Whoever they nominate will probably involved in similar things.
Probably. Not sure Clinton is going to be a particularly popular candidate generally though. If she's running against an electable candidate....
I have felt for a while that she is going to lose in 2020. Stuff like that would not be their point of attack.
Incredibly luck for Hillary or amazing planning by her campaign that this tape leak coincided with her own email leaks -
Some of the stuff like -
.. would have played really badly in a absence of worse Trump stuff.
Silver's latest piece is well worth a read ......
If Trump gets stuck at 40 percent of the vote, you could wind up with an outcome like Clinton 51 percent, Trump 40 percent, Gary Johnson 7 percent, Jill Stein and others 2 percent, or something of that nature. That is, a double-digit win for Clinton, which could potentially yield somewhere around 400 votes for her in the Electoral College, and make states as exotic as Texas and Alaska competitive.
Among the revelations, her stances on the oil pipeline is predictable but disappointing, same with her stance on Wall Street prosecution, she believes the heavily centrist Democratic party should compromise further with the GOP (which is classic Clinton but properly delusional), and finally her stance on regulation puts her into Republican territory (self-regulation/regulators should be bankers).
But it's immaterial because of her galactic asshole that is her opponent.
The law making vs sausage making comparison is as old as the sun, and totally true.
Might be time to dust off my old map!
Among the revelations, her stances on the oil pipeline is predictable but disappointing, same with her stance on Wall Street prosecution, she believes the heavily centrist Democratic party should compromise further with the GOP (which is classic Clinton but properly delusional), and finally her stance on regulation puts her into Republican territory (self-regulation/regulators should be bankers).
But it's immaterial because of her galactic asshole that is her opponent.
Does not matter. She would have never been able to defend such a position in public. It pretty much means that any public promise made by her in this campaign is meaningless. She is already non trusted by majority of the electorate, stuff like this would exacerbate that badly. An year or two back, I bought into the hype that she would likely beat any Republican candidate. But it turns out that she is incredibly lucky that she got Trump as an opponent.
How credible is this guy?
Very much looking forward to the first big polls on Wednesday.If that happens, there's a real chance Texas, Missouri, and Georgia (along with AZ) will be in play.
That is all in line with Obama though innit.
That's one thing I don't get with all the people who love Obama but hate Hillary. I don't think they differ much when it comes to policy.
Obama hardly brought in any Wall street prosecution for the crisis, was the one who led all the foreign interventions that Hillary gets attacked for as her time as SOS, wasted super majority by trying to playing nice with GOP etc.
If you hate Hillary for being establishment, then Obama is as much as establishment as her. It is just that he is better at defending establishment than her.
Pretty unlikely America would vote Democrat four times in a row anyway I guess.
It's worth pointing out because they have been quoted a few times tonight, that the Clinton Speeches released by WikiLeaks haven't been verified by the Clinton campaign AND! it is strongly rumoured that they have been tampered with and changed and even worse, some are apparently completely fabricated.
I think tomorrow might see the first use of the term "blowjob" in a US presidential debate.
And South Caro!!!.....If that happens, there's a real chance Texas, Missouri, and Georgia (along with AZ) will be in play.
John McCain is a fecking joke, supported Dubya who abused him and did the same with Trump. fecking wise up McCain
I think tomorrow might see the first use of the term "blowjob" in a US presidential debate.
That is all in line with Obama though innit.
That's one thing I don't get with all the people who love Obama but hate Hillary. I don't think they differ much when it comes to policy.
Obama hardly brought in any Wall street prosecution for the crisis, was the one who led all the foreign interventions that Hillary gets attacked for as her time as SOS, wasted super majority by trying to playing nice with GOP etc.
If you hate Hillary for being establishment, then Obama is as much as establishment as her. It is just that he is better at defending establishment than her.
And South Caro!!!.....No. No it won't.
It's worth pointing out because they have been quoted a few times tonight, that the Clinton Speeches released by WikiLeaks haven't been verified by the Clinton campaign AND! it is strongly rumoured that they have been tampered with and changed and even worse, some are apparently completely fabricated.
The BBC has run a story, the person whose email was hacked (Podesta, her campaign chair) complained about the hack. That's as close as you can get to confirmation.