of the USA. It's the best, but it's also the worst. Aspiring to be part of that "best" grouping is for all intents and purposes the "American" dream.

I'm a dual citizen btw. I was born in Canada to an American dad and a Canadian mum. I lived in Canada until I was 25, and have lived in the States for the last 10 and a half years. The two countries are so similar, yet at the same time, so different. There is, what I consider, a very odd fear of government in the USA and an even more odd resistance to progression in areas like health care.

I can't help but sit back and laugh at what happened down here with Obama's health care plan. I have health insurance here, but I am not a wealthy man. I mountain bike avidly, and I've often joked to family I have down here, that unless my injuries are absolutely life threatening in a bike crash, get me a bottle of whisky some painkillers and drive me 12 hours back to British Columbia. The joke is, it's not a joke.

What the rest of the western developed world takes for granted regarding health care, many in the US look at it with suspicion, as an expansion of government power, and as socialism/communism. I happen to live in a small town in central Oregon, and yes, the people here are that dumb that they think a single payer universal health care system is tantamount to communism, and big government spying on them.
Health care in the States is like pretty much everything else in the States. If you are extremely wealthy, it has the best health care, best education, best (insert whatever here). If you're not part of the ultra-wealthy though, the standard drops so far that it drags the overall levels to well below that of virtually every other wealthy, western, developed country.

That is the paradigm of the USA. It's the best, but it's also the worst. Aspiring to be part of that "best" grouping is for all intents and purposes the "American" dream.

I'm a dual citizen btw. I was born in Canada to an American dad and a Canadian mum. I lived in Canada until I was 25, and have lived in the States for the last 10 and a half years. The two countries are so similar, yet at the same time, so different. There is, what I consider, a very odd fear of government in the USA and an even more odd resistance to progression in areas like health care.

I can't help but sit back and laugh at what happened down here with Obama's health care plan. I have health insurance here, but I am not a wealthy man. I mountain bike avidly, and I've often joked to family I have down here, that unless my injuries are absolutely life threatening in a bike crash, get me a bottle of whisky some painkillers and drive me 12 hours back to British Columbia. The joke is, it's not a joke.

What the rest of the western developed world takes for granted regarding health care, many in the US look at it with suspicion, as an expansion of government power, and as socialism/communism. I happen to live in a small town in central Oregon, and yes, the people here are that dumb that they think a single payer universal health care system is tantamount to communism, and big government spying on them.

I imagine a beautiful little town that you live in Nucks.

Yeah. :( too bad many small town folk think this way though.
Health care in the States is like pretty much everything else in the States. If you are extremely wealthy, it has the best health care, best education, best (insert whatever here). If you're not part of the ultra-wealthy though, the standard drops so far that it drags the overall levels to well below that of virtually every other wealthy, western, developed country.

That is the paradigm of the USA. It's the best, but it's also the worst. Aspiring to be part of that "best" grouping is for all intents and purposes the "American" dream.

I'm a dual citizen btw. I was born in Canada to an American dad and a Canadian mum. I lived in Canada until I was 25, and have lived in the States for the last 10 and a half years. The two countries are so similar, yet at the same time, so different. There is, what I consider, a very odd fear of government in the USA and an even more odd resistance to progression in areas like health care.

I can't help but sit back and laugh at what happened down here with Obama's health care plan. I have health insurance here, but I am not a wealthy man. I mountain bike avidly, and I've often joked to family I have down here, that unless my injuries are absolutely life threatening in a bike crash, get me a bottle of whisky some painkillers and drive me 12 hours back to British Columbia. The joke is, it's not a joke.

What the rest of the western developed world takes for granted regarding health care, many in the US look at it with suspicion, as an expansion of government power, and as socialism/communism. I happen to live in a small town in central Oregon, and yes, the people here are that dumb that they think a single payer universal health care system is tantamount to communism, and big government spying on them.
And oregon had always struck me as one of the more liberal parts of America so if universal health care is not popular there then that does not bode well for the traditionally more conservative parts
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